69 research outputs found

    Participatory institutions and their effects on public policies : a study of the Comitê de Mortalidade por AIDS, in Porto Alegre, Brazil

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    Este estudo se insere no contexto das discussões sobre os efeitos das instituições participativas sobre políticas públicas. O objetivo foi conhecer a percepção dos membros do Comitê Municipal de Mortalidade por Aids de Porto Alegre sobre como essa instituição participativa tem consequências na melhoria do atendimento às pessoas que vivem com HIV/aids. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, com método de estudo de caso, realizada com 17 membros do referido comitê. Suas reuniões mensais foram acompanhadas, quando se realizou observação de cunho etnográfico; realizouse, também, entrevistas a partir de um roteiro semiestruturado, empregando-se o referencial da Teoria das Instituições Participativas. Identificouse que o comitê é capaz de diagnosticar inúmeros problemas no sistema de saúde da cidade e apontar as fragilidades dos serviços de atendimento. Todavia, ainda não consegue assegurar que as propostas sugeridas sejam implementadas nos serviços a fim de resolver os problemas identificados e, por conseguinte, melhorar a qualidade dos serviços de atendimento às pessoas com HIV/aids.This study is part of the discussions on the effects of participatory institutions on public policies. The objective was to understand the perception of the members of the Comitê Municipal de Mortalidade por AIDS (Municipal AIDS Mortality Committee) in Porto Alegre, Brazil, on the effects of this institution on the improvement of care for people living with HIV/AIDS. This is a qualitative research performed as a case study, conducted with 17 members of this committee. We attended their monthly meetings; data was collected with ethnographic observation and in-depth interviews using a semi-structured interview guide. We used the Theory of Institutions as the theoretical framework. We identified that the committee can diagnose several problems in the health system of the city and point the frailties of the services. However, the institution is still uncapable of guaranteeing that the suggested proposals will be implemented to solve the problems identified and, therefore, improve the quality of the services for people with HIV/AIDS

    Legibility and health management : ethnographic notes on Porto Alegre's Municipal Committee on AIDS Mortality

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir o funcionamento do primeiro Comitê de Mortalidade por AIDS do Brasil com base principalmente no conceito de legibilidade de Scott. A partir de observações de cunho etnográfico e entrevistas em profundidade com os membros do Comitê, realizadas em 2014-15, discutese os processos de governança e de formulação de políticas públicas no espaço institucional recém-criado do Comitê. Os membros do Comitê, em relações que podem ser de colaboração ou de divergência, lançam mão de diferentes ferramentas para mapear e documentar os processos que resultaram num óbito considerado por todos evitável e precoce de pessoas que vivem com AIDS em Porto Alegre (RS). A trajetória, tornada legível, dos pacientes que estão às margens do Estado permite a formulação de recomendações do Comitê sobre o funcionamento dos serviços de saúde, mas não asseguram sugestões de ações mais imediatas e diretas sobre as condições sociais que engendram a situação marginal daqueles que morreram.We discuss how the first AIDS Mortality Committee created at Brazil works based on the theoretical framework provided by Scott’s concept of legibility. Based on ethnographic observations and in-depth interviews, from fieldwork carried out in 2014-2015, we analyze both the process of governance and of policy creation within this newly create institutional space. The Committee members, through collaborative relations and sometimes disagreements, use different tools to map and document those processes that resulted in a premature and avoidable AIDS death in Porto Alegre (RS). The Committee formulates recommendations and suggestions based on those patients’ itineraries who have become legible – despite being patients who are at State margins. Those recommendations center on how the health services could improve, but fall short of discussing direct and immediate actions that could change those social conditions that have put these subjects who have died at the margins

    Hepatitis B prevalence among men who have sex with men in Brazil

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a global public health problem and requires specific prevention actions, particularly focusing on the key populations, such as men who have sex with men (MSM). We aimed at assessing the prevalence of HBV infection, among MSM, in a multicity study in Brazil. In 2016, we conducted a survey using a respondent-driven sampling methodology in 12 Brazilian cities. Rapid tests (RT) were performed on 3178 samples from those MSM. Positive results were tested for HBV DNA and sequenced. If negative for HBV DNA, samples were tested for serological markers. The prevalence rate of HBV exposure and clearance was 10.1% (95% CI: 8.1–12.6), and 1.1% (95%; CI: 0.6–2.1) were confirmed to be HBsAg-positive. Of those samples tested for anti-HBs (n = 1033), only 74.4% presented a serological profile analogous to that elicited by hepatitis B vaccination. Among HBsAg-positive samples (n = 29), 72.4% were HBV DNA-positive, and from these, 18 were sequenced. HBV genotypes A, F, and G were found in 55.5%, 38.9%, and 5.6%, respectively. This study indicates high prevalence rates of MSM HBV exposure and a low positivity index for the serological marker of HBV vaccine immunity. These findings may contribute to the discussion of strategies to prevent hepatitis B and reinforce the importance of promoting HBV vaccination in this key population

    'Repeat offenders' in care, but with no right to prevention : an analysis of the availability of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in Porto Alegre, Brazil

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    Buscamos identificar los desafíos para la implementación de la profilaxis po-sexposición sexual al VIH, a partir de analizar el accionar de las y los profesionales de la salud en un servicio de salud pública en Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Desde un enfoque cualitativo, con técnicas de observación etnográfica y entrevistas en profundidad, se encontró que los factores contextuales, organizacionales e individuales eran desafíos para implementar la profilaxis posexposición sexual al VIH. Las barreras para su imple-mentación incluyeron el contexto histórico de la estructuración y la actuación del servicio, la falta de capacitación y/o educación continua en salud, y las concepciones de las y los profesionales de la salud (ideas sobre la estrategia en sí, y sobre las personas que buscan PEP). Se concluye que existe la necesidad de mayor atención al universo de servicios especializados en ITS/VIH/sida y a las y los profesionales que componen estos servicios, a fin de garantizar una mayor efectividad en el acceso a la estrategia a nivel local.This study seeks to identify challenges in the implementation of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, based on an analysis of actions taken by healthcare professionals in the state-run health sector in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Based on a qualitative approach that included ethnographic observations and in-depth interviews, we found that contextual, institutional, and individual factors represented challenges to the implementation of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV. Barriers to implementation included the historical context structuring healthcare services and practices, the lack of training and/or continued education in health, and certain attitudes on the part of healthcare professionals (ideas regarding both the strategy itself as well as the individuals that seek PEP). We conclude that there is a need for greater attention to specialized services for STI/HIV/AIDS as well as the professionals that provide these services, in order to guarantee greater effective access to this strategy at the local level

    Hepatitis C virus prevalence among men who have sex with men : a cross-sectional study in 12 Brazilian cities

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    Background Despite the preventive policies adopted, reduction in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among men who have sex with men (MSM) has been limited. The risk of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has increased among the most vulnerable population groups, including MSM. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of HCV infection and to assess risky practices among MSM from 12 Brazilian cities. Methods This study was carried out from June to December 2016 using respondent driven sampling (RDS). Partici‑ pants completed a self-administered questionnaire to collect behavioral, socioeconomic, and demographic variables. In addition, the rapid diagnostic test (RDT) for HCV was ofered. Positive results were sent to Instituto Adolfo Lutz for confrmation. Results A total of 4,176 participants were recruited and 23 samples were sent for confrmation. Of these, 16 were confrmed, resulting in a prevalence of 0.7% (95% CI: 0.3%—1.7%). The Southeast region showed a prevalence of 0.9% (95% CI: 0.3—2.6), followed by the South region, with 0.6% (95% CI: 0.2—2.1). The Northeast region had a prevalence of 0.3% (95% CI: 0.1—1.0) and the Midwest 0.1% (95% CI: 0.0—0.7). No positive cases were found in the North. Single men aged 40 years or older were the majority of participants exposed to HCV. High levels of alcohol consumption, illicit drug use, irregular condom use, in addition to infection with other STIs, were associated with exposure to HCV. Conclusions STIs continue to be important health problems in Brazil and globally. Many STIs are inapparent for many years until they bring more serious consequences. Extra investment in HCV is also warranted, given that it can be eliminated. Relying solely on clinical data to provide information about inapparent infection, especially in stigmatized populations, will make that goal more difcult to achieve. Surveillance studies, such as the one reported here need to be repeated over time to demonstrate trends and to provide information for evaluation, program and policies. Investments in the most vulnerable populations are critical to achieve the World Health Organization global health goals including the elimination of viral hepatitis by 2030

    Maternidade na adolescência inicial : estudo caso-controle no sul do Brasil

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    This paper investigates factors associated with motherhood among adolescents from 14 to 16 years of age in Porto Alegre, Brazil. This is a case-control study with 431 adolescent mothers (cases) and 862 adolescents who had never given birth (controls). Data were obtained through home visits by an interviewer-applied questionnaire. Sociodemographic characteristics, quality of social and family relationships, lifestyle and history of abuse were studied as potential determinants to early adolescent motherhood. Conditional logistic regression was used for data analysis according to a two-stage hierarchical model. Results showed that lower economic class, schooling failure, tobacco consumption, alcoholic drunkenness at least once in life and having a mother who gave birth before 20 years of age were positively associated with early adolescent motherhood. Later menarche and having relatives or having friends in whom to trust remained as protective factors. Schooling failure, which obtained the highest risk, points to the important role of the school in this population’s development and its potential to stimulate healthy life habits.Este artigo visa investigar fatores associados à maternidade em adolescentes moradoras em Porto Alegre, com idade entre 14 e 16 anos. Estudo caso-controle com 431 mães adolescentes (casos) e 862 adolescentes que nunca tiveram filho (controles). Os dados foram obtidos através de visitas domiciliares e mediante aplicação de questionário estruturado. Foram estudadas variáveis sociodemográficas, qualidade das relações sociais e familiares, estilo de vida e histórico de abuso como possíveis determinantes da maternidade na adolescência. Os dados foram analisados através de regressão logística condicional, utilizando modelo hierarquizado. Os resultados mostram que pertencer aos estratos socioeconômicos mais baixos, possuir mãe que teve o seu primeiro filho até os 19 anos, defasagem escolar, uso de tabaco e embriaguez alcóolica pelo menos uma vez na vida foram positivamente associados à maternidade na adolescência. Menarca mais tardia e ter familiares ou ter amigos em quem confiar foram fatores de proteção. Defasagem escolar, que obteve razão de odds mais elevada, aponta o importante papel da escola na formação desta população e no seu potencial para estimular hábitos de vida sadios

    El diagnóstico del VIH/SIDA en hombres heterosexuales : se mantiene la sorpresa incluso tras más de 30 años de epidemia

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    Os homens são o principal grupo afetado pela infecção do HIV no Brasil, com tendência de crescimento nos últimos dez anos. Nos dados oficiais, os homens heterossexuais representam 49% dos casos, os homossexuais 38% e os bissexuais 9,1%. Os homens heterossexuais ficaram subsumidos na categoria de “população geral”, não recebendo destaque em políticas ou ações de prevenção. O presente artigo se propõe a analisar as circunstâncias e estratégias por meio das quais os homens heterossexuais descobrem o diagnóstico do HIV. Buscase, assim, compreender os caminhos percorridos, bem como os atores sociais envolvidos no diagnóstico de HIV/aids. Os dados analisados resultam de uma pesquisa qualitativa na qual foram entrevistados 36 homens vivendo com HIV/aids que não se identificam como homossexuais e/ou bissexuais. Esses homens foram contatados em três serviços especializados em aids de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os resultados indicam que eles se consideram imunes ao HIV, sendo o diagnóstico um evento inesperado. As mulheres (parceiras afetivo-sexuais e/ou ex-parceiras) são peças fundamentais para o diagnóstico masculino, pois revelam, seja pelo pré-natal, seja pelo adoecimento, a presença do HIV. Uma parcela importante dos homens se descobre soropositivo por ocasião de alguma doença, como a tuberculose, ou após várias idas e vindas dos serviços de saúde. A busca pela testagem de forma espontânea só acontece mediante a identificação de situações e sinais associados a uma possível contaminação. Os homens heterossexuais possuem poucas oportunidades de diagnóstico do HIV e, para além do gênero, são sujeitos à vulnerabilidade programática.Men are the main group affected by HIV infection in Brazil, with an upward trend in the last 10 years. According to official data, heterosexual men represent 49% of cases, followed by homosexuals with 38% and bisexuals with 9.1%. Heterosexual men have been subsumed in the category “overall population” and have failed to receive specific attention in preventive policies or activities. The article proposes to analyze the circumstances and strategies by which heterosexual men learn of their HIV diagnosis. The study thus seeks to understand the paths and social actors involved in their HIV/ AIDS diagnosis. The data are from a qualitative study interviewing 36 men living with HIV/AIDS that did not self-identify as homosexuals and/or bisexuals. The men were contacted in three specialized AIDS services in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The results indicate that men consider themselves immune to HIV, and that the diagnosis is an unexpected event. Women (affective-sexual partners and/or former partners) are fundamental components in the men’s diagnosis, since they reveal the presence of HIV through either prenatal care or their own illness. An important share of these men discover that they are HIVpositive through some illness such as tuberculosis or after several visits to health services. Spontaneous search for HIV testing only occurs through situations and signs associated with possible infection. Heterosexual men have few opportunities for HIV diagnosis, and beyond gender issues, they are subject to programmatic vulnerability.Los hombres son el principal grupo afectado por la infección del VIH en Brasil, con una tendencia de crecimiento en los últimos 10 años. En los datos oficiales, los hombres heterosexuales representan un 49% de los casos, los homosexuales un 38% y los bisexuales un 9,1%. Los hombres heterosexuales quedaron encajados en la categoría de “población general”, no siendo relevantes en políticas o acciones de prevención. Este artículo se propone analizar las circunstancias y estrategias a través de las cuales los hombres heterosexuales descubren el diagnóstico del VIH. Se busca, de esta forma, comprender los caminos recorridos, así como los actores sociales implicados en el diagnóstico del VIH/ SIDA. Los datos analizados son resultado de una investigación cualitativa en la que se entrevistaron a 36 hombres, viviendo con VIH/SIDA, que no se identifican como homosexuales y/o bisexuales. Se contactó con estos hombres a través de tres servicios especializados en sida de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Los resultados indican que los hombres se consideran inmunes al VIH, siendo el diagnóstico un evento inesperado. Las mujeres (parejas afectivo-sexuales y/o ex-parejas) son piezas fundamentales para el diagnóstico masculino, puesto que revelan, sea a través del cuidado prenatal, sea a través de la enfermedad, la presencia del VIH. Una parte importante de los hombres se descubre seropositiva, debido a alguna enfermedad, como la tuberculosis, o tras varias idas y venidas a los servicios de salud. La búsqueda de un test espontáneo solamente se produce mediante la identificación de situaciones y señales asociadas a una posible infección. Los hombres heterosexuales poseen pocas oportunidades de diagnóstico del VIH y, más allá del género, están sujetos a vulnerabilidad programática

    Comparing HIV risk-related behaviors between 2 RDS national samples of MSM in Brazil, 2009 and 2016

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    Introduction: Periodic monitoring of sociobehavior characteristics at a national level is an essential component of understanding the dynamics the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic worldwide, including Brazil. Methods: This paper compares descriptive sociobehavior characteristics in 2 national cross-sectional HIV biological behavioral surveillance surveys (BBSS) conducted in 2009 and 2016 among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Brazil. Respondent driven sampling (RDS) was used for recruitment in both years. Overall proportions were weighted according to Gile’s estimator using RDS Analyst Software and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for comparisons between the 2 periods. Further comparisons were stratified by age groups (<25 and 25+ years old). Results: Overall, 3749 and 4176 MSM were recruited in 2009 and 2016, respectively. In 2016, participants were younger than 25 years old (58.3%), with 12 or more years of education (70.4%), with higher socioeconomic status (40.7%), and had a higher proportion of whites (31.8%), as compared to 2009. Also, participants in 2016 reported less alcohol use and binge drinking, but used illicit drugs more frequently. There was an increase among MSM who self-reported their HIV risk as low and had low HIV knowledge while the proportion of those who were never tested for HIV dropped from 49.8% in 2009 to 33.8% in 2016. Although more than three-quarters received free condoms in both years, STD counseling remained low (32% and 38% for 2009 and 2016, respectively). Sexual risk behavior remained at high levels, especially unprotected anal receptive sex and sex with multiple partners. Younger MSM (<25 years old) showed riskier sexual practices than those 25+ years old, when comparing 2016 to 2009. Conclusions: Our results indicate a worrisome risk behavior trend among Brazilian MSM, especially among younger ones. These results can contribute for a better understanding of the HIV epidemics in Brazil, with timely shift in strategies so improved effectiveness in public health prevention efforts can be achieved

    Influenza vaccination hesitancy in large urban centers in South America : qualitative analysis of confidence, complacency and convenience across risk groups

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    Influenza vaccination coverage in countries of Latin America is low among priority risk groups, ranging from 5 to 75% among older people. This paper aims to describe and analyze the determinants of influenza vaccination hesitancy through the lens of the 3C model of confidence, complacency and convenience among middle-class, urban risk group populations in Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, countries in South America with contrasting vaccination coverage. Focus groups were conducted among four risk groups: pregnant women, mothers of children aged =60 years in samples of urban residents. Adults with risk factors expressed the most detailed perceptions about confidence in the vaccine. A wide range of perceptions regarding complacency were expressed across risk groups and countries, with pregnant women and mothers showing greater concerns while convenience had a narrower and generally more positive range of perceptions. Participants from Chile and Paraguay expressed the most contrasts regarding confidence and complacency. Information and communication strategies need to be tailored for risk groups while confidence and complacency should be addressed in synergy