93 research outputs found

    Utjecaj dodatka oksidiranog krumpirovog škroba na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva jestivih filmova proizvedenih od izolata proteina soje

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    The influence of oxidized starch on the physicochemical properties of cast soy protein isolate films is determined in this study. Films were cast from heated (70 °C for 20 min) alkaline (pH=10) aqueous solutions of 7 % soy protein isolate containing 50 % (by mass) glycerol as a plasticizer and different levels of added oxidized starch (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 %, by mass). For all types of films, opacity, contact angle, tensile strength, elongation at break, water vapour permeability, measured at 25 °C for four relative humidity differentials (30–53, 30–75, 30–84 and 30–100 %), differential scanning calorimetry and microstructure were determined after conditioning film specimens at 25 °C and 30 % relative humidity for 48 h. Oxidized starch content significantly affected (p<0.05) tensile strength, from 0.95 to 1.51 MPa, temperature at maximum degradation rate from 64.8 to 74.2 °C and water vapour permeability from 1.08·10^–10 to 3.89·10^–10 g/(m·Pa·s) at relative humidity differentials of 30–50 and 30–100 %, respectively. Various internal arrangements were observed as a function of film composition (percentage of oxidized starch).U radu je ispitan utjecaj dodatka oksidiranog škroba na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva filmova dobivenih od izolata proteina soje. Filmovi su izrađeni od zagrijane (tijekom 20 minuta pri 70 ºC) lužnate (pH=10) vodene otopine izolata proteina soje (7 %) s dodatkom 50 % glicerola i različitih masenih udjela oksidiranog škroba (0, 5, 10, 15 i 20 %). Nakon kondicioniranja uzoraka na 25 ºC pri 30 % relativne vlažnosti tijekom 48 sati određene su sljedeće karakteristike filmova: prozirnost, kontaktni kut, rastezna i prekidna čvrstoća, te propusnost vodene pare pri 25 ºC i četiri raspona relativne vlažnosti (30-53, 30-75, 30-84 i 30-100 %). Također su određena toplinska svojstva filmova pomoću diferencijalne pretražne kalorimetrije, te je ispitana njihova mikrostruktura. Dodatak oksidiranog škroba bitno je povećao (p<0.05) rasteznu čvrstoću (s 0,95 na 1,51 MPa), temperaturu pri maksimalnoj brzini razgradnje (sa 64,8 na 74,2 ºC) i propusnost vodene pare (s 1,08•10^-10 g/(m•Pa•s) pri 30-50 % relativne vlažnosti na 3,89•10^-10 g/(m•Pa•s) pri 30-100 % relativne vlažnosti). Udjel oksidiranog škroba utjecao je na različita fizikalno-kemijska svojstva filmova

    Flavor release from complex food systems

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    Conclusion. Vers des approches intégrées de la flaveur et de la texture des aliments

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    National audienc

    Etude de différents paramètres physico-chimiques sur la rétention des composés d'arôme par des matrices possédant un comportement rhéologique similaire

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    La rétention de composés d'arôme par des matrices glucidiques (saccharose, amidon, pectines) et/ou lipidiques (trioléine émulsifiée ou non) a été mesurée par l'analyse " headspace ". La trioléine joue un rôle important sur la rétention. L'impact des glucides est moindre mais existe même en présence de 3,5% de trioléine. L'élévation de la température entraîne une augmentation exponentielle de la volatilité des composés d'arôme. L'énergie nécessaire à leur libération a été déterminée; elle est fonction de leur nature et de celle des matrices. Les interactions physico-chimiques entre les composés d'arôme et les constituants des matrices sont faibles et réversibles. Un effet de la matrice (composition, comportement rhéologique) sur la vitesse de libération a été montré. Une modélisation de la libération des composés d'arôme à partir de l'eau a été réalisée. Des évaluations sensorielles ont permis d'établir l'impact des glucides et des lipides sur la perception des composés d'arôme.Flavor compounds retention by carbohydrate (sucrose, starch and pectins) and/or lipid (emulsified or not triolein) matrices were measured by headspace. Triolein has a great impact on flavor retention. A carbohydrate impact on retention was also detected, which was evident even in the presence of triolein (3.5%). Temperatue rising results in an increasing release of flavor compounds. Energy required for flavor compound release was determined and is a function of flavor compound and matrix nature. Physico-chemical interactions between flavor compounds and matrix components are weak and reversible. A matrix effect (composition, rheological behavior) on the rate of release was shown. A modelisation of flavor compounds release from water was realised. Sensorial evaluations allow to establish the carbohydrate and lipid impact on flavor compound perception.DIJON-BU Sciences Economie (212312102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Physico-Chemical Interactions in the Flavor-Release Process

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    International audienceThe perception of flavor is induced by the release of aroma compounds in the vapor phase. The olfactory perception is not only related to the nature of aroma compounds initially present in the food, but also to their distribution between the different phases. After a description of the interactions established between the aroma compounds and different constituents of food, this chapter looks at physico-chemical characteristics of aroma compounds and at the composition and properties of food matrices. Then, in order to understand the behavior of aroma compounds in the matrices, study methods of interactions are described. The assessment of the release is done by determining the partition coefficients and mass transfer between phases. The conclusion opens the way on the preservation of aroma compounds

    Une approche intégrée à différentes échelles pour expliquer les qualités sensorielles des crèmes dessert

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    Le bilan scientifique ici présenté concerne un projet visant à comprendre comment la structure d'un aliment peut moduler la perception de sa flaveur..

    Une approche intégrée à différentes échelles pour expliquer les qualités sensorielles des crèmes dessert

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    Le bilan scientifique ici présenté concerne un projet visant à comprendre comment la structure d'un aliment peut moduler la perception de sa flaveur..
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