5,965 research outputs found

    Transfer of metal ions at the soil-root interface: role of VO<sup>2+</sup> on Fe<sup>3+</sup> mobilization from a Fe(III)-network

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    This note reports the role of VO(IV) on Fe(III) mobilization from a Fe(III)-polygalacturonate network. The effect of the reaction on the physical properties of the system is also considered

    Role of the polygalacturonate network on the iron (III) reduction by caffeic acid

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    This communication reports the role of polygalacturonate network on the Fe(III) reduction by caffeic acid. The effect of phosphate ions on the redox reaction is also considered

    A local information based protocol for networks data exchange with application to mobile sensor networks

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    The paper presents a new protocol for multi hop data transmission between nodes in a mobile sensor network. The only requirement for the network is to be connected. The routing is handled locally on the basis of informations contained in the data transmitted. Global (time dependent) routing table as well as knowledge on the position of the nodes are not required, since the protocol itself contains an Hand-Shake phase for the neighbour detection. This allow to have high mobility for the nodes and, moreover, it is dynamically reconfigurable once the number of the nodes varies. A innovative data structure called "the Postman Bag" is introduced to spread data collected by sensor quickly and simply. Some considerations about the computational complexity and the performances of the proposed approach are reported on the basis of some simulations and some initial tests on small dimension networks

    Services provided in areas belonging to the public domain according to the law of the European Union

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    La tesi analizza, sotto vari aspetti del diritto dell’Unione Europea, i servizi che sono offerti su spazi demaniali. Si articola in quattro capitoli: Il primo capitolo ricostruisce, valutandone l’impatto sui servizi che sono oggetto della presente indagine, lo sviluppo giurisprudenziale della Libertà di Stabilimento e della Libera Prestazione di Servizi, analizzando, altresì, i principi generali e l’art.16 della Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali dell’Unione. Il secondo capitolo è, invece, dedicato al diritto secondario, ossia alla Direttiva 2006/123/CE, alle Direttive “Appalti” e alla Direttiva “Concessioni”. La prima, che nulla aggiunge al quadro normativo trattato nel primo capitolo, svolge, pertanto una vera e propria funzione appaltante e concessoria. Le seconde, invece, seppur non applicabili alle fattispecie ivi esaminate, restano utili per comprendere quale declinazione possano avere i principi di eguaglianza, di non discriminazione, di trasparenza, di pubblicità e di concorrenza nella regolazione dei servizi offerti su spazi demaniali. La terza, invece, in quanto a rilevanza, presenta alcuni punti critici che fanno propendere per una sua non applicabilità. Resta comunque utile sempre in materia di principi, i quali, come evidenziato nell’ultima parte del secondo capitolo, sono stati utilizzati dalla Corte di Giustizia, pur nella totale assenza, fino alla recente direttiva, di strumenti di diritto secondario applicabili alle concessioni. Il terzo capitolo, invece, affronta le problematiche emerse all’interno dell’ordinamento italiano e attua una comparazione tra il sistema italiano e quello portoghese, croato, francese, spagnolo. Il quarto capitolo, da ultimo, prende in considerazione il delicato equilibrio, sempre più attuale, tra principi in materia di appalti pubblici e aiuti di Stato, valutando come, sia il permanere dello status quo, sia un riordino non conforme alla Direttiva 2006/123/CE e ai principi da essa richiamati possa costituire un aiuto di Stato incompatibile con il mercato interno.This thesis analyses, under several aspects of the law of the EU, those services that are provided in areas belonging to the public domain. The first chapter deals with the development of the case law in the field of Freedom of Establishment and of the Freedom to Provide Services, the General Principles of EU law, Art. 16 of the Charter and their impact on the services under scrutiny. The second chapter is dedicated to secondary law, that is to say to Directive 2006/123/EC, to the Public Contracts Directives and to the Concessions Directive. The former, which actually brings no added value to the legal framework addressed in the first chapter, has however a "public procurement" function. The latter ones, which are not applicable to the services under scrutiny, are useful to better understand how the principles of equality, non discrimination, transparency, publicity and competition can be applied to the services provided in areas belonging to the public domain. The third chapter deals with the issues emerged in the last years in the Italian legal order and makes a comparison among the Italian, the Portuguese, the Croatian, the French and the Spanish systems. The fourth chapter takes into consideration the sensitive relation between the public procurement principles and state aid rules and analyses whether both the status quo and a possible reform which does not comply with Directive 2006/123/EC and with the public procurement principles might constitute incompatible state aid

    Genome-wide identification and characterisation of exapted transposable elements in the large genome of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Transposable elements (TEs) are an important source of genome variability, playing many roles in the evolution of eukaryotic species. Besides well-known phenomena, TEs may undergo the exaptation process and generate the so-called exapted transposable element genes (ETEs). Here we present a genome-wide survey of ETEs in the large genome of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), in which the massive amount of TEs, provides a significant source for exaptation. A library of sunflower TEs was used to build TE-specific Hidden Markov Model profiles, to search for all available sunflower gene products. In doing so, 20,016 putative ETEs were identified and further investigated for the characteristics that distinguish TEs from genes, leading to the validation of 3,530 ETEs. The analysis of ETEs transcription patterns under different stress conditions showed a differential regulation triggered by treatments mimicking biotic and abiotic stress; furthermore, the distribution of functional domains of differentially regulated ETEs revealed a relevant presence of domains involved in many aspects of cellular functions. A comparative genomic investigation was performed including species representative of Asterids and appropriate outgroups: the bulk of ETEs resulted specific to the sunflower, while few ETEs presented orthologues in the genome of all analysed species, making the hypothesis of a conserved function. This study highlights the crucial role played by exaptation, actively contributing to species evolution

    Unearthing Grape Heritage: Morphological Relationships between Late Bronze–Iron Age Grape Pips and Modern Cultivars

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    The grapevine was one of the earliest domesticated fruit crops and has been cultivated since ancient times. It is considered one of the most important fruit crops worldwide for wine and table grape production. The current grape varieties are the outcome of prolonged selection initiated during the domestication process of their wild relative. Recent genetic studies have shed light on the origins of the modern domestic grapevine in western Europe, suggesting that its origin stems from the introgression between eastern domestic grapes and western wild grapes. However, the origin of ancient grapevines remains largely unexplored. In this study, we conducted an extensive analysis of 2228 well-preserved waterlogged archaeological grape pips from two sites in Sardinia (Italy), dated to the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1300-1100 BC) and the Iron Age (4th and 3rd centuries BC). Using morphometrics and linear discriminant analyses, we compared the archaeological grape pips with modern reference collections to differentiate between wild and domestic grape types and to investigate similarities with 330 modern cultivars. Grape pips from the Late Bronze Age displayed a high percentage of similarity with domesticated grapevines, with a small percentage assigned to wild ones, while the majority of grape pips from the Iron Age were classified as domestic. Discriminant analyses revealed that both white and red grape varieties were cultivated during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages, suggesting a high level of diversification in grape cultivation. Furthermore, a high percentage of archaeological grape pips from both periods showed strong similarities with modern cultivars from the Caucasus and Balkans. This suggests that the great diversity of grapevines present in Sardinia could result from interbreeding between western Asian cultivars and local grapevines that began in the Late Bronze Age. Additionally, a substantial proportion of archaeological grape pips exhibited similar morphometric characteristics to two important Mediterranean grape cultivars: "Muscat à petits grains blancs" and "Garnacha"

    In Situ Aerobic Biostimulation of Groundwater at a National Priority Site in Italy

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    Sarroch plant (CA, Italy) is an industrial area listed in the Italian Priority List of polluted sites. Pollution in groundwater has been addressed thanks to the design of a remediation action based on the aerobic biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons (predominantly mono-aromatic and short-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons) promoted by the injection of oxygen-releasing compounds. The feasibility of biostimulation at the site was preliminary assessed by means of laboratory tests. The direct push injection of the product has been foreseen at 2800 points, distributed along multiple lines perpendicular to the groundwater flow direction, over a total length of approximately 8 km and a total area of 90 hectares. According to the pollutant concentration measured in the different zones of the site, a different number of injection campaigns and injection frequency has been scheduled (3 to 10 campaigns, every 5 to 12 months). The estimated cost for the bioremediation action is 23 million Euros. Compared to the previous project approved in 2010, including a seafront physical barrier and groundwater circulation wells – in situ well stripping, the in situ injection of the oxygen-releasing compounds is an improvement toward a quicker, more effective and sustainable remediation of groundwater at the site. In view of all this, in 2017 the public authorities approved the variant of the project