23,253 research outputs found

    Critical properties of an aperiodic model for interacting polymers

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    We investigate the effects of aperiodic interactions on the critical behavior of an interacting two-polymer model on hierarchical lattices (equivalent to the Migadal-Kadanoff approximation for the model on Bravais lattices), via renormalization-group and tranfer-matrix calculations. The exact renormalization-group recursion relations always present a symmetric fixed point, associated with the critical behavior of the underlying uniform model. If the aperiodic interactions, defined by s ubstitution rules, lead to relevant geometric fluctuations, this fixed point becomes fully unstable, giving rise to novel attractors of different nature. We present an explicit example in which this new attractor is a two-cycle, with critical indices different from the uniform model. In case of the four-letter Rudin-Shapiro substitution rule, we find a surprising closed curve whose points are attractors of period two, associated with a marginal operator. Nevertheless, a scaling analysis indicates that this attractor may lead to a new critical universality class. In order to provide an independent confirmation of the scaling results, we turn to a direct thermodynamic calculation of the specific-heat exponent. The thermodynamic free energy is obtained from a transfer matrix formalism, which had been previously introduced for spin systems, and is now extended to the two-polymer model with aperiodic interactions.Comment: 19 pages, 6 eps figures, to appear in J. Phys A: Math. Ge

    Critical Behavior of a Three-State Potts Model on a Voronoi Lattice

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    We use the single-histogram technique to study the critical behavior of the three-state Potts model on a (random) Voronoi-Delaunay lattice with size ranging from 250 to 8000 sites. We consider the effect of an exponential decay of the interactions with the distance,J(r)=J0exp(ar)J(r)=J_0\exp(-ar), with a>0a>0, and observe that this system seems to have critical exponents γ\gamma and ν\nu which are different from the respective exponents of the three-state Potts model on a regular square lattice. However, the ratio γ/ν\gamma/\nu remains essentially the same. We find numerical evidences (although not conclusive, due to the small range of system size) that the specific heat on this random system behaves as a power-law for a=0a=0 and as a logarithmic divergence for a=0.5a=0.5 and a=1.0a=1.0Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Deblocking of interacting particle assemblies: from pinning to jamming

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    A wide variety of interacting particle assemblies driven by an external force are characterized by a transition between a blocked and a moving phase. The origin of this deblocking transition can be traced back to the presence of either external quenched disorder, or of internal constraints. The first case belongs to the realm of the depinning transition, which, for example, is relevant for flux-lines in type II superconductors and other elastic systems moving in a random medium. The second case is usually included within the so-called jamming scenario observed, for instance, in many glassy materials as well as in plastically deforming crystals. Here we review some aspects of the rich phenomenology observed in interacting particle models. In particular, we discuss front depinning, observed when particles are injected inside a random medium from the boundary, elastic and plastic depinning in particle assemblies driven by external forces, and the rheology of systems close to the jamming transition. We emphasize similarities and differences in these phenomena.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, submitted for a special issue of the Brazilian Journal of Physics entitled: Statistical Mechanics of Irreversible Stochastic Models - I

    Fundraising and vote distribution: a non-equilibrium statistical approach

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    The number of votes correlates strongly with the money spent in a campaign, but the relation between the two is not straightforward. Among other factors, the output of a ballot depends on the number of candidates, voters, and available resources. Here, we develop a conceptual framework based on Shannon entropy maximization and Superstatistics to establish a relation between the distributions of money spent by candidates and their votes. By establishing such a relation, we provide a tool to predict the outcome of a ballot and to alert for possible misconduct either in the report of fundraising and spending of campaigns or on vote counting. As an example, we consider real data from a proportional election with 63236323 candidates, where a detailed data verification is virtually impossible, and show that the number of potential misconducting candidates to audit can be reduced to only nine

    Qualitative Analysis of Polycycles in Filippov Systems

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    In this paper, we are concerned about the qualitative behaviour of planar Filippov systems around some typical minimal sets, namely, polycycles. In the smooth context, a polycycle is a simple closed curve composed by a collection of singularities and regular orbits, inducing a first return map. Here, this concept is extended to Filippov systems by allowing typical singularities lying on the switching manifold. Our main goal consists in developing a method to investigate the unfolding of polycycles in Filippov systems. In addition, we applied this method to describe bifurcation diagrams of Filippov systems around certain polycycles