63 research outputs found

    Occlusion of retinal capillaries caused by glial cell proliferation in chronic ocular inflammation

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    The inner blood-retinal barrier is a gliovascular unit in which glial cells surround capillary endothelial cells and regulate retinal capillaries by paracrine interactions. During chronic ocular inflammation, microvascular complications can give rise to vascular proliferative lesions, which compromise visual acuity. This pathologic remodelling caused by proliferating Müller cells determines occlusion of retinal capillaries. The aim of the present study was to identify qualitative and quantitative alterations in the retinal capillaries in patients with post-traumatic chronic ocular inflammation or post-thrombotic vascular glaucoma. Moreover, we investigated the potential role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and pro-inflammatory cytokines in retinal inflammation. Our electron microscopy findings demonstrated that during chronic ocular inflammation, thickening of the basement membrane, loss of pericytes and endothelial cells and proliferation of Müller cells occur with irreversible occlusion of retinal capillaries. Angiogenesis takes place as part of a regenerative reaction that results in fibrosis. We believe that VEGF and pro-inflammatory cytokines may be potential therapeutic targets in the treatment of this disease although further studies are required to confirm these findings

    Perception of Romanian banking system by the beneficiaries of rural development projects

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    European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development of the EU for funding economic activities in the rural area. As the payments for the Community projects are settlement payments (i.e. the payments are settled in installments after being made, the entrepreneurs need forward funding for their investments, and, therefore, the banks play an important role in forwarding the funds for the projects, as well as in co-funding the eligible expenses. This paper analyzes the way in which the beneficiaries of rural development projects perceive the assistance given by the Romanian banking institutions regarding the steps they must make in order to obtain a loan or to benefit of other necessary banking products or services for the implementation of their projects. The research was carried out in Timiș County, between May and September 2016, on a sample of 96 interviewees, beneficiaries of rural development projects by the National Rural Development Programme 2007-2013. The data collection methods consisted of the survey made on the basis of a standardized questionnaire, using the “face-to-face” technique and the data collection interview method using the “face-to-face” interview

    Aspects regarding the role of investments and the business environment in economic development

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    The paper presents an analysis of investments as the safest prospect for economic growth. In Romania, investments are needed to recover the economic gaps as compared to the European Union countries, but also to reduce the differences between regions. Sustainable development of the country must solve the challenges of the transition from the industrial to the digital economy, of adapting and confronting climate change, of demographic change, to which the corrections of economic imbalances due to the consumption-based growth model must be added. Investments can be made by the business environment (large companies, consortia, multinationals) operating in Romania. Investments can also be made through projects that are funded from the European Union budget. Investment stimulates job-creating economic sectors that will generate economic growth. First of all, the investments must be financed by allocating funds through domestic possibilities, to which the attraction of foreign direct investments is added. An important role in this regard belongs to the legislative framework, which determines the removal of barriers for investment, but also to the attraction of Romania's economy which is different from one economic sector to another. In the article, the authors presented the main aspects of investments and aimed to highlight the effect of investments on the business environment


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    The main objective of the article is to present the level of education in some selected countries, and to explain how education determines a sustainable growth. Education is the main factor to achieve both economic and employment growth. At the same time, education plays an important role for a sustainable improvement of the standard of living in the world. Supporting education is also one of the aims of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Goal 4), but education appears in a number of other SDG targets too. The countries that allocate the most capital for education are Norway, Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom, Belgium, Finland (over 6.7% of GDP). The share of GDP allocated for education in Romania is only 2.7. This directly affects both the physical conditions for carrying out educational and research activities in school units and the qualitative level of the educational act. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between the real GDP/capita (VAR01) and share of GDP for education (VAR02) for our study is 0.694, which again underlines the close correlation between the allocation of funds for education and research and the level of development from a country. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between supporting education from GDP and top 100 universities is relatively low (r = 0.287), reflecting an insufficient correlation between the two variables. As a result, the education system in a country must be adjusted and supported both financially and through the adoption of viable policy decisions that will ensure increased performance in the educational system

    Business Success in Perception of Polish and Romanian Farmers

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    A business represents the organized effort of a group of individuals who seek to obtain and market goods and services that meet the demands of society in order to make a profit. Agricultural business are unique in that they requires the application of a specific set of principles and concepts. Business success has different dimensions, some business owners associate success with financial rewards, while others can define success as satisfaction and completion. In the present article authors want to reveal the perception of Polish and Romanian farmers regarding business success.  The perception of farmers regarding business success is emphasized by a study based on a quantitative method. Data were collected through a survey, using as research instrument a questionnaire. The research methodology involved: questionnaire design, questionnaire testing, application the questionnaire, analysis and interpretation of data and drawing conclusions. The survey was made using the application provided by Google (Google Forms), questionnaires were filled online. The questionnaire, was applied among farmers from 2 countries, all respondents manage small and medium sized farms. More precise, authors want to reveal what means success for farmers, which are the factors that determines success in their opinion, what do they do to obtain success in their busines

    Rural areas from demographic perspective. Study case Poland and Romania

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    The rural area is an extremely varied area, agricultural area, the area occupied by forests and grazing the surface of non-agricultural lands (Riviera sea, etc.) and rural agglomerations is a separate entity from the urban areas characterized by a high demographic concentration and vertical and horizontal structures. Being often under the impact of old production systems, characterized by accelerated development and irrational of industry, the countryside has been subject to economic transformation, social and environmental, which mostly resulted in exodus and impoverishment of the rural population. Given this situation, are downright remarkable efforts of developed countries and not only to balance rural-urban ratio, reconciliation and revival of rural areas is kept of unique material and spiritual values. Rural areas are the result of interactions between man and nature, between interdependencies relations, who are specific to diversity of social actions and their natural environment, between the material and spiritual civilization, which for centuries coexist and evolve in a particular national territory. Image of rural area is emphasized by its size, which is the synthetic expression of social activities that are conducted using specific processes and phenomena of nature. All specific features of rural areas (natural, human, material and spiritual), which define the dimension of rural areas, are highlighted by the following components of the system: territorial administrative, demographic, economic and infrastructural. European rural area was and is the subject of extensive restructuring processes that were the result of a complex interaction of social phenomena, economic, sectoral and regional transfers. In circumstances where over half of the 27 Member States of the European Union lives in rural areas, and it occupies over 80% of the total territory, rural areas have considerable potential for growth, with a vital social role. Rural population and surface area occupied and the importance of rural life for a country, make the problem of rural development to gain a national and international importance. In this article the authors presents rural areas as an important part of a country with all its components. The authors elaborated a comparative analysis of rural areas from Poland and Romania from demographic perspective. The analysis was elaborated using indicators like population density, population structure by gender and age, migrations of population, relying on data from national and european statistics. &nbsp

    Analyses of business development at the level of Timis county

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    Business is the main component that defines antreprenorial behaviour. Micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in a country’s economy, representing a source of entrepreneurial skills and innovation. SMEs contributes greatly to gross domestic product and employs a large population of the workforce. The paper analyzes the dynamics of the business environment in the county of Timis given the evolution of the number of companies registered and de-registered, the number of active enterprises, the situation of companies with foreign capital in number and value of invested capital, distribution enterprises by economic sectors and classes sizes, and capture the gross value adde

    Local gastronomic business - premise for the development of Romanian gastronomic tourism

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    Currently, most tourist destinations in the world are establishing strategies to develop the culinary identity of their territories and to promote local cuisine, based on the fact that gastronomy can have a great influence on the decisions of tourists in choosing tourist destinations. Therefore, the gastronomic specificity of a destination can attract tourists interested in authenticity, specificity and new experiences from a gastronomic point of view. The gastronomic businesses are some of the most successful businesses, and this is due to a constant demand, which is based on ensuring the need for food. In Romania, the concept of local gastronomic point was recently introduced. The purpose of the local gastronomic points is the integration of gastronomy and tourism in order to support the local economy. The local gastronomic points can be seen as an invitation to discover the local products, prepared in the Romanian rural kitchens. The local gastronomic points meet the gourmets, the people interested in gastronomic experiences, eager to know and enjoy the specific dishes of the local cuisine, the traditions and customs of the locals, the culture of food preparation. The gastronomic heritage on the Romanian territory is rich and varied, and represents an element of the Romanian cultural identity. Gastronomy, as part of the national cultural profile can be an engine in the development of the local economy, through local gastronomic points, and involves the practice of gastronomic tourism. In this article, the authors aim to present the current situation of local gastronomic points in Romania and their importance in the development of gastronomic tourism

    Food security in a changing climate world

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze the potential impact of climate change on food security. Global environmental changes coupled with socio-economic changes are a major food security issue and challenge. The main findings show that all four key elements of food security, namely availability, stability, use and access are significantly affected by changes in the environment. The most vulnerable segment of the population is those whose living conditions and livelihoods are strictly dependent on climate change and their ability to adapt is the lowest due to household income. This category includes children and women, poor people, the elderly and all those who depend on agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing and other natural resources. Climate change and its impact on demographic patterns, urbanization, population movements, and changes in food consumption patterns are intensifying food system risks globally

    Geroscience and pathology: a new frontier in understanding age-related diseases

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    Geroscience, a burgeoning discipline at the intersection of aging and disease, aims to unravel the intricate relationship between the aging process and pathogenesis of age-related diseases. This paper explores the pivotal role played by geroscience in reshaping our understanding of pathology, with a particular focus on age-related diseases. These diseases, spanning cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders, malignancies, and neurodegenerative conditions, significantly contribute to the morbidity and mortality of older individuals. We delve into the fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning aging, including mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular senescence, and elucidate their profound implications for the pathogenesis of various age-related diseases. Emphasis is placed on the importance of assessing key biomarkers of aging and biological age within the realm of pathology. We also scrutinize the interplay between cellular senescence and cancer biology as a central area of focus, underscoring its paramount significance in contemporary pathological research. Moreover, we shed light on the integration of anti-aging interventions that target fundamental aging processes, such as senolytics, mitochondria-targeted treatments, and interventions that influence epigenetic regulation within the domain of pathology research. In conclusion, the integration of geroscience concepts into pathological research heralds a transformative paradigm shift in our understanding of disease pathogenesis and promises breakthroughs in disease prevention and treatment