6 research outputs found

    Expressão da glicoproteína-p e da mrp1 em tecidos de cães portadores de leishmaniose visceral

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    A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) é uma doença sistêmica e imunomediada. É provocada pelo protozoário da espécie Leishmania (L.) chagasi, que é transmitido ao homem e aos animais através da picada do vetor infectado, o flebotomíneo Lutzomyia longipalpis. Até o momento não há tratamento que leve a cura parasitológica dos cães e o arsenal de fármacos leishmanicidas é limitado. A resistência aos medicamentos constitui um impedimento importante para o controle de enfermidades e a manifestação de resistência a vários medicamentos é conhecida como MDR (“multidrug resistance”). Um desses mecanismos de resistência a múltiplas drogas é o aumento da expressão da glicoproteína-P (gp-P), um sistema de efluxo de xenobióticos codificadas pelo gene MDR1. Na presente pesquisa, buscou-se avaliar a possibilidade do fenômeno de resistência a múltiplas drogas em cães naturalmente parasitados por Leishmania (L.) chagasi . Foram objetivos do estudo avaliar a expressão da glicoproteína-P (gp-P) e da proteína de resistência a múltiplas drogas (MRP) por meio da imuno-histoquímica, em amostras fígado, adrenais, rins, baço e pele de cães portadores da LV. Os resultados mostraram que o fígado, rins e adrenais expressam significativamente (p<0,001) mais gp-P do que a pele e o baço; também que as adrenais expressam significativamente (p<0,001) mais MRP do que a pele e o baço e que este ultimo expressa significativamente (p<0,001) mais MRP do que a pele. Quando se comparou os dois anticorpos verificou-se que o fígado, rins e adrenais expressam porcentagens semelhantes de células imunomarcadas e que o MRP é significativamente (p<0,01) mais reativo na pele que a gp-P. Esses resultados poderiam justificar a redução da carga parasitária na pele que se acompanha durante o tratamento. Todavia, a não obtenção da cura parasitológica poderia ser devido a alta expressão...Canine visceral leishmaniasis (LVC) is a systemic immunomediated disease. It is caused by the protozoary from the Leishmania (L.) chagasi species, wich is transmitted to man and animals through the infected vector bite, the phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. Until present, there is no treatment leading to a parasitologic cure for dogs and the leishmanicide medicine arsenal is limited. Drug resistance is one of the important impediments for infirmity control and the resistance manifestation to multiple drugs is known as MDR. One of those multiple drugs resistance mechanisms is the increase of the glycoprotein-P (gp-P) expression, a xenobiotic efflux system encoded by the MDR1 gene. At the present research, it aimed to evaluate the possibility of resistance phenomenon the multiple drugs in dogs naturally parasited by Leishmania (L.) chagasi. The objectives of this study was to evaluate glycoprotein-P (gp-P) and multiple drugs resistance protein (MRP) immunohistochemical expressions in LVC infected dogs’ liver, adrenals, kidneys, spleen and skin samples. Results showed that liver, kidneys and adrenals express significantly (p<0,001) more gp-P than skin and spleen; also, adrenals express significantly (p<0,001) more MRP than skin and spleen and that spleen express significantly (p<0,001) more MRP than skin. When the two antibodies were compared, it was verified that liver, kidneys and adrenals express similar percentages of immunomarked cells and that MRP is significantly more reactive in skin than gp-P. These results could justify the parasitary load reduction in skin during treatment. Nevertheless, the lack of parasitologic cure could be due to the high pg-P and MRP1 expressions in liver, adrenals and kidneys, which could increase the pharmac efflux at these organsCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Detecção de marcadores de resistência a múltiplas drogas na pele de cães com infecção natural por Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi (Cunha e Chagas, 1937) Shaw, 2002, submetidos a diferentes protocolos de tratamento

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    The treatment of dogs with visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil has generated controversial debate among various segments of health professionals. On one side, veterinarians pressured by dog owners want to have the right to decide between treatment and euthanasia of their animals. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA) are opposed to treatment because of the risk of creating strains of the parasite resistant to drugs that are also used for human patients. Scientific arguments that can support this controversy should be explored. One possibility for assessing the development of drug resistance can be achieved through research of the expression of Pglycoprotein (P-gp) and multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP1). These proteins, which are responsible for the MDR phenotype (multiple drug resistance), act as efflux pumps which expel xenobiotics from cells. Using immunohistochemistry, the reactivity of P-gp (clone C494) and MRP1 (clone ABCC1) in the skin of 11 dogs naturally infected by Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi was analyzed before and after undergoing two treatment protocols: Allopurinol and inactivated vaccine (n=4) and Allopurinol, inactivated vaccine, and domperidone (n=7). Quantification of Leishmania amastigotes in the skin was also achieved via immunohistochemistry. All of the animals after 3 and 6 months of treatment had clinical improvement and tested negative for amastigote forms of the parasite. Yet, the skin of dogs positive for CVL (canine visceral leishmaniasis) expressed P-gp and MRP1 before and after treatment, illustrating that P-gp and MRP1 were neither good markers for evaluating the therapeutic efficacy of CVL nor for predicting the possible states of drug resistance. However, an understanding of the participation of markers for multiple drug resistance in the skin of dogs under treatment for CVL can be of great importance for the development of an ...O tratamento de cães com leishmaniose visceral no Brasil tem gerado polêmicas discussões entre os diversos segmentos de profissionais da saúde. De um lado os Médicos Veterinários pressionados pelos proprietários dos cães que querem ter o direito de decidir por um tratamento ou pela eutanásia de seus animais; de outro os Ministérios da Saúde e da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) que se mostram contrários a qualquer tratamento, motivados pelo risco de se criar cepas do parasita resistentes aos fármacos, os quais também podem ser empregados em pacientes humanos. Argumentos científicos que possam embasar essa polêmica devem ser explorados. Uma das possibilidades de se avaliar o desenvolvimento de resistência a fármacos pode ser conseguida por meio da pesquisa da expressão da glicoproteína-P (gp-P) e proteína de resistência a múltiplas drogas (MRP1), que atuam como bombas de efluxo expulsando xenobióticos de células, responsáveis pelo fenótipo MDR (resistência a múltiplas drogas). Avaliamos, pela técnica de imuno-histoquímica, a reatividade da gp-P e MRP1, clone C494 e ABCC1, respectivamente, na pele de 11 cães naturalmente infectados por Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi antes e após serem submetidos a dois protocolos de tratamento: Alopurinol e vacina inativada (n=4) e Alopurinol, vacina inativada e domperidona (n=7) e quantificamos formas amastigotas na pele pela mesma técnica. Todos os animais após 3 e 6 meses de tratamento tiveram melhora clínica evidente e tiveram contagem negativa de formas amastigotas do parasita. Pele de cães com LV expressaram gp-P e MRP1, antes e após o tratamento, no entanto, este experimento permitiu concluir que a gp-P e MRP1 não foram bons marcadores para avaliar a eficácia terapêutica da LVC e para prever possíveis estados de resistência a fármacos. Todavia, o entendimento sobre a participação de marcadores de resistência a múltiplas drogas na pele de ..

    A comparison of mini-FLOTAC and FLOTAC with classic methods to diagnosing intestinal parasites of dogs from Brazil

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    Dogs may be affected by different species of gastrointestinal parasites which present great importance in veterinary medicine and public health. Several techniques to diagnosing these parasites have been proposed, but different performances achieved by each method make difficult the choice of the best technique to be used. In this study, the performance of two classic methods (i.e., Willis and Hoffman techniques) and two recent techniques (i.e., FLOTAC and Mini-FLOTAC) to diagnosing gastrointestinal parasites of dogs was evaluated. Fecal samples (n = 127) of dogs divided in pools (n = 30) were collected and analyzed using four different techniques (see above). Eggs and/or oocysts of gastrointestinal parasites were detected in 93.3 % (28/30) of the samples. In particular, 20 % (6/30) were detected through the method of Hoffman, 53.3 % (16/30) by the Willis technique, and 63.3 % (19/30) and 90 % (27/30) by Mini-FLOTAC and FLOTAC, respectively. Ancylostomatidae, Trichuris vulpis and Toxocara canis were the most frequent parasites herein detected. The FLOTAC and Mini-FLOTAC techniques were the most efficient tools to detect eggs and/or oocysts of gastrointestinal parasites of dogs, therefore their use is recommended in the laboratorial routine of veterinary medicine. This study is the first report of the use of both techniques (i.e., FLOTAC and Mini-FLOTAC) to diagnosing parasites of dogs in Brazil

    Gastrointestinal parasites of cats in Brazil: frequency and zoonotic risk

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    Abstract Gastrointestinal helminths are considered to be the most common parasites affecting cats worldwide. Correct diagnosis of these parasites in animals living in urban areas is pivotal, especially considering the zoonotic potential of some species (e.g. Ancylostoma sp. and Toxocarasp.). In this study, a copromicroscopic survey was conducted using fecal samples (n = 173) from domestic cats living in the northeastern region of Brazil. Samples were examined through the FLOTAC technique and the overall results showed positivity of 65.31% (113/173) among the samples analyzed. Coinfections were observed in 46.01% (52/113) of the positive samples. The most common parasites detected were Ancylostoma sp., Toxocara cati, Strongyloides stercoralis,Trichuris sp., Dipylidium caninum andCystoisospora sp. From an epidemiological point of view, these findings are important, especially considering that zoonotic parasites (e.g. Ancylostoma sp. and Toxocara sp.) were the nematodes most frequently diagnosed in this study. Therefore, the human population living in close contact with cats is at risk of infection caused by the zoonotic helminths of these animals. In addition, for the first time the FLOTAC has been used to diagnosing gastrointestinal parasites of cats in Brazil