10 research outputs found

    Topology design of an offshore wind farm with multiple types of wind turbines in a circular layout

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    The advances in the manufacturing industry make it possible to install wind turbines (WTs) with large capacities in offshore wind farms (OWFs) in deep water areas far away from the coast where there are the best wind resources. This paper proposes a novel method for OWF optimal planning in deep water areas with a circular boundary. A three-dimensional model of the planning area’s seabed is established in a cylindrical coordinate. Two kinds of WTs with capacities of 4 and 8 MW respectively are supposed to be mixed-installed in that area. Baseline cases are analyzed and compared to verify the superiority of a circular layout pattern and the necessity of a non-uniform installation. Based on the establishment of the optimization model and a realistic wind condition, a novel heuristic algorithm, i.e., the whale optimization algorithm (WOA), is applied to solve the problem to obtain the type selection and coordinates of WTs simultaneously. Finally, the feasibility and advantages of the proposed scheme are identified and discussed according to the simulation results

    A comparison between reconstruction methods for generation of synthetic time series applied to wind speed simulation

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    Wind energy is an attractive renewable sources and its prediction is highly essential for multiple applications. Over the literature, there are several studies have been focused on the related researches of synthetic wind speed data generation. In this research, two reconstruction methods are developed for synthetic wind speed time series generation. The modeling is constructed based on different processes including independent values generation from the known probability distribution function, rearrangement of random values and segmentation. They have been named as Rank-wise and Step-wise reconstruction methods. The proposed methods are explained with the help of a standard time series and the examination on wind speed time series collected from Galicia, the autonomous region in the northwest of Spain. Results evidenced the potential of the developed models over the state-of-the-art synthetic time series generation methods and demonstrated a successful validation using the means of mean and median wind speed values, autocorrelations, probability distribution parameters with their corresponding histograms and confusion matrix. Pros and cons of both methods are discussed comprehensively

    The state-of-the-art progress in cloud detection, identification, and tracking approaches: a systematic review

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    A cloud is a mass of water vapor floating in the atmosphere. It is visible from the ground and can remain at a variable height for some time. Clouds are very important because their interaction with the rest of the atmosphere has a decisive influence on weather, for instance by sunlight occlusion or by bringing rain. Weather denotes atmosphere behavior and is determinant in several human activities, such as agriculture or energy capture. Therefore, cloud detection is an important process about which several methods have been investigated and published in the literature. The aim of this paper is to review some of such proposals and the papers that have been analyzed and discussed can be, in general, classified into three types. The first one is devoted to the analysis and explanation of clouds and their types, and about existing imaging systems. Regarding cloud detection, dealt with in a second part, diverse methods have been analyzed, i.e., those based on the analysis of satellite images and those based on the analysis of images from cameras located on Earth. The last part is devoted to cloud forecast and tracking. Cloud detection from both systems rely on thresholding techniques and a few machine-learning algorithms. To compute the cloud motion vectors for cloud tracking, correlation-based methods are commonly used. A few machine-learning methods are also available in the literature for cloud tracking, and have been discussed in this paper too

    Computer modeling for the operation optimization of mula reservoir, upper Godavari Basin, India, using the Jaya Algorithm

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    In this paper, an application of the Jaya Algorithm (JA) is presented, to develop an operation optimization model for the Mula reservoir, located on the upper Godavari Basin, in India. The mentioned algorithm is a relatively new optimization technique, which is algorithm-specific and parameterless. In JA, there is no need for algorithm-specific parameter tuning, unlike with other heuristic techniques. To test its applicability, the model performance has been compared with that of other models for hypothetical four reservoir system studies available in the literature. Simulations for hypothetical four reservoir system have proven that JA is a better solution for a number of Function Evaluations when compared with the results obtained by means of other evolutionary methods such as Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimization, Elitist Mutated Particle Swarm Optimization, and Weed Optimization Algorithm models reported in previous studies. Simulations have been carried out for real time operation of the Mula reservoir, and have revealed its superior performance when comparing the water releases proposed by it and the ones proposed by existing policy. Hence, from the two case studies presented, it can be concluded that the JA has potential in the field of reservoir operation and can be further explored to operation optimization of existing multi-reservoir system, with lower computations.Science and Engineering Research Board | Ref. ECR/2016/00140

    The hybridization of ensemble empirical mode decomposition with forecasting models: application of short-term wind speed and power modeling

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    In this research, two hybrid intelligent models are proposed for prediction accuracy enhancement for wind speed and power modeling. The established models are based on the hybridisation of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) with a Pattern Sequence-based Forecasting (PSF) model and the integration of EEMD-PSF with Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. In both models (i.e., EEMD-PSF and EEMD-PSF-ARIMA), the EEMD method is used to decompose the time-series into a set of sub-series and the forecasting of each sub-series is initiated by respective prediction models. In the EEMD-PSF model, all sub-series are predicted using the PSF model, whereas in the EEMD-PSF-ARIMA model, the sub-series with high and low frequencies are predicted using PSF and ARIMA, respectively. The selection of the PSF or ARIMA models for the prediction process is dependent on the time-series characteristics of the decomposed series obtained with the EEMD method. The proposed models are examined for predicting wind speed and wind power time-series at Maharashtra state, India. In case of short-term wind power time-series prediction, both proposed methods have shown at least 18.03 and 14.78 percentage improvement in forecast accuracy in terms of root mean square error (RMSE) as compared to contemporary methods considered in this study for direct and iterated strategies, respectively. Similarly, for wind speed data, those improvement observed to be 20.00 and 23.80 percentages, respectively. These attained prediction results evidenced the potential of the proposed models for the wind speed and wind power forecasting. The current proposed methodology is transformed into R package ‘decomposedPSF’ which is discussed in the Appendix

    Towards DC energy efficient homes

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    The aim of this paper is to shed light on the question regarding whether the integration of an electric battery as a part of a domestic installation may increase its energy efficiency in comparison with a conventional case. When a battery is included in such an installation, two types of electrical conversion must be considered, i.e., AC/DC and DC/AC, and hence the corresponding losses due to these converters must not be forgotten when performing the analysis. The efficiency of the whole system can be increased if one of the mentioned converters is avoided or simply when its dimensioning is reduced. Possible ways to achieve this goal can be: to use electric vehicles as DC suppliers, the use of as many DC home devices as possible, and LED lighting or charging devices based on renewables. With all this in mind, several scenarios are proposed here in order to have a look at all possibilities concerning AC and DC powering. With the aim of checking these scenarios using real data, a case study is analyzed by operating with electricity consumption mean values

    Simulation of wind speeds with spatio-temporal correlation

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    Nowadays, there is a growing trend to incorporate renewables in electrical power systems and, in particular, wind energy, which has become an important primary source in the electricity mix of many countries, where wind farms have been proliferating in recent years. This circumstance makes it particularly interesting to understand wind behavior because generated power depends on it. In this paper, a method is proposed to synthetically generate sequences of wind speed values satisfying two important constraints. The first consists of fitting the given statistical distributions, as the generally accepted fact is assumed that the measured wind speed in a location follows a certain distribution. The second consists of imposing spatial and temporal correlations among the simulated wind speed sequences. The method was successfully checked under different scenarios, depending on variables, such as the number of locations, the duration of the data collection period or the size of the simulated series, and the results were of high accuracy

    A review on state-of-the-art reviews in wind-turbine- and wind-farm-related topics

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    For decades of wind energy technology developments, much research on the subject has been carried out, and this has given rise to many works encompassing different topics related to it. As a logical consequence of such a research and editorial activity, state-of-the-art review works have also been published, reporting about a wide variety of research proposals. Review works are particularly interesting documents for researchers because they try to gather different research works on the same topic present their achievements to researchers. They act, in a way, as a guidance for researchers to quickly access the most meaningful works. The proposal of this paper consists of going one step further, and to present a review of state-of-the-art review works on wind-energy-related issues. A classification into several main topics in the field of energy research has been done, and review works that can be classified in all these areas have been searched, analyzed, and commented on throughout the paper

    Smart water technology for efficient water resource management: a review

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    According to the United Nation’s World Water Development Report, by 2050 more than 50% of the world’s population will be under high water scarcity. To avoid water stress, water resources are needed to be managed more securely. Smart water technology (SWT) has evolved for proper management and saving of water resources. Smart water system (SWS) uses sensor, information, and communication technology (ICT) to provide real-time monitoring of data such as pressure, water ow, water quality, moisture, etc. with the capability to detect any abnormalities such as non-revenue water (NRW) losses, water contamination in the water distribution system (WDS). It makes water and energy utilization more efficient in the water treatment plant and agriculture. In addition, the standardization of data format i.e., use of Water Mark UP language 2.0 has made data exchange easier for between different water authorities. This review research exhibits the current state-of-the-art of the on-going SWT along with present challenges and future scope on the mentioned technologies. A conclusion is drawn that smart technologies can lead to better water resource management, which can lead to the reduction of water scarcity worldwide. High implementation cost may act as a barrier to the implementation of SWT in developing countries, whereas data security and its reliability along with system ability to give accurate results are some of the key challenges in its field implementation