50 research outputs found

    Estratégias de rega deficitária na vinha em regiões de clima Mediterrânico

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    Nas regiões de clima mediterrânico, em que a cultura da vinha tem uma grande expressão em termos de área cultivada e importância económica, as secas sazonais que ocorrem durante parte do ciclo vegetativo da videira são frequentes e exercem um enorme constrangimento quer na produção quer na qualidade. Com o objectivo de contrariar as quebras de produção e da qualidade da uva, resultantes do decréscimo do teor de água disponível no solo, do aumento das temperaturas e do défice de pressão de vapor de água da atmosfera, que se acentuam ao longo do período estival, têm-se vindo a introduzir, na generalidade das regiões vitícolas mediterrânicas, a prática da rega na vinha. A videira responde muito marcadamente aos diferentes regimes hídricos em todas as etapas do seu ciclo vegetativo. Uma rega excessiva pode conduzir a um aumento do vigor e da densidade foliar com consequências ao nível das características da uva diminuindo o seu teor em açúcares, intensidade da cor e compostos fenólicos e aumentando a acidez. No entanto, a aplicação de regas moderadas pode conduzir a um aumento da produção mantendo a qualidade ou mesmo incrementando-a. Este compromisso entre a necessidade de assegurar o rendimento dos viticultores e manter ou melhorar a qualidade da produção, num contexto de escassez de água e da necessidade de a gerir de uma forma mais eficiente, tem levado à implementação de diferentes estratégias de rega deficitária na cultura da vinha. Neste trabalho descrevem-se as diferentes estratégias de rega deficitária que têm vindo a ser implementadas na cultura da vinha e apresentam-se os resultados de um caso de estudo sobre influência da aplicação de rega de deficitária no comportamento fisiológico e agronómico da variedade Tinta Roriz, levado a cabo na Região Demarcada do Douro durante os anos de 2006 a 2008

    Response of grapevive CV. “Tinta Roriz (Vitis vinifera L. ) to moderate Irrigation in the Douro Region, Portugal

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    The behaviour of cv. “Tinta Roriz” (Vitis vinifera L.), was studied when moderate drip irrigation was applied from veraison to harvest. Field studies were conducted during three growing seasons (2006-2008) in a commercial vineyard located in the Douro region, Portugal. Experimental layout consisted in the measurement of physiological and agronomic parameters in vines submitted to three different irrigation treatments: 0R was non-irrigation, 2R and 4R were irrigated with a constant fraction of reference evapotranspiration of 0.2 and 0.4, respectively. The results showed that moderate irrigation improved plant water status, leaf photosynthesis and transpiration. Yield components and pruning weights had a significant increase, only in the 2008 growing season, in 4R irrigated treatment. There were no significant differences between treatments in the accumulation of sugar, titratable acidity and pH in berries. The total phenols and the colour intensity showed a tendency, not significant, to decrease in irrigated treatments

    Response of grapevine CV. “Tinta roriz” (Vitis vinifera L.) to moderate irrigation in the Douro Region, Portugal

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    The behaviour of cv. “Tinta Roriz” (Vitis vinifera L.), was studied when moderate drip irrigation was applied from veraison to harvest. Field studies were conducted during three growing seasons (2006-2008) in a commercial vineyard located in the Douro region, Portugal. Experimental layout consisted in the measurement of physiological and agronomic parameters in vines submitted to three different irrigation treatments: 0R was non-irrigation, 2R and 4R were irrigated with a constant fraction of reference evapotranspiration of 0.2 and 0.4, respectively. The results showed that moderate irrigation improved plant water status, leaf photosynthesis and transpiration. Yield components and pruning weights had a significant increase, only in the 2008 growing season, in 4R irrigated treatment. There were no significant differences between treatments in the accumulation of sugar, titratable acidity and pH in berries. The total phenols and the colour intensity showed a tendency, not significant, to decrease in irrigated treatments

    Avaliação do stresse hídrico em videiras submetidas a diferentes regimes hídricos

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    Nas regiões de clima mediterrânico onde as videiras são plantadas sem rega, verificam-se com frequência no Verão situações de elevado stresse hídrico para a planta. Estas surgem como consequência das baixas reservas hídricas do solo, devido às baixas precipitações estivais, elevada temperatura e elevado défice de pressão de vapor. A aplicação de diferentes regimes de rega pode alterar substancialmente a fisiologia da videira afectando desta forma a produção e a composição da uva, sendo, por isso, necessária a sua avaliação. Este estudo, enquadrado num projecto mais amplo de estudo das relações hídricas da vinha, teve como objectivo avaliar, em condições de stresse hídrico acentuado, duas metodologias indicadoras do estado hídrico de videiras submetidas a diferentes regimes hídricos: o potencial hídrico foliar e a temperatura da canópia. Os resultados mostram que potencial hídrico foliar mostrou ser o método mais fiável para avaliar o estado hídrico na videira em condições de stresse hídrico severo evidenciando uma melhor correlação com os parâmetros fisiológicos. A temperatura do copado tende a aumentar com o incremento do stresse hídrico em consequência do encerramento estomático mostrando uma correlação significativa com o potencial hídrico foliar mas correlações não significativas com os parâmetros fisiológicos.In regions with a Mediterranean type of climate, where grapevine is a traditionally non-irrigated crop, the periods of marked plant water stress are very common. Water deficits occurs as a consequence of low soil water content that usually develops gradually during summer, owing to low precipitation, and is normally associated with high temperature and high vapor pressure deficits. Different irrigation regimes can bring about substantial alteration in grapevine physiology, affecting yield and grape composition and thus need to be properly assessed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the leaf water potential and canopy temperature as grapevine water status indicators. The results shows that leaf water potential is the best reliable indicator of grapevine water status under severe water stress conditions, showing a good correlation with other physiological parameters. Canopy temperature have a tendency to increase due to stomata close showing a high correlation with leaf water potential but low correlations with physiological parameters

    Response of two grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Portuguese varieties Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional to different irrigation regimes in the Douro Region, Portugal

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    The effect of several deficit irrigation regimes on vine water status, grape yield and quality parameters were studied in two Portuguese cultivars, Tinta Roriz (2007 and 2008 growing seasons) and Touriga Nacional (2014 and 2015 growing seasons) (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in a commercial vineyards located in the Douro region, Portugal. Treatments consisted of non-irrigated vines and three deficit irrigation regimes with a constant fraction of reference evapotranspiration (ETo): 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6. The reference evapotranspiration was calculated using modified FAO Penman-Monteith equation and water was applied three times a week, from pre-veraison until one week before harvest, through a drip irrigation system. The results showed that moderate water supplies during ripening period, for the region where the study was conducted (severe water deficits), improved significantly the grapevine water status, leaf photosynthesis and transpiration in both cultivars. Yield components and pruning weights showed a significant increase in irrigated treatments with more water supplied. There were no significant differences in the majority of fruit quality parameters. However, the total phenols and the colour intensity showed a tendency to decrease in irrigated treatments with more water supplied.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influência da rega deficitária na evolução da maturação da variedade Tinta Roriz (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Na Região Demarcada do Douro, e em particular na sub-região do Douro Superior, a vinha é conduzida, durante uma parte significativa do seu ciclo vegetativo, em condições de défice hídrico acentuado associadas a altas temperaturas, elevado stresse radiativo e elevado défice de pressão de vapor. As práticas culturais implementadas para minimizar as condições adversas, e em particular o regime de rega, podem alterar substancialmente a fisiologia da videira afectando a produção e a composição do bago. O principal objectivo deste estudo foi o de avaliar o curso da maturação na variedade Tinta Roriz de Vitis vinífera L., através da monitorização dos principais parâmetros da maturação, quando submetida a dotações de rega moderadas

    A viticultura das Arribas do Douro Internacional – uma história para contar, um futuro a reflectir

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    A actual Denominação de Origem (DO) Trás-os-Montes, sub-região Planalto Mirandês (PM) (Diário da República, 1ª série - Nº 216 – 9 de Novembro de 2006), situa-se no Nordeste de Portugal, distrito de Bragança, região natural Miranda- Mogadouro (Taborda, 1932). Inicialmente designada Ribadouro (1986) e posteriormente por Indicação de Proveniência Regulamentada do Planalto Mirandês (Decreto-Lei 341/89), a actual designação de sub-região Planalto Mirandês deve-se ao facto de grande parte da sua área estar incluída no conjunto dos planaltos de Miranda e de Mogadouro. Apesar de ser uma região relativamente pequena em termos de área de vinha (cerca de 4000 hectares), apresenta significativa diversidade mesoclimática, devida à fisiografia e hidrografia que determinam diversas exposições e declives e igualmente diversidade pedológica, em função dos materiais originários. Com efeito,é possível registar neste território diferentes origens e constituições, as quais se reflectem particularmente pela diversidade dos ecossistemas de vegetação natural: “O revestimento vegetal traz impressa a marca desta dupla natureza” (Taborda 1932)

    Toxicity effects of fungicide residues on the wine-producing process

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    We report the detection of several fungicide residues (Dichlofluanid, Benomyl, Iprodione, Procymidone and Vinclozolin) in red and white bottled wines from two Portuguese wine-producing zones. Studies were done in order to evaluate the active compound transfer percentage from grapes to the final product along fermentation process. We also investigated their effects in Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeasts as well as their influence on the physical, chemical and organoleptic wine properties. All the tested fungicides had a negative effect on in vitro yeast growth, with Dichlofluanid and Benomyl being the most toxic. Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were the most resistant yeasts while Rhodotorula glutinis was the most susceptible. Microvinification experiments carried out in the presence of fungicides produced wine samples with unaltered physical, chemical and organoleptic properties, though Benomyl, a slight delay in the initiation of fermentation process was observed

    History of persistence and diversification of grape varieties in the region of Tras-os-Montes, NE Portugal

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    The objective of this study is the identification of the varieties of the Tras-os-Montes region, carry out its local territorial delimitation, in different ages, and make progress in identifying synonyms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mead production: selection and characterization assays of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains

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    http://apps.isiknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=10&SID=V12mKh9k9n8jHN@CK7o&page=1&doc=1&colname=WOSMead is a traditional drink, which results from the alcoholic fermentation of diluted honey carried out by yeasts. However, when it is produced in a homemade way, mead producers find several problems, namely, the lack of uniformity in the final product, delayed and arrested fermentations, and the production of “off-flavours” by the yeasts. These problems are usually associated with the inability of yeast strains to respond and adapt to unfavourable and stressful growth conditions. The main objectives of this work were to evaluate the capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, isolated from honey of the Trás-os-Montes (Northeast Portugal), to produce mead. Five strains from honey, as well as one laboratory strain and one commercial wine strain, were evaluated in terms of their fermentation performance under ethanol, sulphur dioxide and osmotic stress. All the strains showed similar behaviour in these conditions. Two yeasts strains isolated from honey and the commercial wine strain were further tested for mead production, using two different honeys (a dark and a light honey), enriched with two supplements (one commercial and one developed by the research team), as fermentation media. The results obtained in this work show that S. cerevisiae strains isolated from honey, are appropriate for mead production. However it is of extreme importance to take into account the characteristics of the honey, and supplements used in the fermentation medium formulation, in order to achieve the best results in mead production