239 research outputs found

    Mechanical performance of epoxy coated AR-glass fabric Textile Reinforced Mortar: Influence of coating thickness and formulation

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    The mechanical performance of epoxy coated AR-glass fabric reinforced composite is investigated. A three-stage manufacturing process is considered, which involves fabric surface functionalization, liquid coating deposition and long-term setting and finally fabric embedment in the mortar matrix. Two epoxy coatings are considered, which only differ by the hardening agent. However, coating thickness is significantly diverse as a result of modified viscosity during liquid deposition. Performance is assessed in uni-axial tension as well as in three-point bending and it is expressed in terms of strength curves, data dispersion, crack pattern and failure mechanism. Remarkably, despite being very similar, the analyzed coatings produce a significantly different performance, especially when data dispersion is incorporated and design limits are considered. Indeed, although both coatings are able to consistently deliver fabric rupture at failure, only the thinnest is associated with small data scattering and an almost plastic post-peak behavior in bending. The associated design elongation limit reaches the maximum allowed value according to the ICC guidelines. In fact, it appears that coating thickness plays a crucial role in determining mechanical performance and fabric flexibility. The proposed manufacturing process proves extremely effective at enhancing matrix-to-fabric adhesion and thereby prevent telescopic failure

    Antithrombin III in patients admitted to intensive care units: a multicenter observational study

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    INTRODUCTION: The administration of antithrombin III (ATIII) is useful in patients with congenital deficiency, but evidence for the other therapeutic indications of this drug is still uncertain. In Italy, the use of ATIII is very common in intensive care units (ICUs). For this reason we undertook an observational study to determine the pattern of use of ATIII in ICUs and to assess the outcome of patients given this treatment. METHODS: From 20 May to 20 July 2001 all consecutive patients admitted to ICUs in 20 Italian hospitals and treated with ATIII were enrolled. The following information was recorded from each patient: congenital deficiency, indication for use of ATIII, daily dose and duration of ATIII treatment, outcome of hospitalization (alive or dead). The outcome data of our observational study were compared with those reported in previously published randomized controlled trials (RCTs). RESULTS: Two hundred and sixteen patients were enrolled in the study. The clinical indications for using ATIII were sepsis (25.9%), disseminated intravascular coagulation (23.1%), and other clinical conditions (46.8%). At the end of the study, 65.3% of the patients were alive, 24.5% died and 10.2% were still in the hospital. Among the patients with sepsis (n = 56), 19 died during the observation period (33.9%; 95% confidence interval 22.1–47.5%). DISCUSSION: Our study described the pattern of use of ATIII in Italian hospitals and provided information on the outcome of the subgroup treated with sepsis. A meta-analysis of current data from RCTs, together with our findings, indicates that there is no sound basis for using this drug in ICU patients with sepsis

    Drug repositioning: auranofin as a prospective antimicrobial agent for the treatment of severe staphylococcal infections

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    Auranofin, (AF), a gold(I) complex in clinical use for the therapy of rheumatoid arthritis, is reported here to produce remarkable bactericidal effects in vitro against Staphylococcus sp. Noticeably, a similar antimicrobial action and potency are also noticed toward a few methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains but not toward Escherichia coli. The time and concentration dependencies of the antimicrobial actions of AF have been characterized through recording time kill curves, and a concentration dependent profile highlighted. Overall, the present results point out that auranofin might be quickly and successfully repurposed for the treatment of severe bacterial infections due to resistant Staphylococci

    Silurian agglutinated foraminifera from the Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

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    Viene qui descritta per la prima volta una associazione di foraminiferi agglutinanti all’interno di calcari siluriani della Penisola di Dingle, Contea di Kerry, Irlanda sud-occidentale. La collezione è stata rinvenuta nel residuo di campioni trattati per la preparazione di conodonti. I foraminiferi sono dominati da tubotalamidi (Rectoammodiscus e rari Sansabaina), mentre più rari sono i monotalamidi (Psammosiphonella e Psammosphaera). A livello speci co l’associazione presente in Irlanda è identica a quella descritta in precedenza nel Siluriano del Nord America, anche se presenta minore diversità. Tutte le specie rinvenute hanno una lunga distribuzione stratigra ca, e quindi ricoprono un signi cato limitato per correlazioni stratigra che. La fauna a conodonti ritrovata nei campioni ha permesso una attribuzione dei foraminiferi agglutinanti alla parte iniziale del Ludlow.An assemblage of primitive agglutinated foraminifera is reported for the first time from Silurian limestones from the Dingle Peninsula, Ireland. The assemblage is dominated by tubothalamids (Rectoammodiscus and rare Sansabaina), with less abundant monothalamids (Psammosiphonella and Psammosphaera). At the species level, the agglutinated foraminiferal assemblage is identical to those described previously from the Silurian of North America but is of lower diversity. The foraminiferal assemblage has limited potential for stratigraphic correlation as long-ranging taxa are present. The co-occurring conodont fauna enables an assignment to the early Ludlow
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