5 research outputs found

    Resultados del autotrasplante heterotópico de glándula paratiroides en el hiperparatiroidismo multiglandular

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    INTRODUCCIÓN La técnica del autotrasplante heterotópico de glándula paratiroides más extendida en la actualidad fue descrita por Wells en el 1979. Las indicaciones son las enfermedades que cursan con hiperparatiroidismo multiglandular: HPTP familiar, síndrome de MEN1, síndrome de MEN2A, HPT secundario y HPT terciario. HIPÓTESIS El autotrasplante heterotópico de paratiroides con criopreservación de tejido tras la paratiroidectomía es un tratamiento efectivo para la sustitución de la función paratiroidea en los casos de HPT multiglandular. OBJETIVOS - Analizar nuestra serie de pacientes intervenidos desde 1995 hasta 2012 con una paratiroidectomía total con autotrasplante de paratiroides ( PT+AT ) y criopreservación de tejido en las patologías con afectación multiglandular. - Valorar la corrección y la estabilidad de los parámetros metabólicos tras la intervención quirúrgica ( PTH, calcio corregido, fósforo y Fosfatasas Alcalinas ). - Conocer la funcionalidad del autoinjerto de paratiroides en antebrazo a largo plazo. - Evaluar la tasa de hipoparatiroidismo permanente tras la cirugía. - Estimar los valores de la PTHio en todos los tipos de HPT y conocer su utilidad. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO Se trata de un estudio observacional retrospectivo que incluye un total de 129 pacientes con HPT multiglandular realizado en el Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe de València, con un seguimiento prospectivo comprendido entre 1 de enero de 1995 al 31 de diciembre de 2012. En todos los pacientes se realiza PT+AT en antebrazo y criopreservación de tejido y posteriormente se almacena en el banco de tejidos. La mayor parte de las pruebas estadísticas que realizamos, permiten estudiar el cambio en la respuesta de cada sujeto al someterse a la intervención quirúrgica, es decir, se trata de un estudio con medidas intrasujeto, análisis antes-después o con datos emparejados. RESULTADOS En los pacientes con HPT secundario y terciario, las tasas de hipoparatiroidismo permanente fueron de 3,75% y 8,33% respectivamente. Los casos de HPT recidivado por persistencias o recurrencias cervicales fueron de 2,5% y por hipertrofias del injerto de antebrazo un 6,25% en los HPT secundarios. Se produce una mejoría de los parámetros metabólicos en todos los grupos, siendo más llamativas en los HPT secundario y terciario. La determinación de la PTH intraoperatoria permite comprobar un descenso mayor del 90% de las cifras de PTH en todos los tipos de HPT. DISCUSIÓN En la literatura, el tratamiento quirúrgico del HPT multiglandular es variado aunque la mayoría de grupos realizan la paratiroidectomía subtotal o la PT + AT, quedando prácticamente en desuso realizar una PT sin autotrasplante. Dado que son HPT multiglandulares y todas las glándulas están enfermedas, es de esperar que en cualquiera de las técnicas empleadas, con el tiempo, aparezca la recidiva sin haberse visto más frecuencia en una técnica que en otra. CONCLUSIONES En nuestra experiencia, las indicaciones de la PT+AT en antebrazo son las enfermedades con hiperplasia de paratiroides por su riesgo de recidiva. Se trata de una técnica segura y que controla la enfermedad de base a largo plazo, sin mortalidad y con escasa morbilidad

    The optimal age for performing surgery on patients with MEN 2B syndrome

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    Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromes are characterized by the association of various endocrine neoplasias. Prophylactic thyroidectomy is the treatment of choice for patients with RET gene mutations. The age at which patients undergo prophylactic thyroidectomy may vary depending on the position of the RET gene codon. In cases of MEN 2B, when the mutation is carried in codons 883, 918 or 922, prophylactic thyroidectomy is performed prior to 6 months of age, due to the increased aggressiveness of these heterozygosities, which are capable of determining the onset of medullary cancer during the first months of life. We present two heterozygous twin patients with MEN 2B syndrome who were born 32 weeks premature, and who underwent prophylactic thyroidectomy at 7 months of age. The patients were carriers of the mutation at codon 918. We suggested the early surgery at 7 months as, due to their prematurity, the patients were required to gain weight to improve their condition prior to surgery. The two patients had medullary thyroid carcinoma without lymph node involvement. In conclusion, for a truly prophylactic thyroidectomy, such patients should undergo surgery within the first month of life, particularly if these patients are carriers of the mutation in codons 883, 918 or 922

    Women Are Also Disadvantaged in Accessing Transplant Outside the United States: Analysis of the Spanish Liver Transplantation Registry

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    Sex inequities in liver transplantation (LT) have been documented in several, mostly US-based, studies. Our aim was to describe sex-related differences in access to LT in a system with short waiting times. All adult patients registered in the RETH-Spanish Liver Transplant Registry (2000–2022) for LT were included. Baseline demographics, presence of hepatocellular carcinoma, cause and severity of liver disease, time on the waiting list (WL), access to transplantation, and reasons for removal from the WL were assessed. 14,385 patients were analysed (77% men, 56.2 ± 8.7 years). Model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score was reported for 5,475 patients (mean value: 16.6 ± 5.7). Women were less likely to receive a transplant than men (OR 0.78, 95% CI 0.63, 0.97) with a trend to a higher risk of exclusion for deterioration (HR 1.17, 95% CI 0.99, 1.38), despite similar disease severity. Women waited longer on the WL (198.6 ± 338.9 vs. 173.3 ± 285.5 days, p < 0.001). Recently, women’s risk of dropout has reduced, concomitantly with shorter WL times. Even in countries with short waiting times, women are disadvantaged in LT. Policies directed at optimizing the whole LT network should be encouraged to guarantee a fair and equal access of all patients to this life saving resource

    Primary peripancreatic lymph node tuberculosis as a differential diagnosis of pancreatic neoplasia

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    Primary peripancreatic lymph node tuberculosis is an exceptional entity in immunocompetent patients, but its incidence is increasing in developed countries in recent years due to increasing immigration. It usually presents as a pancreatic mass and is misdiagnosed as pancreatic neoplasia in most cases, with the diagnosis of tuberculosis occurring after surgery. We report the case of a 38 year old Pakistani man with abdominal pain of several months duration, who was initially diagnosed with a pancreatic neoplasm after detecting a mass in the pancreatic isthmus by computed tomography (CT) and abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, after performing an endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (EUS-FNAB), the patient was diagnosed with peripancreatic lymph node tuberculosis. After receiving anti-tuberculous treatment, the patient presented clinical improvement, despite a small reduction in the lesion size. In conclusion, peripancreatic lymph node tuberculosis is part of the differential diagnosis of pancreatic neoplasia. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (EUS-FNAB) represents a valuable and useful diagnostic tool for detecting this pathology, avoiding surgeries with a high morbidity and mortality