6 research outputs found

    Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías para el diseño y desarrollo de productos de dorada (Sparus aurata) procedente de acuicultura

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    La acuicultura en su conjunto produce hoy en día más de la mitad del pescado consumido en el mundo. El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es estudiar la aplicación de diferentes tecnologías para incrementar y diversificar productos procedentes de acuicultura. Concretamente se han analizado las tecnologías de cocción y fritura a vacío, biopreservación y elaboración de texturizados a partir de dorada (Sparus aurata). Para ello en tres capítulos se aborda el estudio de estas tecnologías para el desarrollo de productos alternativos elaborados a base de dorada que permitan la diversificación del sector. El primer capítulo se centra en el estudio del proceso de fritura y cocción a vacío de filetes de dorada para evaluar aspectos relacionados con su calidad como ganancia de aceite, pérdida de agua, cambios de color, etc. con vistas a definir los tiempos óptimos de procesado del producto. En el segundo capítulo se estudia el desarrollo de texturizados, para ello se pretende analizar el efecto de diferentes formulaciones con o sin la adición de fibras sobre las características, fisicoquímicas, sensoriales y microbiológicas de los productos obtenidos con o sin cocción de los mismos. Por último, en el tercer capítulo se analiza la aplicación de técnicas de biopreservación con las que se pretende determinar las condiciones de preparación de los agentes biopreservantes, su forma de aplicación y el efecto sobre la vida útil de los filetes de dorada. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el tratamiento de fritura a vacío a 110 ºC y 25 kPa con un tiempo comprendido entre tres y cinco minutos aporta un menor contenido graso con unas pérdidas de humedad, peso y encogimiento razonables, por lo que éstas podrían ser unas condiciones adecuadas para la aplicación de dicho tratamiento. Los tratamientos estudiados de cocción a vacío mostraron que no afectan al contenido total en proteínas y grasas del pescado, pero sí que pueden resultar interesantes para la conservación de los ácidos grasos monoinsaturados ya que además mantienen valores más elevados de humedad y presentan un menor encogimiento.Andrés Bello, MD. (2012). Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías para el diseño y desarrollo de productos de dorada (Sparus aurata) procedente de acuicultura [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/15757Palanci

    Improvement of a culinary recipe by applying sensory analysis: Design of the New Tarte Tatin

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    During the last decade, knowledge of food science and technology has been applied to Haute Cuisine obtaining great benefits. The most important chefs of the world are keen on gaining knowledge about the physicochemical changes to food after any culinary process, as well as the art of combining different flavors in order to obtain both new flavors and new textures. This could allow chefs to develop new processes and hence gain a competitive advantage in their restaurants. Sensory analysis can be a good tool to develop new products in a restaurant, in particular, new desserts. Consumer response to the sensory properties of food (particularly appearance, flavor, aroma, taste and texture) is an important factor in determining the success of new products. Therefore, the aim of this work was to develop a new dessert, based on the classic French dessert ‘‘Tarte Tatin’’ (an upside down fruit tart, usually made with apples), using sensory analysis as a crucial tool in its design. The preference for different apple products prepared using different methods of cooking, was evaluated by a consumer panel and the statistical analysis showed significant differences (a ¼ 0.05) between the processesGarcía Segovia, P.; Barreto Palacios, VJ.; Iborra Bernad, MDC.; Andrés Bello, MD.; González Carrascosa, R.; Bretón, J.; Martínez Monzó, J. (2012). Improvement of a culinary recipe by applying sensory analysis: Design of the New Tarte Tatin. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 1(1):54-60. doi:10.1016/j.ijgfs.2011.11.01154601

    Vacuum Frying: An Alternative to Obtain High-Quality Dried Products

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    Vacuum frying is an alternative way to improve the quality of the fried food and could reduce the final oil uptake in the product. The product is heated at low pressure thus decreasing the boiling points of the frying oil and the water in the product. Moreover, the absence of air during vacuum frying may inhibit lipid oxidation and enzymatic browning, and therefore, the color and nutrients of samples can be largely preserved. Many food research projects involving snack food industries therefore attempt to understand oil uptake during the vacuum-frying process in order to control and reduce the fat content of fried products without deteriorating their desirable organoleptic characteristics. This article is an update of the state-of-the-art in vacuum-frying technology, showing the effect of pretreatments and frying conditions on quality characteristics of the products. Facts pertaining to equipment and operation conditions are included. On the other hand, mathematical models to describe oil uptake and water loss are also mentioned. The effect of this treatment on color, texture, and nutritional value of the final products is also discussed. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.Andrés Bello, MD.; García Segovia, P.; Martínez Monzó, J. (2011). Vacuum Frying: An Alternative to Obtain High-Quality Dried Products. Food Engineering Reviews. 3(2):63-78. doi:10.1007/s12393-011-9037-5S63783

    Effect of Konjac Glucomannan (KGM) and Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) on some Physico-Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Restructured Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) Products

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    The development of restructured fish products and the application of new food ingredients have been used to create attractive new products and also to upgrade low-value species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of konjac gum (KGM) and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) fibres on the mechanical and physico-chemical properties of microbial transglutaminase treated restructured fish products from gilthead sea bream as well as to evaluate the effect of heat treatment and storage time. Water holding capacity, mechanical properties and colour attributes in fresh and heat-treated samples after 15 days of cold storage were measured. Results showed that these edible gums could be appropriate for making restructured products obtained from gilthead sea bream. In fresh formulations the addition of 10 gkg&#8722;1 of KGM or 10 gkg&#8722;1 of CMC presented a significant effect (p¡Ü0.05) on water activity for fresh samples and the lowest value was obtained for 10 gkg&#8722;1 of KGM (0.975¡À0.002). Water holding capacity and adhesiveness increased due to the presence of these gums in fresh and heat-treated samples. For heattreated samples, KGM significantly reduced (p<0.05) hardness, cohesiveness and chewiness. Cryo-scanning electron microscopy revealed different structures for gels containing fibres. The use of these fibres did not induce significant changes in colour parameters. Fresh or heattreated samples stored for 15 days at 4¡ãC showed changes in relation to the parameters investigated.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the INNOVA programme of the Polytechnic University of Valencia in the financing of this study. Author Andres-Bello was supported by the Polytechnic University of Valencia under a grant. Author Iborra-Bernad was supported by La Caixa under a grant.Andrés Bello, MD.; Iborra Bernad, MDC.; García-Segovia, P.; Martínez Monzó, J. (2013). Effect of Konjac Glucomannan (KGM) and Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) on some Physico-Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Restructured Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) Products. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 6(1):133-145. doi:10.1007/s11947-011-0765-6S13314561AENOR (1999). Microbiological standards recopilation of food and assimilated and other physical-chemical parameters of health. Enumeration of microorganisms by colony-count technique at 30 degree celsius. Routine method NF V 08-051.Ahmad, A., Anjum, F. M., Zahoor, T., Nawaz, H., & Din, A. (2009). Physicochemical and functional properties of barley β-glucan as affected by different extraction procedures. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 44(1), 181–187.Aleson-Carbonell, L., Fernández-López, J., Pérez-Álvarez, J. A., & Kuri, V. (2005). 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    Production of cold-setting restructured fish products from gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) using microbial transglutaminase and regular and low-salt level

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    In order to extract salt-soluble proteins, such as myofibrillar proteins, sodium chloride is added to restructured products that serve as a binding agent among fish particles. Various additives, such as microbial transglutaminase (MTGase), have been used to reduce NaCl level in restructured products to improve water holding capacity (WHC) and textural properties. The aim of this work was to study the effect of salt level in the physicochemical and mechanical properties of uncooked restructured fish products using MTGase as cold binding agent. Except adhesiveness, the mechanical properties were affected by both salt and MTGase levels (p < 0.05). Samples with regular-salt level (20 g/kg) showed higher values of hardness, springiness and chewiness than low-salt (10 g/kg) samples (p < 0.05). Expressible water ranged from 7% to 10% for low-salt samples and from 4.3% to 4.5% for regular-salt samples, a decrease of the salt level induced a decrease in the WHC. © 2011 Taylor &Francis.The authors acknowledge the support of the INNOVA programme of the Polytechnic University of Valencia in the financing for this study. A. Andres-Bello was supported by the Polytechnic University of Valencia under a grant.Andrés Bello, MD.; García Segovia, P.; Ramirez, JA.; Martínez Monzó, J. (2011). Production of cold-setting restructured fish products from gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) using microbial transglutaminase and regular and low-salt level. CyTA - Journal of Food. 9(2):121-125. doi:10.1080/19476337.2010.485701S12112592Baker, K. H., Lanier, T. C. and Green, D. P. Cold restructuring of seafoods using transglutaminase-mediated binding. In2000 IFT Annual meeting book of abstracts(pp. 75–76, 164). pp.75–76. Chicago: IFT Press.Cakli, S., Taskaya, L., Kisla, D., Çelik, U., Ataman, C. 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    Vacuum impregnation as a tool to introduce biopreservatives in gilthead sea bream fillets (Sparus aurata)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the possible technological uses of biopreservation and vacuum impregnation techniques to extend shelf life of gilthead sea bream fillets. Two impregnation media were studied: a solution containing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and a nisin solution. Vacuum impregnation was carried out at 4 °C. Fillets were immersed in a vessel containing the impregnation solution and vacuum was applied during 5 min. After this time atmospheric pressure was restored leaving samples under the liquid for 5 min more. Weight gain, physico-chemical properties (moisture, pH, water activity and TVBN), color and microbiological counts were studied during 15 days of storage at 4 °C. The quantities of biopreservative added to the product after impregnation were about 2.16 × 107 CFU/100 gfish for LAB solution and 5294 IU nisin/100 gfish or 0.13 mgnisin/100 gfish for nisin solution. Changes on physico-chemical properties were not significant between fillets impregnated and fillets without impregnation. Impregnation of fillets caused small changes in color attributes, specially an increase the luminosity (L*). Vacuum impregnation with biopreservative solutions can extend the shelf life of gilthead sea bream fillets, reducing the initial count and/or delaying the growth of microorganisms.Andrés Bello, MD.; De Jesus De Barros, CA.; García Segovia, P.; Pagán Moreno, MJ.; Martínez Monzó, J. (2015). Vacuum impregnation as a tool to introduce biopreservatives in gilthead sea bream fillets (Sparus aurata). Food Science and Technology. 60(2):758-765. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2014.09.063S75876560