11 research outputs found

    Efekti smjenskoga rada na dinamiku srčane aktivnosti i percepciju posla

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    Previous studies have shown negative effects of shift work on health, due to the desynchronization and resynchronization of biological rhythms. In these studies, among other parameters, indicators of cardiac dynamics were used, such as parameters of R-R interval variability, reduction in what has been considered a good predictor of health problems by some authors. The aim of this study was to determine the possible effects of shift work on the parameters of cardiac dynamics and the job perceptions of nurses of different lengths of service. The study included 48 nurses divided in two groups (24 nurses in each) of equal age and length of service. One group worked a three-shift rotation system and the other (control) worked only the day shift. On the basis of length of service, the groups were divided into three comparable subgroups with eight participants: 1ā€“10, 11ā€“20 and 21ā€“30 years of service. Cardiac activity (R-R intervals) was monitored continuously during the morning shift using the Data Logging System. The participants also evaluated their satisfaction with the job, the difficulty of the work, and the impact of working hours on other aspects of life. Analysis of the results showed reduced variability in cardiac activity (DM-index) in the shift workers with up to 20 years of service, as compared with the comparative groups of day workers, which indicates a less favourable health dynamic. Differences among the oldest groups were not found, which can be attributed to spontaneous selection, where shift workers with health problems are transferred to the day shift. The shift workers were less satisfied with their job, assessing it as more difficult than the daytime workers, and showed a greater level of negative impact of working hours on other domains of life. Despite the specific and limited sample, resulting from difficulties in collecting the psychophysiological variables, the results show a satisfactory reliability and point to an adverse job perception and a cardiac dynamic less favourable for health.DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja su pokazala negativne efekte smjenskog rada na zdravlje u čijoj se osnovi dominantno nalazi desinkronizacija i resinkronizacija bioloÅ”kih ritmova. U ovakvim istraživanjima koriÅ”teni su, između ostalih, i indikatori promjena dinamike srčane aktivnosti, kao Å”to su parametri varijabiliteta R-R intervala, čije atipično smanjenje neki autori smatraju dobrim prediktorom zdravstvenih problema. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi eventualne efekte smjenskog rada na parametre srčane dinamike te percepciju posla medicinskih sestara različite dužine radnog staža. U ispitivanju su sudjelovale dvije skupine od po 24 medicinske sestre, izjednačene po dobi i duljini radnog staža. Jedna je skupina radila u trosmjenskom sustavu rotacije smjena, a druga (kontrolna) samo u dnevnoj smjeni. Na osnovi dužine radnog staža, skupine su podijeljene u tri komparabilne podskupine s po osam sudionica, i to s: 1-10, 11-20 i 21-30 godina radnog staža. Srčana aktivnost (R-R intervali) kontinuirano je registrirana za vrijeme jutarnje radne smjene pomoću Data Logging sustava. Sudionice su također procjenjivale zadovoljstvo i težinu posla, te utjecaj radnog vremena na ostale segmente života. Kod smjenskih radnica koje su imale do 20 godina staža utvrđen je smanjen varijabilitet srčane aktivnosti (DM-indeks) u odnosu na komparabilne grupe dnevnih radnica, Å”to može biti indikator povećanog rizika od oboljenja. Razlike među najstarijim skupinama nisu nađene, Å”to se može pripisati spontanoj selekciji gdje su smjenske radnice sa zdravstvenim problemima premjeÅ”tane u dnevnu smjenu. Smjenske radnice su bile manje zadovoljne svojim poslom, procjenjivale su ga težim nego dnevne radnice, te su iskazale veću razinu negativnog utjecaja posla na ostale domene života. Iako je zbog zahtjevnosti prikupljanja psihofizioloÅ”kih varijabli uzorak u istraživanju specifičan i malen, rezultati pokazuju zadovoljavajuću pouzdanost i upućuju na nižu razinu dobrobiti smjenskih u odnosu na dnevne radnice

    Driving style and risk of traffic violations and accidents

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    Stil vožnje je relativno stabilan način kako osoba uobičajeno vozi. On uključuje izbor brzine vožnje, opću razinu pozornosti i asertivnosti, a pod utjecajem je stavova i uvjerenja o vožnji, ali i općenitih stavova. Stilovi vožnje mogu biti ključni faktori u objaÅ”njenju nastanka nezgoda ili mogu biti medijatorske varijable između nekih sociodemografske karakteristika i osobina ličnosti na nastanak nezgoda. Svrha rada bila je utvrditi, na uzorku od 302 vozača i vozačice, međusobne odnose stilova vožnje, demografskih karakteristika i sudjelovanja u prometnim nezgodama i prekrÅ”ajima. Ispitivanje je provedeno on-line, a prikupljani su podaci o osnovnim sociodemografskim značajkama, broju prekrÅ”aja i nezgoda u posljednjih pet godina, duljini vozačkog staža i stilovima vožnje. Rezultati pokazuju da su muÅ”karci čeŔći počinitelji prometnih nezgoda i prekrÅ”aja nego žene. Žene viÅ”e preferiraju siguran i strpljivi, anksiozan i disocijativan stil vožnje, a muÅ”karci rizični i ljutiti stil vožnje. S duljinom vozačkog staža opada preferencija ljutitog i rizičnog stila vožnje. Osobe s viÅ”e prometnih prekrÅ”aja viÅ”e preferiraju rizičan stil vožnje nego vozači bez prekrÅ”aja ili samo s jednim prekrÅ”ajem. Rezultati ovog istraživanje mogu imati svoje praktične implikacije kroz razvoj edukacijskih programa i treninga (sa svrhom općeg povećanja sigurnosti u prometu), koji bi mogli biti poneÅ”to različite za različite spolove s obzirom na to da su utvrđene značajne razlike između muÅ”karaca i žena u svim stilovima vožnje.Driving style represents a relatively stable way of how somebody usually drives. It includes a speed choice, level of alertness and assertiveness and is influenced by beliefs and attitudes about driving and by more general beliefs. Driving styles can be a key factor in the explanation of traffic accidents or a mediator between sociodemographic and personality variables on traffic accident occurrences. The main purpose of this paper was to determine the relation of sociodemographic characteristics with driving styles and traffic violation and accidents. The research included 302 car drivers from Croatia, with a valid driving license (B category). The results showed that men were more frequently included in committing traffic violations and accidents than women. Women preferred secure and patient, anxious and dissociative driving styles, while men preferred more risky and angry driving styles than women. Drivers who had more than one traffic violation preferred risky driving style more often than those without a traffic violation history. In conclusion, the driving style questionnaire adequately discriminated drivers who had a higher risk for traffic violation. Despite the fact that oneā€™s driving style is relatively stable, with education it can be changed, which can be reflected in risk reduction for accidents and improving traffic safety

    Job Satisfaction and Mental Health of Health Professionals in Croatia during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odrednice zadovoljstva poslom i mentalnoga zdravlja zdravstvenih djelatnika za trajanja pandemije izazvane virusom COVID-19 među 498 zdravstvenih djelatnika. Istraživane su sociodemografske varijable, radne (npr. (ne)promjena radnoga mjesta u pandemiji, (ne)boravak u samoizolaciji, radni sati) i osobne karakteristike zaposlenika (otpornost, sagorijevanje na poslu, mentalno zdravlje, zadovoljstvo poslom, (ne)promjena zadovoljstva poslom u pandemiji). Rezultati pokazuju da se zadovoljstvo poslom i mentalno zdravlje ne mogu objasniti promijenjenim radnim okolnostima u pandemiji. Iscrpljenost je bila negativan prediktor zadovoljstva poslom i mentalnoga zdravlja, dimenzija otuđenosti negativan prediktor zadovoljstva poslom, a otpornost pozitivan prediktor mentalnoga zdravlja. Ispitanici kojima je zadovoljstvo poslom u pandemiji poraslo imali su dulje radno vrijeme, čeŔće su bili uključeni u rad s pozitivnim i suspektnim pacijentima. Ispitanici čije je zadovoljstvo poslom u pandemiji opalo imali su niže razine otpornosti, mentalnoga zdravlja i viÅ”e razine sagorijevanja na poslu u odnosu na one kojima je zadovoljstvo ostalo isto ili je poraslo.The aim of this study was to identify the determinants of job satisfaction and the mental health of health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 498 health professionals participated on a voluntary basis. The variables investigated were: socio-demographic variables, work characteristics ((non-)change of job during the pandemic, (non-)stay in self-isolation, and working hours), and personal characteristics of the employees (resilience, burnout, mental health, job satisfaction, and (non-)change of job satisfaction during the pandemic). The results indicate that job satisfaction and mental health cannot be explained by the change in working conditions during the pandemic. Exhaustion was a negative predictor of job satisfaction and mental health, while the dimension of disengagement was a negative predictor of job satisfaction, and resilience was a positive predictor of mental health. The respondents whose job satisfaction increased during the pandemic had the longest working hours and worked more often with COVID-positive and suspicious patients. Respondents whose job satisfaction decreased during the pandemic had lower resilience, mental health and higher levels of burnout compared with those whose job satisfaction remained the same or increased

    Attitudes of Croatian Citizens Towards Children with Disabilities

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati stavove prema djeci s teÅ”koćama u razvoju te razlike u pojedinim aspektima stava (socijalna distanca, osjećanje i ponaÅ”anje u blizini djeteta s teÅ”koćama u razvoju) s obzirom na sociodemografske karakteristike sudionika, iskustvo u kontaktu s djecom s teÅ”koćama te razinu znanja o problematici. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku punoljetnih građana RH (N=600) metodom telefonskog anketiranja. Građani RH imaju izrazito pozitivne stavove prema djeci s teÅ”koćama: 86% sudionika se osjeća donekle ili potpuno ugodno u njihovoj blizini, 93% ostvaruje kontakt pri konkretnom susretu, a 70% ih izjavljuje da nema nikakvu socijalnu distancu prema djeci s teÅ”koćama. Žene se, u odnosu na muÅ”karce, osjećaju ugodnije u njihovoj blizini. Osobe nižeg obrazovanja i starije dobi izražavaju veću socijalnu distancu, ali stariji sudionici pri kontaktu otvorenije pristupaju djeci s teÅ”koćama. Znanje se pokazalo važnom odrednicom stava prema djeci s teÅ”koćama u razvoju, pri čemu sudionici s najmanje znanja imaju najizraženiju socijalnu distancu, doživljavaju najveću razinu neugode pri susretu s djecom s teÅ”koćama te rjeđe ulaze u kontakt ili ga iniciraju. Poznavanje djeteta s teÅ”koćom pozitivno se odrazilo na afektivnu i ponaÅ”ajnu komponentu stava. Nalazi ovog istraživanja upućuju na prihvaćanje djece s teÅ”koćama u razvoju u naÅ”em druÅ”tvu te ističu ulogu znanja i kontakta u borbi protiv stigmatizacije ranjivih skupina.The study aimed to investigate attitudes towards children with disabilities and differences in attitudes depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, their previous experience in contact with children with disabilities and their level of knowledge on the subject. The research was conducted on a representative sample of adult citizens of the Republic of Croatia (N = 600) using the telephone interview method. The results show that adult citizens of Croatia have an extremely positive attitude towards children with disabilities: 86% of participants feel somewhat or completely comfortable in their proximity, 93% of participants make contact, and 70% of participants state that there is no social distance from children with disabilities. Women feel more comfortable around them compared to men. Individuals with lower education and older age express greater social distance, but older participants have a more open approach to children with disabilities. Higher levels of knowledge were associated with more positive attitudes toward all components. Knowing a child with disabilities positively affected the affective and behavioural components of the attitude, while (not) having a child with difficulties in the family was not related to any component of attitude. The results of this research show that children with disabilities are well accepted in our society and highlight the role of knowledge and contact in combating the stigmatisation of vulnerable groups

    Učinkovitost u zadacima fine motorike i prostornih odnosa tijekom menstrualnog ciklusa

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    Various studies have shown fl uctuations in task performance during the menstrual cycle. The aim of this study was to see the effects of the menstrual cycle on performing fi ne motor and spatial tasks of different level of complexity in twenty students aged 18 to 21 years, with regular menstrual cycle (28 to 30 days). The students performed Oā€™Connor Finger Dexterity Test and mental rotation test during the menstrual, late follicular, and midluteal phase. Before the tests were performed, we administered Spielbergerā€™s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for each phase. After the tasks were completed, the subjects ranked their diffi culty on Borgā€™s scale. The results showed the best performance in both tests in the midluteal phase (with sex hormones at their peak). The anxiety level and task diffi culty ranking were the highest in the menstrual phase, when the hormone levels were the lowest.Različita su istraživanja pokazala promjene učinkovitosti tijekom menstrualnog ciklusa. U zadacima u kojima su uspjeÅ”nije žene, najveća učinkovitost događa se tijekom kasne folikularne ili srednje lutealne faze. U zadacima u kojima su pak uspjeÅ”niji muÅ”karci najveća je učinkovitost nađena u menstrualnoj fazi. Na osnovi uporabe zadataka fi ne motorike i prostornih zadataka različitih razina kompleksnosti, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj menstrualnog ciklusa na kognitivne funkcije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo dvadeset ispitanica, dobi od 18 do 21 godinu, s redovitim menstrualnim ciklusima (28 do 30 dana). Ispitanice su izvodile Oā€™Connorov deksterimetar i zadatke mentalne rotacije tijekom menstrualne, kasne folikularne i srednje lutealne faze. Prije izvođenja zadataka, u svakoj fazi ciklusa primijenjen je Spielbergerov upitnik stanja anksioznosti. Nakon izvođenja zadataka, ispitanice su procjenjivale njihovu težinu na Borgovoj skali. Rezultati su pokazali najbolju učinkovitost u oba zadatka u fazi visokih razina spolnih hormona (srednja lutealna faza). Stanje anksioznosti i procijenjene težine zadataka bili su najviÅ”i u menstrualnoj fazi, kada su razine spolnih hormona najniže

    The parameters of heart rate variability: Indicators of the autonomic nervous system function

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    Parametri varijabiliteta srčane aktivnosti (izračunati iz srčanih R-R intervala) dobri su pokazatelji efekata različitih psihofizioloÅ”kih uvjeta na modulaciju srčane aktivnosti (npr. stresnih situacija, emocionalnog uzbuđenja, tjelesnog opterećenja), a njihova posebna vrijednost očituje se u dobroj prediktivnosti nastanka i tijeka raznih oboljenja. Budući da je srčani rad velikim dijelom uvjetovan djelovanjem dviju podkomponenti autonomnog živčanog sustava (simpatikusa i parasimpatikusa), smatra se da razlog prediktivnosti srčane dinamike (izražene preko R-R intervala) za zdravstveno stanje, leži upravo u funkcioniranju autonomnog živčanog sustava koji modulira srčani rad, kad i rad većine drugih organskih sustava. Općenito se smatra da srčani R-R intervali predstavljaju neinvazivan pokazatelj funkcioniranja autonomnog živčanog sustava. Iako se iz srčanih R-R intervala može izračunati viÅ”e kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih parametara koji ukazuju na različite aspekte srčane dinamike, da bi neizravno mogli zaključivati o funkcionalnosti autonomnog živčanog sustava, nezaobilazan je postupak spektralne analize. Tim matematičkim postupkom se srčana dinamika razdvaja na različita frekvencijska područja, koja se onda povezuju s djelovanjem pojedinih komponenti autonomnog živčanog sustava. U ovom radu se opisuje logika postupka spektralne analize na srčanim R-R intervalima, parametri koji iz nje proizlaze, njihovo značenje i fizioloÅ”ka povezanost s pojedinim komponentama autonomnog živčanog sustava, te praktične implikacije proiziÅ”le iz takvog načina obrade rezultata srčane dinamike.Heart rate variability parameters (derived from RR intervals) are good indicators of the effects of different psychophysiological conditions (e.g., stressful situations, emotional excitement, and physical load) on cardiac activity. Their particular value is reflected in good predictability in the occurrence and course of various diseases. Cardiac activity parameters are predictable for general health probably because heart activity is largely determined by the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and the autonomic nervous system modulates most other organs and systems. It is generally believed that cardiac RR intervals are non-invasive indicators of autonomic nervous system activity. We can calculate more qualitative and quantitative parameters that indicate the various aspects of cardiac dynamics from cardiac R-R intervals, but if we want to observe the functionality of the autonomic nervous system, it is necessary to perform a power spectral analysis. This mathematical procedure divides cardiac activity in different frequency bands, which are associated with the modulation of different components of the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic/parasympathetic). This paper describes the logics of spectral analysis procedure on cardiac R-R intervals, the parameters of the analysis, their interpretation and physiological connection with individual components of the autonomic nervous system, and the practical implications arising from this type of cardiac dynamics analysis

    Application of the Self-Determination Theory in Explaining Some Aspects of Seafarers\u27 Work-Related Well-Being

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati u kojoj se mjeri zadovoljstvo poslom i zadovoljstvo životom pomoraca mogu objasniti uz pomoć Å”est aspekata radne motivacije zasnovanima na Teoriji samoodređenja. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku hrvatskih pomoraca (N = 286), dobnog raspona od 18 do 65 godina. Primijenjeni upitnik se, uz pitanja o sociodemografskim i radnim karakteristikama, sastojao od mjera zadovoljstva poslom, zadovoljstva životom te Å”est dimenzija radne motivacije. Rezultati regresijskih analiza pokazali su da objaÅ”njenju zadovoljstva poslom i zadovoljstva životom pozitivno pridonose dvije dimenzije radne motivacije s najviÅ”om razinom samoodređenja: intrinzična motivacija i usvojena regulacija. ObjaÅ”njenju zadovoljstva životom dodatno pozitivno pridonosi vanjska regulacija, dok se amotivacija pokazala značajnim negativnim prediktorom zadovoljstva poslom. Rezultati upućuju na važnost razvoja i poticanja autonomno regulirane motivacije u radnom djelovanju pomoraca, ali i na određene specifičnosti radne motivacije povezane sa socioekonomskim kontekstom pomorske profesije u Hrvatskoj.The goal of the study was to determine the extent to which seafarers\u27 work and life satisfaction can be explained by the six aspects of work motivation based on the Self-Determination Theory. The research was conducted on a convenience sample of Croatian seafarers (N = 286), ranging from 18 to 65 years. The applied questionnaire consisted of sociodemographic and work characteristics questions, and measures of job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and six dimensions of work motivation. The results of regression analyses showed that two dimensions of work motivation with the highest level of self-determination contribute positively to the explanation of job satisfaction and life satisfaction: intrinsic motivation and integrated regulation. Furthermore, external regulation contributes positively to the explanation of life satisfaction, while amotivation has proven to be a significant negative predictor of job satisfaction. The results indicate the importance of developing and encouraging autonomy in work motivation in seafarers, but also the specifics of work motivation that are associated with the socio-economic context of the maritime profession in Croatia

    Prepoznavanje tuge, ljutnje i straha u izrazima lica: uloga spola promatrača i modela

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    This study investigated gender differences in the accuracy and speed of recognition of facial expressions of sadness, anger, and fear in male and female models showing these emotions. According to the fitness threat hypothesis, females should be faster and more accurate in recognising emotional facial expressions of fear and sadness, whereas males should be faster and more accurate in recognising anger. According to the evolutionary opponentā€™s emotion recognition, male observers should be more efficient in recognising emotions presented by male models, and female observers in recognising emotions presented by female models. The facial expression recognition task included 210 colour images from the Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces (KDEF) database. The sample consisted of university students (29 male and 29 female). Testing was conducted individually, and efficiency measured with accuracy and speed of recognition (reaction time). The results showed that females were faster than males in recognizing all three facial expressions. They were also more accurate in recognizing fear, whereas there were no gender differences in accurate recognition of sadness and anger. No significant interactions were found between model and observer gender on either measure (accuracy and speed of recognition). However, all three emotional expressions were recognised more accurately, but not faster, when the model was female. The gender-specific pattern in facial expression recognition found in this study does not completely corroborate the fitness threat hypothesis.U ovom istraživanju ispitivane su spolne razlike u točnosti i brzini prepoznavanja izraza tuge, ljutnje i straha s muÅ”kih i ženskih lica. Prema evolucijskoj hipotezi prijetnje, žene bi trebale biti brže i točnije u prepoznavanju facijalnih ekspresija straha i tuge, a muÅ”karci u prepoznavanju ljutnje. Prema evolucijskoj hipotezi o prepoznavanju protivnikovih emocija, muÅ”ki promatrači trebali bi biti učinkovitiji u prepoznavanju emocija s muÅ”kih lica, a ženski promatrači u prepoznavanju emocija sa ženskih lica. Zadatak prepoznavanja emocija uključivao je 210 fotografija u boji iz baze podataka Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces (KDEF). Uzorak su činili studenti (29 muÅ”karaca i 29 žena). Testiranje je provedeno individualno, a učinkovitost je mjerena točnoŔću i brzinom prepoznavanja (vrijeme reakcije). Rezultati su pokazali da su žene bile brže od muÅ”karaca u prepoznavanju svih triju emocionalnih izraza. Također su bile točnije u prepoznavanju straha, a spolnih razlika u točnosti prepoznavanja tuge i ljutnje nije bilo. Nisu pronađene značajne interakcije između spola modela i promatrača ni u točnosti ni u brzini prepoznavanja. Međutim, sva tri emocionalna izraza prepoznata su točnije, ali ne i brže, kada je model koji iskazuje emociju bio ženskog spola. Specifičan obrazac spolnih razlika u prepoznavanju izraza lica, pronađen u ovom istraživanju, ne potvrđuje u cijelosti evolucijsku hipotezu prijetnje

    The Roles of Personal and Environmental Resources in Predicting Workā€“Family Facilitation and Mental Health among Employed Parents of Children with Disabilities in Croatia

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    Quantitative research on the positive aspects of workā€“life integration and the well-being of families with children with disabilities is scarce, especially in the national context. The family can provide gains that enhance work domain functioning (family-to-work facilitation; FWF), and work can provide gains that enhance family domain functioning (work-to-family facilitation; WFF). The aim of this study is to examine the contributions of some personal and environmental resources in explaining WFF and FWF and the mental health of parents of children with disabilities residing in Croatia. The mediational role of WFF and FWF in the relationship between resources and mental health was tested, while controlling for some general socio-demographic variables. A total of 571 employed parents of a child/children with disabilities completed an online self-assessment questionnaire. The results show that higher WFF (19%) was predicted by higher levels of social support at work, a higher level of education, posttraumatic growth (PTG) of personal strength, and recovery management. Higher FWF (46%) was predicted by higher levels of social support in the family, PTG of personal strength, the emotional regulation strategy of reorienting to planning, optimism, a younger age, the male gender, a greater number of children, and a higher level of education. A higher level of mental health (47%) was predicted directly by higher levels of optimism, recovery management, FWF, emotional regulation strategies of positive refocusing and planning, and a greater number of children, and was indirectly predicted by all the predictors of FWF through a higher level of FWF (but not WFF)

    Are We Missing the Opportunity to Disseminate GOLD Recommendations Through AECOPD Discharge Letters?

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    Introduction: Acute exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) lead to poor outcomes and increased burden for patients and healthcare systems. The Global Initiative for COPD (GOLD) includes specific recommendations for AECOPD interventions, discharge criteria, and follow-up. Aligning the AECOPD discharge letters (DL) with GOLD guidelines could facilitate dissemination of recommendations among general practitioners (GPs). Purpose: This study was conducted to assess the compliance of DL with the GOLD recommendations in Croatia. Methods: Pre-pandemic DL of patients presenting for AECOPD to emergency room (ER) were analyzed and stratified by clinical decision to hospitalize (HDL) or discharge patients for outpatient treatment (ERDL). Experienced pulmonologists checked the information from DL against guidelines by using online study-specific questionnaires. Results: In total, 225 HDL and 368 ERDL were analyzed. In most cases, the GOLD ABCD categories (85% HDL, 92% ERDL) or the spirometry-based degree of severity (90% HDL, 91% ERDL) were not included. The number of AEs in the previous year was recorded, but the specific frequent exacerbator phenotype not explicitly stated. The AE phenotype was included in two thirds of HDL and one third of ERDL. The blood eosinophil count was frequently available, but not considered decision-relevant information. Adjustments of previous maintenance therapy, mostly escalation, were recommended in 58.4% HDL and 27.9% ERDL, respectively. Education on proper use of inhalers was recommended only in 15.6% of HDL. Smoking cessation measures were advised in 23.1% HDL and 7.9% ERDL; pulmonary rehabilitation in 35.6% HDL and 0.8% ERDL. Early follow-up was frequently advised (>50%), but rarely appointed. Conclusion: Significant deficiencies in compliance with the GOLD guidelines were identified, translating into a missed opportunity for GPs to become acquainted with GOLD recommendations. These findings emphasize the necessity to increase compliance with guidelines first at specialist level and consequent standardization of DL