185 research outputs found

    A new notion of angle between three points in a metric space

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    We give a new notion of angle in general metric spaces; more precisely, given a triple a points p,x,qp,x,q in a metric space (X,d)(X,d), we introduce the notion of angle cone ∠pxq{\angle_{pxq}} as being an interval ∠pxq:=[∠pxq−,∠pxq+]{\angle_{pxq}}:=[\angle^-_{pxq},\angle^+_{pxq}], where the quantities ∠pxq±\angle^\pm_{pxq} are defined in terms of the distance functions from pp and qq via a duality construction of differentials and gradients holding for locally Lipschitz functions on a general metric space. Our definition in the Euclidean plane gives the standard angle between three points and in a Riemannian manifold coincides with the usual angle between the geodesics, if xx is not in the cut locus of pp or qq. We show that in general the angle cone is not single valued (even in case the metric space is a smooth Riemannian manifold, if xx is in the cut locus of pp or qq), but if we endow the metric space with a positive Borel measure mm obtaining the metric measure space (X,d,m)(X,d,m) then under quite general assumptions (which include many fundamental examples as Riemannian manifolds, finite dimensional Alexandrov spaces with curvature bounded from below, Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Riemannian manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below, and normed spaces with strictly convex norm), fixed p,q∈Xp,q \in X, the angle cone at xx is single valued for mm-a.e. x∈Xx \in X. We prove some basic properties of the angle cone (such as the invariance under homotheties of the space) and we analyze in detail the case (X,d,m)(X,d,m) is a measured-Gromov-Hausdorff limit of a sequence of Riemannian manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below, showing the consistency of our definition with a recent construction of Honda.Comment: 19 page

    On the universal cover and the fundamental group of an RCD∗(K,N)RCD^*(K,N)-space

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    The main goal of the paper is to prove the existence of the universal cover for RCD∗(K,N)RCD^*(K,N)-spaces. This generalizes earlier work of C. Sormani and the second named author on the existence of universal covers for Ricci limit spaces. As a result, we also obtain several structure results on the (revised) fundamental group of such spaces. These are the first topological results for RCD∗(K,N)RCD^{*}(K,N)-spaces without extra structural-topological assumptions (such as semi-local simple connectedness).Comment: Final version to appear in Journal f\"ur die Reine und Angewandte Mathemati

    Willmore Spheres in Compact Riemannian Manifolds

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    The paper is devoted to the variational analysis of the Willmore, and other L^2 curvature functionals, among immersions of 2-dimensional surfaces into a compact riemannian m-manifold (M^m,h) with m>2. The goal of the paper is twofold, on one hand, we give the right setting for doing the calculus of variations (including min max methods) of such functionals for immersions into manifolds and, on the other hand, we prove existence results for possibly branched Willmore spheres under various constraints (prescribed homotopy class, prescribed area) or under curvature assumptions for M^m. To this aim, using the integrability by compensation, we develop first the regularity theory for the critical points of such functionals. We then prove a rigidity theorem concerning the relation between CMC and Willmore spheres. Then we prove that, for every non null 2-homotopy class, there exists a representative given by a Lipschitz map from the 2-sphere into M^m realizing a connected family of conformal smooth (possibly branched) area constrained Willmore spheres (as explained in the introduction, this comes as a natural extension of the minimal immersed spheres in homotopy class constructed by Sacks and Uhlembeck in \cite{SaU}, in situations when they do not exist). Moreover, for every A>0 we minimize the Willmore functional among connected families of weak, possibly branched, immersions of the 2-sphere having prescribed total area equal to A and we prove full regularity for the minimizer. Finally, under a mild curvature condition on (M^m,h), we minimize the sum of the area with the square of the L^2 norm of the second fundamental form, among weak possibly branched immersions of the two sphere and we prove the regularity of the minimizer.Comment: 58 page

    Immersed Spheres of Finite Total Curvature into Manifolds

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    We prove that a sequence of possibly branched, weak immersions of the two-sphere S2S^2 into an arbitrary compact riemannian manifold (Mm,h)(M^m,h) with uniformly bounded area and uniformly bounded L2−L^2-norm of the second fundamental form either collapse to a point or weakly converges as current, modulo extraction of a subsequence, to a Lipschitz mapping of S2S^2 and whose image is made of a connected union of finitely many, possibly branched, weak immersions of S2S^2 with finite total curvature. We prove moreover that if the sequence belongs to a class γ\gamma of π2(Mm)\pi_2(M^m) the limiting lipschitz mapping of S2S^2 realizes this class as well.Comment: 33 pages. Original preprint (2011). This is the final version to appear in Adv. Calc. Va

    Polya-Szego inequality and Dirichlet pp-spectral gap for non-smooth spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below

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    We study decreasing rearrangements of functions defined on (possibly non-smooth) metric measure spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below by K>0K>0 and dimension bounded above by N∈(1,∞)N\in (1,\infty) in a synthetic sense, the so called CD(K,N)CD(K,N) spaces. We first establish a Polya-Szego type inequality stating that the W1,pW^{1,p}-Sobolev norm decreases under such a rearrangement and apply the result to show sharp spectral gap for the pp-Laplace operator with Dirichlet boundary conditions (on open subsets), for every p∈(1,∞)p\in (1,\infty). This extends to the non-smooth setting a classical result of B\'erard-Meyer and Matei; remarkable examples of spaces fitting out framework and for which the results seem new include: measured-Gromov Hausdorff limits of Riemannian manifolds with Ricci≥K>0\geq K>0, finite dimensional Alexandrov spaces with curvature≥K>0\geq K>0, Finsler manifolds with Ricci≥K>0\geq K>0. In the second part of the paper we prove new rigidity and almost rigidity results attached to the aforementioned inequalities, in the framework of RCD(K,N)RCD(K,N) spaces, which seem original even for smooth Riemannian manifolds with Ricci≥K>0\geq K>0.Comment: 33 pages. Final version published in Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ee

    On the volume measure of non-smooth spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below

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    We prove that, given an RCD∗(K,N)RCD^{*}(K,N)-space (X,d,m)(X,d,m), then it is possible to mm-essentially cover XX by measurable subsets (Ri)i∈N(R_{i})_{i\in \mathbb{N}} with the following property: for each ii there exists ki∈N∩[1,N]k_{i} \in \mathbb{N}\cap [1,N] such that m⌞Rim\llcorner R_{i} is absolutely continuous with respect to the kik_{i}-dimensional Hausdorff measure. We also show that a Lipschitz differentiability space which is bi-Lipschitz embeddable into a euclidean space is rectifiable as a metric measure space, and we conclude with an application to Alexandrov spaces.Comment: Final version to appear in the Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore Classe di Scienz
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