49 research outputs found

    Izkušnje kronično obolelih pacientov s telemedicinsko obravnavo v ambulantah družinske medicine

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    Uvod: Telemedicinska obravnava stopa v ospredje kot strategija za obvladovanje kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni,  ki v Sloveniji povzročijo visok delež smrti. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti, kakšne izkušnje imajo pacienti z diagnozo kronične bolezni tako z uporabo telemedicinske opreme kot s telemedicinsko obravnavo v ambulanti družinske medicine. Metode: Julija 2020 so bile v enem od slovenskih  zdravstvenih domov izvedene štiri fokusne skupine z 19 pacienti s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 in/ali visokim krvnim tlakom. Prepisi skupinskih pogovorov so bili analizirani po načelih induktivne tematske analize. Rezultati: S pomočjo induktivne tematske analize je bilo  oblikovanih sedem tem: prednosti in slabosti  telemedicinske obravnave, enostavnost uporabe telemedicinske opreme, dvosmerna komunikacija z zdravstvenim osebjem, učinki telemedicinske obravnave na zdravstveno stanje pacientov, želja po uporabi in dostopnosti telemedicinske obravnave, vpliv in opora  okolja ter skrb za lastno zdravje. Teme vsebujejo 10 podtem in 29 dejavnikov. Diskusija in zaključek: Na izvajanje telemedicinskih  meritev najbolj vplivajo zaznana potreba pacientov in navodila zdravstvenega osebja. Kljub pozitivni izkušnji pacientov z uporabo telemedicinske opreme je potrebna strokovna presoja primernosti tovrstne obravnave na individualni ravni, ki ne vključuje le zdravstvenega stanja pacientov, marveč tudi oceno njihovega odnosa do zdravja in digitalnih veščin

    Potrošnja tehnologij in tehnologije potrošnje

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    This paper aims to investigate the role of new technologies in the modern consumption culture by focusing on the relation between mobile phone and contemporary consumption practices that are formed around aesthetics of temporality and hinge on the existence of a ceaseless desire for the new. The paper suggests that in the contemporary culture mobile phones are not only consumption objects, used for marking and constructing social and status distinctions, but through their perpetual presence in the everyday life are also inherently embedded in consumption practices that are oriented toward emotional, aesthetic and hedonistic experiences. Under such conditions the consumption of mobile phones is not only determined by their material qualities, related to the sense of new as fresh and/or innovative, but is primarily fostered by the purely experiential sense of new as novel or unfamiliar. With the help of a recent empirical study on social aspects of mobile telephony in Slovenia the paper explores the implications that these forms of the "newness" have on mobile phone related consumption culture. Although three different groups of mobile phone consumers were identified by cluster analysis approach, whose consumption motivations lie in three different dimensions of the new, the findings suggest that freshness, innovation, and novelty do not shape their consumption style as separated but rather as mutually interwoven categories.V članku obravnavamo vlogo novih tehnologij v sodobni potrošni kulturi, pri čemer se posebej osredotočamo na odnos med mobilnim telefonom in sodobnimi potrošniškimi praksami, ki so organizirane okrog estetike začasnosti in podvržene etičnemu imperativu iskanja idealiziranega užitka v novem. Avtor ugotavlja, da mobilni telefoni v sodobni potrošni kulturi niso zgolj objekti utilitarne potrošnje, marveč so s svojo nenehno navzočnostjo v vsakdanjem življenju del potrošnih praks, ki so usmerjene k emocionalnemu, estetskemu in hedonističnemu izkustvu. V takšnih okoliščinah potrošnje mobilnih telefonov nedoločajo le materialni vidiki njihove artefaktnosti, vezani na željo po novem kot inovativnem ali nasprotju starega, ampak predvsem v subjektu umišljeno izkustvo novega kot nepoznanega. Na osnovi empiričnih analiz ugotavljamo, da se organizacija potrošnih praks med slovenskimi uporabniki mobilnih telefonov povezuje z nakazano tipologijo novega. Natančnejši vpogled v samotematizacijo novega znotraj treh skupin potrošnikov mobilnih telefonov pa pokaže, da treh razsežnosti novega ni mogoče obravnavati kot izključujoče se ali ločene, temveč kot vzajemno povezane entitete

    Reconfiguring socialities: the personal networks of ICT users and social cohesion

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    The debate on the social role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has centered on whether their use will tend to isolate or connect individuals, thereby undermining or reinforcing social ties. This paper moves away from this focus on more or less connectivity to explore the structural characteristics of emerging forms of technologically mediated social connectivity and to examine how these new forms alter the integrative foundations of contemporary communities. The paper contends that in the circumstances of late modernity, characterized by the reflexive uses of communication technologies, network and mobile sociality have emerged that differently support the commitment of strong and the evanescence of weak ties,having ramifications for the types and cohesiveness of community forms that are increasingly structured as personal networks. In order to evaluate the cohesiveness of network and mobile sociality the analysis indentifies users of mobile phones, short text messages, landline telephone, PC email, online community and active participants in an online community and investigates the differences between users and non-users of these technologiesin terms of the structural characteristics of personal networks aswell as social participation and offline socializing as two central dimensions of social cohesion. The analysis is based on data from the 2005 IKT-GOS Survey, a national probability sample survey of individuals aged 10 and over in Slovenia. The findings indicate that the use of different ICTs alters the structural composition of personal networks and the communication processes within them in different ways. However, the use of ICTs generally augments the level of offline socializing and social participation. When taken together, the results suggest that network and mobile sociality are characterized by the growing importance of Ćfine-tuningĆ personal relationships in a way that combines various communication technologies, whichdoes not detract people from offline environments and, thereby, has a beneficial impact on social cohesion

    The ten shades of silver

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    With the closing of the age-related gap in mobile phone uptake and the aging of the population, older adults have increasingly become a desirable target group for mobile phone providers. Although there is abundant literature describing the use of mobile phones among older adults, segmentation studies on this group of consumers remain scant and inconclusive. Drawing on the benefit and behavioral segmentation, this study presents a segmentation model of older adults in the mobile phone market that incorporates a wide variety of consumer behavior, attitudinal, and acceptance variables relevant for the understanding of mobile phone (non-)usage patterns among users of feature phones and smartphones, as well as among mobile phone nonusers. The model is based on a hybrid approach with a two-step cluster analysis using data collected by a telephone survey from a representative sample (n = 1,581) of adults aged 55 or older in Slovenia in 2015. The analysis yielded two uniquely profiled clusters within each of the five a priori-determined segments, summing to a total of 10 clusters. The results show that older adults still prefer feature phones. Nevertheless, the mobile phone market has become highly heterogeneous, with clusters of older adults having distinguishable feature phone- and smartphone-use patterns as well as socio-demographic and life-course profiles. Since many of these profiles undermine the notion of older adults as "basic" mobile phone users, our findings represent a solid foundation for scholars and marketers to further investigate their specific needs in relation to more advanced smartphone and mobile internet usage

    Factors of collective psychological empowerment of active users in the online health community med.over.net

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    Objective: This paper investigates the collective psychological empowerment of users of online health communities, which has been often overlooked in literature. Drawing on the theories of empowerment in the context of community psychology, it explores the factors - that are also an important characteristic of online health communities - that are associated with the collective psychological empowerment of online health community users