35 research outputs found

    Gyeptelepítés elmélete és gyakorlata az ökológiai szemléletű gazdálkodásban

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    Az utóbbi években egyre nagyobb az igény mind hazánkban, mind Európában a szántóföldi művelés alól kivett területek alternatív, fenntartható hasznosítására, melyre jó lehetőséget biztosít az ökológiai szemléletű gyepgazdálkodás. A gyepesítéssel szemben támasztott legfontosabb elvárás egy főképp füvek dominálta évelő gyep létrejötte, amely visszaszorítja a nemkívánatos gyomfajokat. Ökológiai célú gyeptelepítés esetén rendkívül fontos a megfelelő szaporítóanyagok, a megfelelő fűfajok kiválasztása és a természetkímélő technológia alkalmazása. A telepítendő fajokat a terület ökológiai jellemzőinek (talajtípus, vízgazdálkodás, hőmérséklet és csapadék viszonyok) figyelembe vételével és a későbbi hasznosítás (legeltetés, kaszálás) szempontjait szem előtt tartva kell kiválasztani. A telepítés időpontját és technológiáját szintén össze kell hangolni a termőhelyi adottságokkal és a későbbi hasznosítással. Legújabb kiadványunk olyan tudományos igényességgel kidolgozott, de a mindennapi gazdálkodásban alkalmazható szakanyag, amely felhívja a figyelmet az ökológiai szempontú gyeptelepítés legfontosabb szempontjaira, a gyeptelepítéshez használt magkeverékkel szemben támasztott kívánalmakra, a telepítés gyakorlati kivitelezésére, valamint várható gép- és költségigényére. A kiadvány a Debreceni Egyetem Ökológiai Tanszéke közreműködésével, Dr. Török Péter szerkesztésében valósult meg. A projekt a Magyar Nemzeti Vidéki Hálózat Elnökségének értékelése és javaslata alapján, az Európai Mezőgazdasági és Vidékfejlesztési Alap társfinanszírozásában, a Nemzeti Vidékfejlesztési Program Irányító Hatóságának jóváhagyásával válhatott valóra

    Novel genetically encoded fluorescent probes enable real-time detection of potassium in vitro and in vivo

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    Changes in intra-and extracellular potassium ion (K+) concentrations control many important cellular processes and related biological functions. However, our current understanding of the spatiotemporal patterns of physiological and pathological K+ changes is severely limited by the lack of practicable detection methods. We developed K+-sensitive genetically encoded, Forster resonance energy transfer-(FRET) based probes, called GEPIIs, which enable quantitative real-time imaging of K+ dynamics. GEPIIs as purified biosensors are suitable to directly and precisely quantify K+ levels in different body fluids and cell growth media. GEPIIs expressed in cells enable time-lapse and real-time recordings of global and local intracellular K+ signals. Hitherto unknown Ca2+-triggered, organelle-specific K+ changes were detected in pancreatic beta cells. Recombinant GEPIIs also enabled visualization of extracellular K+ fluctuations in vivo with 2-photon microscopy. Therefore, GEPIIs are relevant for diverse K+ assays and open new avenues for live-cell K+ imaging

    Hongrie : des stratégies dans le tuyau

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    Status in a pannonic salt steppe with airborne laser scanning

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    Natura 2000 Habitat Conservation Status is currently evaluated based on fieldwork. However, this is proving to be unfeasible over large areas. The use of remote sensing is increasingly encouraged but covering the full range of ecological variables by such datasets and ensuring compatibility with the traditional assessment methodology has not been achieved yet. We aimed to test Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) as a source for mapping all variables required by the local official conservation status assessment scheme and to develop an automated method that calculates Natura 2000 conservation status at 0.5 m raster resolution for 24 km2 of Pannonic Salt Steppe habitat (code 1530). We used multi-temporal (summer and winter) ALS point clouds with full-waveform recording and a density of 10 pt/m2. Some required variables were derived from ALS product rasters; others involved vegetation classification layers calculated by machine learning and fuzzy categorization. Thresholds separating favorable and unfavorable values of each variable required by the national assessment scheme were manually calibrated from 10 plots where field-based assessment was carried out. Rasters representing positive and negative scores for each input variable were integrated in a ruleset that exactly follows the Hungarian Natura 2000 assessment scheme for grasslands. Accuracy of each parameter and the final conservation status score and category was evaluated by 10 independent assessment plots. We conclude that ALS is a suitable data source for Natura 2000 assessments in grasslands, and that the national grassland assessment scheme can successfully be used as a GIS processing model for conservation status, ensuring that the output is directly comparable with traditional field based assessmentsThe ChangeHabitats2 MarieCurie IAP

    The role of excitement and enjoyment through subjective evaluation of horror film scenes

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    Abstract The popularity of the horror genre is constantly increasing and still has not reached its peak. As a recreational activity, people watch horror movies in pursuit of excitement and enjoyment. However, we still do not know what traits make people seek out this type of increase in arousal (excitement) and why they find it desirable (enjoyment). Consequently, in this study, we sought to identify observer-related factors that allows consumption of horror content as a recreational activity. Participants (N = 558) answered questions about movie-watching habits, completed measures of cognitive emotion regulation, sensation seeking, paranormal beliefs, morbid curiosity, disgust sensitivity, and rated short scenes from horror movies on dimensions of excitement, enjoyment, disgust, fearfulness, and realness. Our findings suggest that the predictors of excitement and enjoyment are slightly different. Perceived disgust negatively affected enjoyment but did not influence to excitement. Further, both excitement and enjoyment were positively predicted by fearfulness and realness ratings of the scenes, and morbid curiosity. Paranormal beliefs, sensation seeking, disgust sensitivity, anxiety, and emotion regulation strategies were not associated with excitement and enjoyment. Future studies should make a distinction between excitement and enjoyment as they are equally important factors with slightly different backgrounds in recreational fear

    Membrane composition of jetted lipid vesicles: A Raman spectroscopy study

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    Microfluidic jetting is a promising method to produce giant unilamellar phospholipid vesicles for mimicking living cells in biomedical studies. We have investigated the chemical composition of membranes of vesicles prepared using this approach by means of Raman scattering spectroscopy. The membranes of all jetted vesicles are found to contain residuals of the organic solvent decane used in the preparation of the initial planar membrane. The decane inclusions are randomly distributed over the vesicle surface area and vary in thickness from a few to several tens of nanometers. Our findings point out that the membrane properties of jetted vesicles may differ considerably from those of vesicles prepared by other methods and from those of living cells.Fil: Kirchner, Silke R.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Ohlinger, Alexander. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Pfeiffer, Tom. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Urban, Alexander S.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Stefani, Fernando Daniel. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; Alemania. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Investigaciones en Bionanociencias "Elizabeth Jares Erijman"; ArgentinaFil: Deak, Andras. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Lutich, Andrey A.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Feldmann, Jochen. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; Alemani

    Talajápolás a szőlőben – fókuszban a fajgazdag sorköztakarás

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    Hazai szőlőültetvényeinkben szemlélődve, a korábbi évtizedekben megszokott „tisztán tartott”, mechanikai művelésű sorközök helyett egyre többször látunk olyan parcellákat, ahol valamilyen sorköztakarást alkalmaznak

    Spotted-dick, a zinc-finger protein of Drosophila required for expression of Orc4 and S phase

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    The highly condensed chromosomes and chromosome breaks in mitotic cells of a Drosophila mutant, spotted‐dick/pita , are the consequence of defects in DNA replication. Reduction of levels of Spotted‐dick protein, by either RNAi or mutation, leads to the accumulation of cells that have DNA content intermediate to 2N and 4N in proliferating tissues and also compromises endoreduplication in larval salivary glands. The Spotted‐dick Zinc‐finger protein is present in the nuclei of cells committed to proliferation but necessary in cells undertaking S phase. We show that Spotted‐dick/Pita functions as a transcription factor and that, in cultured S2 cells, it is an activator of expression of some 30 genes that include the Orc4 gene, required for initiation of DNA replication. Chromatin immunoprecipitation indicates that it associates with the genes that it activates in S2 cells together with other sites that could represent genes activated in other tissues. We discuss the role of Spotted‐dick in the coordination of cellular growth and DNA replication