94 research outputs found

    Trauma and self in the Soviet context: remarks on Gulag writings

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    The present paper is a first reflection on the ideal approaches to study the corpus of lagernaia memuaristika. The author proposes the novel concept of ‘Soviet repression literature’ as a new key concept to study the whole corpus of literature related to Soviet repression under a genre perspective. In this context, the author stretches the peculiarities of Gulag memoirs in relation to the corpus of Soviet repression literature, and underlines how trauma studies and autobiographical studies might help assessing the corpus

    Stalin’s Meteorologist by Olivier Rolin. Translated by Ros Schwartz.

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    The 'cultural village' of the Solovki Prison Camp: a case of alternative culture?

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    revious research concerning Gulag literature has frequently focused on single authors, who published their books after being incarcerated in concentration camps. However, there were also poets, novelists, and writers who had the chance to write from inside the iron curtain of the camps, publishing in journals and magazines controlled by the Chekists.1 Most times, authors wrote hymns and praise for Soviet power. But, in the very early years of the forced labour camp system, exceptions were possible. One of these exceptions occurred in the first Gulag that was situated and run on the Solovki archipelago. There, thanks to some extraordinary conditions, many intellectuals were often able to express themselves freely, and were able to use their wit and culture to oppose the brutal violence of the guards. They were part of a “cultural village,” where poets published poems, actors performed plays, and professors held seminars, while many of their friends and fellow prisoners perished, killed by the tortures of the overseers. Their cultural fight was even more important: the culture they produced was pre-revolutionary, and they produced it at a moment when this culture was eliminated by the newly born Soviet state. Somehow, they managed to create an alternative cultural system inside the camp. But can we really speak of alternative culture in this context, given the particular cultural situation of that period

    Culture As Resistance: The Case Of The Solovki Prison Camp And Of Its Inmates

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    Introduction to the discussion section

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    Pietro Antonio Zveteremich e Il caso Pasternak: un documento inedito dagli archivi russi = [Pietro A. Zveteremich and ehe Pasternak affair: an unpublished document from Russian archives]

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    Nella storia dei rapporti tra Occidente e Russia (e in particolare tra Italia e Urss) è difficile trovare figure simili a quella di Pietro Antonio Zveteremich. Noto soprattutto come primo traduttore del Dottor Živago, Zveteremich si distinse da altri protagonisti del suo tempo per la peculiarità della sua carriera professionale e del suo percorso interiore, nei quali trovarono riflesso le tensioni e le complessità della storia sovietica negli anni del secondo dopoguerra. Strenuo difensore dell’ortodossia ideologica e dell’estetica sovietica agli inizi della sua carriera, lo slavista seppe cambiare col passare del tempo le proprie opinioni, fino a diventare uno dei maggiori divulgatori della letteratura sovietica non ufficiale negli anni del disgelo e della stagnazione. Nonostante ciò e fatte salve isolate eccezioni1 , og-gi il contributo di Zveteremich alla diffusione della letteratura russa in Italia appare sostanzialmente negletto. Alcune delle sue iniziative sembrano finite nel dimenticatoio – come, ad esempio, la beffa letteraria de Le notti di Mosca2 –, altre sembrano non avere ricevuto l’attenzione che meritavano (mi riferisco in particolare ai saggi sulla letteratura sovietica degli anni Settanta-Ottanta). Ricostruendo la vita e la carriera professionale di Zveteremich, il presente articolo si prefigge di sottolineare l’importanza della sua attività di “mediatore culturale” nei rapporti italo-russi nel secondo dopoguerra e di portare alla luce – con oltre due decenni di ritardo – un documento contenuto in un dattiloscritto inedito dello slavista

    P. Tosco (a cura di), L’umano nell’uomo. Vasilij Grossman tra ideologie e domande eterne

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