107 research outputs found

    Quality of Service in Quantum Networks

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    In the coming years, quantum networks will allow quantum applications to thrive thanks to the new opportunities offered by end-to-end entanglement of qubits on remote hosts via quantum repeaters. On a geographical scale, this will lead to the dawn of the Quantum Internet. While a full-blown deployment is yet to come, the research community is already working on a variety of individual enabling technologies and solutions. In this paper, with the guidance of extensive simulations, we take a broader view and investigate the problems of Quality of Service (QoS) and provisioning in the context of quantum networks, which are very different from their counterparts in classical data networks due to some of their fundamental properties. Our work leads the way towards a new class of studies that will allow the research community to better understand the challenges of quantum networks and their potential commercial exploitation.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE for possible publicatio

    In-Network Computing With Function as a Service at the Edge

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    Offloading computation from user devices to nodes with processing capabilities at the edge of the network is a major trend in today's network/service architectures. At the same time, serverless computing has gained a huge traction among the cloud computing technologies and has, thus, promoted the adoption of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS). The latter has some characteristics that make it generally suitable to edge applications, except for its cumbersome support of stateful applications. This work is set to provide a broad view on the options available for supporting stateful FaaS, which are distilled into four reference execution models that differ on where the state resides. While further investigation is needed to advance our understanding of the opportunities offered by in-network computing through stateful FaaS, initial insights are provided by means of a qualitative analysis of the four alternatives and their quantitative comparison in a simulator

    Histomorphometric evaluation of bone regeneration induced by biodegradable scaffolds as carriers for dental pulp stem cells in a rat model of calvarial "critical size" defect

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to test specific stem cells that could enhance bone formation in combination with specific scaffolds. Methods: Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSCs) were seeded with Granular Deproteinized Bovine Bone (GDPB) or Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate (ß-TCP) in a rat model of calvarial "critical size" defect. DPSCs were isolated from permanent human teeth, obtained and characterized using specific stem cells markers (Nanog and Oct-4) by real time-PCR and immunofluorescence. Cells were differentiated for 10-15 days towards the osteoblastic phenotype with 100μM L-ascorbic acid, added every day in culture medium and 20 vol. percentage of FBS in α-MEM medium. Osteogenic commitment was evaluated with real time-PCR by measuring the expression of specific markers (osteonectin and runx2). When a sufficient cell number was obtained, DPSCs were trypsinized, washed in culture medium and seeded onto the GDPB and ß-TCP scaffold sat a density of 0.5-1×106 cells/scaffold. Two bilateral critical-size circular defects (5 mm diameter; 1 mm thickness) were created from the parietal bone of the 8 athymic T-cell deficient nude rats. One cranial defect for each rat was filled with the scaffold alone and the other defect with the scaffold seeded with stem cells. After 12 weeks post-surgery animals were euthanized and histomorphometric analysis was performed. Differences between groups were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Fisher's Protected Least Significant Difference (PLSD) post-hoc test. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: GDPB group presented higher percentage of lamellar bone than that of GDPB/DPSC, ß-TCP alone had lower levels as compared to ß-TCP/DPSC. The addition of stem cells significantly increased woven bone formation in both scaffold-based implants, although still higher in GDPB based implants. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that GDPB and ß-TCP used as scaffold to induce bone regeneration may benefit from adding DPSC to tissue-engineered constructs

    Routing in Quantum Repeater Networks with Mixed Noise Figures

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    Quantum network holds the key to the next generation of secure communication, long-distance communication, and quantum internet. Due to inherent quantum effects, routing in the quantum network is a major challenge. This study explores a realistic approach to routing in quantum networks which aims to mirror real-world networks by segregating sources and destinations from the network. By addressing practical constraints we examine the impact of heterogeneous nodes on network performance. In particular, we focused on performance in terms of the ratio of high-quality to total nodes and path establishment order. This work unveils relationships between them and communication path fidelity. It highlights the critical role of the fraction of high-quality nodes in end-to-end fidelity and explores the trade-offs between upgrading all nodes to high quality or retaining a subset of lower-quality nodes. Our simulations show that incorporating the knowledge of node quality not only helps in strategically boosting the fidelities of some of the routing paths but also reduces the number of blocked paths in the quantum network.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, IEEE ICC 2024 conferenc

    Clinical insights on Tolosa Hunt syndrome: a multidisciplinary approach on neurological-related symptomatology in maxillofacial region

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    Background Tolosa–Hunt syndrome (THS) related neurological symptoms are described in literature as “unilateral”, “recurrent”, “episodic”, “intense”, “severe”, “lancinating” or “stabbing” pain on the upper face and forehead and may be misdiagnosed due to the similarity of few symptoms and a significant number of common characteristics between both conditions. Aims The aim of this brief report is to indicate some important clinical insights related to Tolosa Hunt syndrome, and to give a frank account on the multidisciplinary approach on neurological-related symptomatology in maxillofacial region. Methods We analysed a selection of patients with such clinical picture. To better describe the proper management of clinical cases, we report a 50-year-old female reporting an history of two years of recurrent, severe stabbing pain around the right eye, prominence of her cheek and forehead. Her general dentist first mistakenly diagnosed toothache and, thus, it was subsequently misdiagnosed the trigeminal neuropathy (TN). Results Reported exemplificative case presented a mild ptosis, diplopia of the right eye, corneal reflex loss, paresthesia and hyperesthesia of upper part of left side of face. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings were suggestive of THS. Complete resolution of symptoms was achieved with oral Prednisolone and constant monitoring of symptoms. Conclusion THS may be added to the long list of differential diagnosis of TN and general dentist and oral surgeons should be informed about such rare causes of facial pain through continued medical education programs

    Possible effects of hyperparathyroidism in the loss of osseointegration of dental implants: A case report

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    Background: Hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a common endocrine disorder with potential complications on the skeletal, renal, neurocognitive and cardiovascular systems. Its association with the lack of osseointegration of dental implants hasnot been describedin the medical literature. Case presentation: This case report aims to discuss two cases of dental implant loss in which a high level of parathormone (PTH) was found in the absence of any other systemic or local comorbidity, suggesting the possible correlation between HPT and implant.Both patients were referred to the clinic complaining about prosthetic complications, gingival inflammation and mobility of the dental prosthesis. After a Cone-Beam computed Tomography evaluation, all implants of both patients were removed for rejection arising from periimplantitis and then four implants were inserted in the patient 1 and five implants in the patient 2. For both patientsshort implants (Bicon LLC, Boston, Massachusetts, USA), featured by 4 mm in diameter and 5 mm in height, were used and the prosthesis substructure was made of Trinia® (Bicon LLC, Boston, Massachusetts, USA). During the fifth year, the patients reported complications and the implant treatment failure. In order to establish the causes of failure, a thorough investigation was performed. Since no causes were detected, the patients were required to perform a blood test to evaluate bone metabolism and specifically to assess parathyroid-hormone levels (PTH), calcium levels and vitamin D. Results: The results of the blood tests showednormal calcemia, vitamin D deficiency and elevated PTH levelsin both patients. After an endocrinologist’s consultation, secondary hyperparathyroidism was diagnosed. Conclusion: It is reasonable to assume that the loss of osseointegration of dental implants can be correlated with the effects of HPT

    Configuration origin variants of superior Thyroid, Lingual and Facial Arteries: a proposal updating of current classification

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    Background: The aim of this study was to identify variations in the origins of the anterior branches of the external carotid artery (ECA) and to propose an update of the current classification. Methods: The study included 100 carotids arteries from fifty human donors. Classification of anterior branches of external carotid artery was performed according to Vaz'quez et al. (2009). Results: The configuration origins of anterior branches were found as follows: Type I, 82%; Type II, 1%; Type III, 16%. No Type IV was observed. The study identified seven subgroups of anterior branch variations in the external carotid artery. The most frequently observed variations were Subtype Ia in 40% (n = 20) of cases on the right side and Subtype Ib in 38% (n = 19) on the left side. In addition, a rare and previously unclassified configuration was observed in a 72-year-old male donor, where the carotid artery was pentafurcated on the left side. Conclusions: In conclusion, the presence of anatomical variants not previously included in the anterior external carotid artery branching classifications supports the consideration of a revision to the present classification system

    Petogodišnje praćenje kratkih implantata ugrađenih u atrofičnu maksilu s istodobnim transkrestalnim podizanjem dna sinusa

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    Objective: Many authors have tried to face the anatomical limitations resulting from maxillary bone atrophy. Up to five millimeters bone height, the lateral sinus floor elevation is the most commonly used and validated strategy to achieve the prosthetic rehabilitation. However, the disadvantages of this technique are its invasiveness and delayed rehabilitation. The aim of this paper was to assess 5 years clinical outcome of implants placed with a technique that allows the percrestal sinus floor elevation and the immediate implant placement. Materials and Methods: 30 transcrestal sinus floor elevations with immediate implant placement were performed in severely atrophic maxillae. Implant survival, marginal bone level variation, harvested bone height variation and periodontal indices were assessed. Results: After a five year follow up none of the thirty implants were lost. The mean value of vertical harvested bone loss was 5%. The mean crestal bone loss was -0.33 mm (Standard Deviation (SD) 0.11 mm). The mean value of periodontal indices was respectively: PD 1.22 mm (SD 0.72 mm), PI 17.47% (SD 15.01 mm), BOP 9, 87 %.,( SD 19.17 mm). Conclusion: The results obtained are comparable with success criteria in implant rehabilitation. The reported technique proved to be successful in the population observed, with minimal trauma and reduced invasiveness.Svrha rada: Mnogi su se autori pokušali suočiti s anatomskim ograničenjima koja nastaju zbog atrofije maksilarne kosti. Do visine kosti od pet milimetara lateralno podizanje dna sinusa najčešće je korištena i potvrđena strategija za protetičku rehabilitaciju. No nedostatci te tehnike su invazivnost i odgođena rehabilitacija. Cilj ovoga rada bio je procijeniti petogodišnji klinički ishod ugrađenih implantata tehnikom koja omogućuje perkrestalno podizanje dna sinusa i imedijatnu ugradnju implantata. Materijali i metode: Obavljeno je 30 transkrestalnih podizanja dna sinusa s imedijatnom ugradnjom implantata u vrlo atrofiranu maksilu. Procijenjeni su preživljavanje implantata, varijacija razine marginalne kosti te varijacija visine kosti i parodontoloških indeksa. Rezultati: Nakon petogodišnjeg praćenja ni jedan od trideset implantata nije bio izgubljen. Srednja vrijednost vertikalnog gubitka kosti iznosila je 5 %. Srednji gubitak krestalne kosti bio je -0,33 mm [standardna devijacija (SD) 0,11 mm]. Srednja vrijednost parodontoloških indeksa bila je: PD 1,22 mm (SD 0,72 mm), PI 17,47 % (SD 15,01 mm), BOP 9, 87 %, (SD 19,17 mm). Zaključak: Dobiveni rezultati usporedivi su s kriterijima uspješnosti u implantološkoj rehabilitaciji. Prikazana tehnika pokazala se uspješnom u promatranoj populaciji, uz minimalne traume i smanjenu invazivnost

    Possible effects of hyperparathyroidism in the loss of osseointegration of dental implants: A case report

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    Background: Hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a common endocrine disorder with potential complications on the skeletal, renal, neurocognitive and cardiovascular systems. Its association with the lack of osseointegration of dental implants has not been described in the medical literature. Case presentation: This case report aims to discuss two cases of dental implant loss in which a high level of parathormone (PTH) was found in the absence of any other systemic or local comorbidity, suggesting the possible correlation between HPT and implant. Both patients were referred to the clinic complaining about prosthetic complications, gingival inflammation and mobility of the dental prosthesis. After a Cone-Beam computed Tomography evaluation, all implants of both patients were removed for rejection arising from periimplantitis and then four implants were inserted in the patient 1 and five implants in the patient 2. For both patients short implants (Bicon LLC, Boston, Massachusetts, USA), featured by 4 mm in diameter and 5 mm in height, were used and the prosthesis substructure was made of Trinia® (Bicon LLC, Boston, Massachusetts, USA). During the fifth year, the patients reported complications and the implant treatment failure. In order to establish the causes of failure, a thorough investigation was performed. Since no causes were detected, the patients were required to perform a blood test to evaluate bone metabolism and specifically to assess parathyroid-hormone levels (PTH), calcium levels and vitamin D. Results: The results of the blood tests showed normal calcemia, vitamin D deficiency and elevated PTH levels in both patients. After an endocrinologist's consultation, secondary hyperparathyroidism was diagnosed. Conclusion: It is reasonable to assume that the loss of osseointegration of dental implants can be correlated with the effects of HPT

    Clinical insights on Tolosa Hunt syndrome: A multidisciplinary approach on neurological-related symptomatology in maxillofacial region

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    BackgroundTolosa–Hunt syndrome (THS) related neurological symptoms are described in literature as “unilateral”, “recurrent”, “episodic”, “intense”, “severe”, “lancinating” or “stabbing” pain on the upper face and forehead and may be misdiagnosed due to the similarity of few symptoms and a significant number of common characteristics between both conditions.AimsThe aim of this brief report is to indicate some important clinical insights related to Tolosa Hunt syndrome, and to give a frank account on the multidisciplinary approach on neurological-related symptomatology in maxillofacial region.Methods We analysed a selection of patients with such clinical picture. To better describe the proper management of clinical cases, we report a 50-year-old female reporting an history of two years of recurrent, severe stabbing pain around the right eye, prominence of her cheek and forehead. Her general dentist first mistakenly diagnosed toothache and, thus, it was subsequently misdiagnosed the trigeminal neuropathy (TN). Results Reported exemplificative case presented a mild ptosis, diplopia of the right eye, corneal reflex loss, paresthesia and hyperesthesia of upper part of left side of face. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings were suggestive of THS. Complete resolution of symptoms was achieved with oral Prednisolone and constant monitoring of symptoms.ConclusionTHS may be added to the long list of differential diagnosis of TN and general dentist and oral surgeons should be informed about such rare causes of facial pain through continued medical education programs
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