404 research outputs found

    L’Alba dopo Chávez: petrolio e imprese gran-nazionali

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    Chávez’s death has left a framework of uncertainty.The Author deals with the pespec-tives of Alba, the alliance the Bolivarian leader was committed to. It is argued that a pivotal role will be played by the development of stable economic ties among the involved nations, necessary to outlast a mere political intent. The role of the grand-national enterprises and of Petrocaribe among those.Nel contesto di incertezza creatosi con la morte di Ugo Chávez, l’Autore riflette sulle prospettive future dell’Alba, l’alleanza regionale voluta dal leader bolivariano. Conside-ra il possibile radicamento, tra le nazioni dell’Alba, di legami economici stabili come superamento della mera intesa politica. Il ruolo giocato dalle imprese gran-nazionali e in particolare da Petrocaribe.En el contexto de incertidumbre surgido con el fallecimiento de Chávez, el Autor reflexiona sobre las perspectivas futuras del Alba, la alianza regional desarrollada por el líder bolivariano. Considera el posible arraigarse, en el Alba, de mayores vínculos económicos estables entre las naciones involucradas, con el fin de ir más allá de la mera proximidad política. El papel desempeñado por las empresas gran-nacionales y en particular por Petrocaribe

    Genome-wide discovery of modulators of transcriptional interactions in human B lymphocytes

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    Transcriptional interactions in a cell are modulated by a variety of mechanisms that prevent their representation as pure pairwise interactions between a transcription factor and its target(s). These include, among others, transcription factor activation by phosphorylation and acetylation, formation of active complexes with one or more co-factors, and mRNA/protein degradation and stabilization processes. This paper presents a first step towards the systematic, genome-wide computational inference of genes that modulate the interactions of specific transcription factors at the post-transcriptional level. The method uses a statistical test based on changes in the mutual information between a transcription factor and each of its candidate targets, conditional on the expression of a third gene. The approach was first validated on a synthetic network model, and then tested in the context of a mammalian cellular system. By analyzing 254 microarray expression profiles of normal and tumor related human B lymphocytes, we investigated the post transcriptional modulators of the MYC proto-oncogene, an important transcription factor involved in tumorigenesis. Our method discovered a set of 100 putative modulator genes, responsible for modulating 205 regulatory relationships between MYC and its targets. The set is significantly enriched in molecules with function consistent with their activities as modulators of cellular interactions, recapitulates established MYC regulation pathways, and provides a notable repertoire of novel regulators of MYC function. The approach has broad applicability and can be used to discover modulators of any other transcription factor, provided that adequate expression profile data are available.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; minor changes following referees' comments; accepted to RECOMB0


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    Starting from the emergency provoked by the Sars-Cov2 that affected the whole world, the book brings the contributions of researchers and artists from all over the world discussing the theme of the \u201cunexpected\u201d, its implication, and inter-action with everyday life. The book presents a series of essays divided into three parts: Living unexpectedly, Missing interactions, and Different sociality. These three categories bring together authors who have had a reading of the unexpected emergency that occurred, pointing out different perspectives upon dynamics and relation caused by this situation, underlining how the isolation period has affected both the domestic and the urban sphere. Moreover, through drawings, photomontages and photographs, several authors gave a visual interpretation of the changed lives, spaces, and routines. All these contributions don\u2019t want to answer to the enormous problems brought by the pandemic. Rather they synthesize an interpretation of the shifting condition that occurred, showing both the great reactive capacity and the fragility of the no longer present reality

    Intrinsic nonlinear elasticity: An exterior calculus formulation

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    In this paper we formulate the theory of nonlinear elasticity in a geometrically intrinsic manner using exterior calculus and bundle-valued differential forms. We represent kinematics variables, such as velocity and rate-of-strain, as intensive vector-valued forms while kinetics variables, such as stress and momentum, as extensive covector-valued pseudo-forms. We treat the spatial, material and convective representations of the motion and show how to geometrically convert from one representation to the other. Furthermore, we show the equivalence of our exterior calculus formulation to standard formulations in the literature based on tensor calculus. In addition, we highlight two types of structures underlying the theory. First, the principle bundle structure relating the space of embeddings to the space of Riemannian metrics on the body, and how the latter represents an intrinsic space of deformations. Second, the de Rham complex structure relating the spaces of bundle-valued forms to each other
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