47 research outputs found

    Comparison of Similarity Coefficients used for Cluster Analysis with Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Markers in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori

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    Establishing accurate genetic similarity and dissimilarity between individuals is an essential and decisive point for clustering and analyzing inter and intra population diversity because different similarity and dissimilarity indices may yield contradictory outcomes. We assessed the variations caused by three commonly used similarity coefficients including Jaccard, Sorensen-Dice and Simple matching in the clustering and ordination of seven Iranian native silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), strains analyzed by amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Comparisons among the similarity coefficients were made using the Spearman correlation analysis, dendrogram evaluation (visual inspection and consensus fork index - CIC), projection efficiency in a two-dimensional space, and groups formed by the Tocher optimization procedure. The results demonstrated that for almost all methodologies, the Jaccard and Sorensen-Dice coefficients revealed extremely close results, because both of them exclude negative co-occurrences. Due to the fact that there is no guarantee that the DNA regions with negative cooccurrences between two strains are indeed identical, the use of coefficients such as Jaccard and Sorensen-Dice that do not include negative co-occurrences was imperative for closely related organisms

    Characterization of Dengue Virus Type 2: New Insights on the 2010 Brazilian Epidemic

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    Dengue viruses (DENV) serotypes 1, 2, and 3 have been causing yearly outbreaks in Brazil. In this study, we report the re-introduction of DENV2 in the coast of São Paulo State. Partial envelope viral genes were sequenced from eighteen patients with dengue fever during the 2010 epidemic. Phylogenetic analysis showed this strain belongs to the American/Asian genotype and was closely related to the virus that circulated in Rio de Janeiro in 2007 and 2008. The phylogeny also showed no clustering by clinical presentation, suggesting that the disease severity could not be explained by distinct variants or genotypes. The time of the most recent common ancestor of American/Asian genotype and the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (SP/RJ) monophyletic cluster was estimated to be around 40 and 10 years, respectively. Since this virus was first identified in Brazil in 2007, we suggest that it was already circulating in the country before causing the first documented outbreak. This is the first description of the 2010 outbreak in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and should contribute to efforts to control and monitor the spread of DENVs in endemic areas

    Desempenho e rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte alimentados com mistura de aditivos fitogênicos na dieta

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de misturas de aditivos fitogênicos na dieta de frangos de corte, sobre seu desempenho zootécnico e rendimento de carcaça. Foram avaliados 660 pintos de sexo misto, entre 1 e 42 dias de idade, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e seis repetições de 22 aves (11 machos e 11 fêmeas). Além do controle, foram avaliados tratamentos com antibiótico (10 ppm de virginiamicina) ou com misturas de aditivos fitogênicos: mistura A, 150 ppm de óleos essenciais de alecrim, cravo, gengibre e orégano; mistura B, 150 ppm de óleos essenciais de canela, sálvia, tomilho branco e óleo-resina de copaíba; e mistura A+B, 50% da mistura A e 50% da B. A mistura B proporcionou maior ganho de peso e melhor conversão alimentar das aves, no período de 36 a 42 dias de idade. No período total do experimento, o antibiótico e a mistura B proporcionaram maior ganho de peso das aves. O consumo de ração foi maior com o antibiótico do que com o controle. A mistura A+B e o tratamento controle proporcionaram maior rendimento de coxa+sobrecoxa e maior peso relativo do baço. As mistura B e A+B apresentam potencial como melhoradores de desempenho para frangos de corte