35 research outputs found

    I dati Sentinel per un Framework GIS-based per la Gestione Integrata Costiera : una sperimentazione nel settore veneto della fascia costiera alto adriatica.

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    Il grande valore delle zone costiere e la loro potenzialit\ue0 hanno imposto di trovare soluzione ai problemi che le affliggono, quali la distruzione degli habitat, la contaminazione delle acque, l\u2019erosione costiera e l'impoverimento delle risorse (UE Commission: ICZM a strategy for Europe COM 2000, Agenda 21). L\u2019Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) sfrutta l\u2019analisi di vulnerabilit\ue0, di pericolosit\ue0 e di rischio, naturale e antropico, quali imprescindibili fondamenta conoscitive, specialmente per quelle risorse che hanno il carattere di beni comuni. Gli ambienti costieri sono sottoposti alla continua pressione esercitata da grandi masse d'acqua in continuo movimento e apporti sedimentari dei fiumi alla foce. Questi fattori, soprattutto nell\u2019alta fascia adriatica costiera, insieme ad eustatismo e subsidenza, determinano la notevole dinamicit\ue0 che pu\uf2 manifestarsi in differenti forme e in significativa rapidit\ue0 di cambiamento. Gli approcci tradizionali, nel ricorrere a delimitazioni cartografiche che non sono capaci di restituire i veloci cambiamenti che intervengono, evidenziano forti incongruenze con la realt\ue0 osservata. Quindi KPI, indici ed indicatori per le predette analisi \u2013 implementate mediante tecniche e strumenti di analisi geospaziale - necessitano di dati ad aggiornamento frequente che possono essere ottenuti dal telerilevamento satellitare impiegato come piattaforma informativa generalizzata. Nel paper viene presentata una sperimentazione che sfrutta i dati delle costellazioni Sentinel 1 e 2 del programma Copernicus dell\u2019ESA nel settore veneto della fascia costiera adriatica. Tale sperimentazione \u2013 mirata alla produzione di carte delle serie di vegetazione e all\u2019aggiornamento rapido della perimetrazione delle aree ambientali protette - costituisce un primo stato di avanzamento per la definizione di un framework ICZM generalizzabile per applicazioni sulle coste europee ed africane

    Investigating the inhibition of FTSJ1 a tryptophan tRNA-specific 2’-O-methyltransferase by NV TRIDs, as a mechanism of readthrough in nonsense mutated CFTR

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    Abstract: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease caused by mutations in the CFTR gene, coding for the CFTR chloride channel. About 10% of the CFTR gene mutations are "stop" mutations, which generate a Premature Termination Codon (PTC), thus synthesizing a truncated CFTR protein. A way to bypass PTC relies on ribosome readthrough, which is the ri-bosome’s capacity to skip a PTC, thus generating a full-length protein. “TRIDs” are molecules exerting ribosome readthrough; for some, the mechanism of action is still under debate. We in-vestigate a possible mechanism of action (MOA) by which our recently synthesized TRIDs, namely NV848, NV914, and NV930, could exert their readthrough activity by in silico analysis and in vitro studies. Our results suggest a likely inhibition of FTSJ1, a tryptophan tRNA-specific 2’-O-methyltransferase

    Readthrough Approach Using NV Translational Readthrough-Inducing Drugs (TRIDs): A Study of the Possible Off-Target Effects on Natural Termination Codons (NTCs) on TP53 and Housekeeping Gene Expression

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    Nonsense mutations cause several genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, β-thalassemia, and Shwachman–Diamond syndrome. These mutations induce the formation of a premature termination codon (PTC) inside the mRNA sequence, resulting in the synthesis of truncated polypeptides. Nonsense suppression therapy mediated by translational readthrough-inducing drugs (TRIDs) is a promising approach to correct these genetic defects. TRIDs generate a ribosome miscoding of the PTC named “translational readthrough” and restore the synthesis of full-length and potentially functional proteins. The new oxadiazole-core TRIDs NV848, NV914, and NV930 (NV) showed translational readthrough activity in nonsense-related in vitro systems. In this work, the possible off-target effect of NV molecules on natural termination codons (NTCs) was investigated. Two different in vitro approaches were used to assess if the NV molecule treatment induces NTC readthrough: (1) a study of the translational-induced p53 molecular weight and functionality; (2) the evaluation of two housekeeping proteins’ (Cys-C and β2M) molecular weights. Our results showed that the treatment with NV848, NV914, or NV930 did not induce any translation alterations in both experimental systems. The data suggested that NV molecules have a specific action for the PTCs and an undetectable effect on the NTCs

    Sicurezza Territoriale e gestione delle emergenze: soluzioni ed architetture per sistemi collaborativi

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    Intergraph's solutions for Public Safety & Security, Critical Infrastructures Protection and Emergency Operation Centers Intergraph provides the world’s leading public safety dispatch system, which is accessed by more than half a billion people worldwide when they dial for emergency response. Because coordination with public safety agencies during a large-scale event is so critical, Intergraph’s Computer- Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) system forms the basis for interagency coordination and management of operations and serves as the foundation of the decision support process. I/CAD seamlessly integrates an interactive, realtime map display with call handling, dispatching, records and information management, remote and field access, analysis and models. Intergraph’s systems meet IT security requirements – such as DIACAP – and dispatch interoperability (APCO, CAP) without compromising performance. Built on standard interfaces, Intergraph products I/Sight, I/Sensor and I/Alarm Plus allow two-way communication with a variety of video, sensor and alarm types (I/Security Framework). At the same time, Intergraph offers a broad range of solutions for Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) and crisis management systems (I/PR, I2RMS, GIOTTO)

    Smart City: aspetti geomatici di un paradigma “fuzzy”

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    Il concetto di Smart City viene proposto con molte varianti non sempre tra loro coerenti. Ne sceglieremol’accezione che propone la possibilità di una migliore qualità della vita negli spazi urbani rimpiazzandone lacaotica complessità con innovazioni tecnologiche per realizzare i nostri progetti di lavoro e di vita. All’interno delparadigma ci concentreremo sugli specifici aspetti del segmento disciplinare della geomatica. Smart City: geomatics aspects of afuzzy paradigm The label smart city is still quite a fuzzyconcept and is used in ways that arenot always consistent. We endorsethe definition that “a city can be definedas ‘smart’ when investments inhuman and social capital and traditional(transport) and modern (ICT)communication infrastructure fuelsustainable economic developmentand a high quality of life, with a wisemanagement of natural resources,through participatory governance”.Geomatics provides a set of conceptsand tools for the planningand management of Smart Cities(City Sensing,City Model, ProximalSensing, WIKI Sensing, etc). The IntegratedOperations Center (IOC)is the foundation using geographictechnologies to join Smart City withSafe City. Smart Grid Systems are away to make operational the urbansosteneability in the energy sector.Some Intergraph’s technologies areused as examples of the contributionof geomatics in the implementationof Smart City paradigm

    Dal GIS all’SDI: le infrastrutture di dati geografici per la PAL

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    Per giungere ad una corretta definizione del fabbisogno di servizi GIS nella PAL è opportuno impostare un ragionamento relativo alla ridefinizione del ruolo dell’informazione geografica nei processi operativi della PAL stessa. Il problema al quale l’informatizzazione deve fornire una soluzione è, in generale, quello del riequilibrio dei rapporti tra gli stakeholders e il territorio, mediante strumenti di partecipazione ai processi decisionali e di sussidiarietà tra le PA

    Dal GIS all’SDI: le infrastrutture di dati geografici per la PAL

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    Per giungere ad una corretta definizione del fabbisogno di servizi GIS nella PAL è opportuno impostare un ragionamento relativo alla ridefinizione del ruolo dell’informazione geografica nei processi operativi della PAL stessa. Il problema al quale l’informatizzazione deve fornire una soluzione è, in generale, quello del riequilibrio dei rapporti tra gli stakeholders e il territorio, mediante strumenti di partecipazione ai processi decisionali e di sussidiarietà tra le PA

    Innovazione tecnologica e sinergie tra soluzioni geospaziali Lo "scenario Intergraph" (Parte Seconda)

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    Continua in quest'articolo la descrizione delle soluzioni geospatial del nuovo scenario Intergraph che si sta delineando a seguito della fusione di molti player del settore della geomatica al'interno del gruppo Hexagon AB. La prima parte di questo articolo è stata pubblicata su GEOmedia 4/2011. Technological  innovation  and  synergies  between  geospatial solutions. The "Intergraph's scenario". 2nd Part. In  October  2010,  Intergraph  was  acquired  by  and  is  now  a wholly owned subsidiary of Hexagon AB. Hexagon is a lead-ing global provider of precision measurement technology sys-tems. Intergraph Security, Government & Infrastructure (SG&I) provides geospatially powered solutions to the public safety and  security,  defense  and  intelligence,  government,  trans-portation, utilities, and communications industries. Now since ERDAS is part of Intergraph,  Intergraph provides integrated products for remote sensing, photogrammetry, and geospatial data management and delivery. Using Leica sensors and tech-nologies enhanced by Intergraph-ERDAS software technolo-gies, IMoSS (another company of HEXAGON AB) is a reliable partner  when  it  is  needed  to  monitor,  analyse  and  visualise movements  at  millimetre  level  accuracy  and  to  trasform  the monitoring data into actionable intelligence

    Innovazione tecnologica e sinergie tra soluzioni geospaziali Lo "scenario Intergraph"

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    Negli ultimi anni abbiamo potuto assistere all’espansione delle tecnologie per l’Informazione Geografica dall’originale ambito della cartografia numerica per la conoscenza del territorio (automated mapping) o per la gestione delle infrastrutture e delle reti tecnologiche (facility management) verso un dominio più ampio denominato "geospatial". Technological innovation and synergies between geospatial solutions. The "Intergraph's scenario".Geospatial  is  much  more  than  GIS.  We  can  understand  the evolution  of  Geographic  Information  considering  some  new working groups and OWS demonstrations of Open Geospa-tial Consortium: Sensor Web Enablement, Sensor Fusion Ena-blement, Feature & Decision Fusion, Aviation, Emergency and Disaster Management, etc. Another point of observation is to analyze some brand new products of a multinational enterprise committed to the innovation like Intergraph Corporation. Part of Hexagon AB, Intergraph, Leica Geosystems and ERDAS are working together to leverage joint strengths in geospatial in-novation.Intergraph’s Motion Video Exploitation solution leverages full motion video, giving analysts the ability to collect, analyze, and maximize the value of video assets.GeoMedia  3D  is  a  GeoMedia  add-on  product  that  extends the functionality of Intergraph’s geospatial solutions through an integrated 3D visualization and analysis environment. You can visualize, navigate, analyze, and interact with 3D data na-tively in GeoMedia.GeoMedia Smart Client delivers an enterprise geospatial plat-form engineered to support large numbers of users who are unable to operate full desktop products, but whose workflows need  advanced  geospatial  functionality  that  cannot  be  sup-ported by Web mapping tools.G/Technology Fiber Optic Works 1.0 streamlines the management  of  fiber  optic  infrastructure  for  utilities,  municipalities, agencies and communications companies who are implement-ing a public or private fiber network. Fiber Optic Works is a complete, enterprise-scalable design and asset management system that allows users to efficiently manage the circuit com-plexity of a geospatially dispersed fiber optic communications network infrastructure, all in one integrated system