12,429 research outputs found

    Transport in Bilayer Graphene: Calculations within a self-consistent Born approximation

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    The transport properties of a bilayer graphene are studied theoretically within a self-consistent Born approximation. The electronic spectrum is composed of kk-linear dispersion in the low-energy region and kk-square dispersion as in an ordinary two-dimensional metal at high energy, leading to a crossover between different behaviors in the conductivity on changing the Fermi energy or disorder strengths. We find that the conductivity approaches 2e2/π22e^2/\pi^2\hbar per spin in the strong-disorder regime, independently of the short- or long-range disorder.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Systematic evolution of the magnetotransport properties of Bi_{2}Sr_{2-x}La_{x}CuO_{6} in a wide doping range

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    Recently we have succeeded in growing a series of high-quality Bi_{2}Sr_{2-x}La_{x}CuO_{6} crystals in a wide range of carrier concentrations. The data of \rho_{ab}(T) and R_H(T) of those crystals show behaviors that are considered to be "canonical" to the cuprates. The optimum zero-resistance T_c has been raised to as high as 38 K, which is almost equal to the optimum T_c of La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4}.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Physics C (Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, High Temperature Superconductors VI (M2S-HTSC-VI), Houston, Feb 20-25, 2000

    Conductance of Disordered Wires with Symplectic Symmetry: Comparison between Odd- and Even-Channel Cases

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    The conductance of disordered wires with symplectic symmetry is studied by numerical simulations on the basis of a tight-binding model on a square lattice consisting of M lattice sites in the transverse direction. If the potential range of scatterers is much larger than the lattice constant, the number N of conducting channels becomes odd (even) when M is odd (even). The average dimensionless conductance g is calculated as a function of system length L. It is shown that when N is odd, the conductance behaves as g --> 1 with increasing L. This indicates the absence of Anderson localization. In the even-channel case, the ordinary localization behavior arises and g decays exponentially with increasing L. It is also shown that the decay of g is much faster in the odd-channel case than in the even-channel case. These numerical results are in qualitative agreement with existing analytic theories.Comment: 4 page

    Conductance plateau transitions in quantum Hall wires with spatially correlated random magnetic fields

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    Quantum transport properties in quantum Hall wires in the presence of spatially correlated disordered magnetic fields are investigated numerically. It is found that the correlation drastically changes the transport properties associated with the edge state, in contrast to the naive expectation that the correlation simply reduces the effect of disorder. In the presence of correlation, the separation between the successive conductance plateau transitions becomes larger than the bulk Landau level separation determined by the mean value of the disordered magnetic fields. The transition energies coincide with the Landau levels in an effective magnetic field stronger than the mean value of the disordered magnetic field. For a long wire, the strength of this effective magnetic field is of the order of the maximum value of the magnetic fields in the system. It is shown that the effective field is determined by a part where the stronger magnetic field region connects both edges of the wire.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Coulomb drag in high Landau levels

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    Recent experiments on Coulomb drag in the quantum Hall regime have yielded a number of surprises. The most striking observations are that the Coulomb drag can become negative in high Landau levels and that its temperature dependence is non-monotonous. We develop a systematic diagrammatic theory of Coulomb drag in strong magnetic fields explaining these puzzling experiments. The theory is applicable both in the diffusive and the ballistic regimes; we focus on the experimentally relevant ballistic regime (interlayer distance aa smaller than the cyclotron radius RcR_c). It is shown that the drag at strong magnetic fields is an interplay of two contributions arising from different sources of particle-hole asymmetry, namely the curvature of the zero-field electron dispersion and the particle-hole asymmetry associated with Landau quantization. The former contribution is positive and governs the high-temperature increase in the drag resistivity. On the other hand, the latter one, which is dominant at low TT, has an oscillatory sign (depending on the difference in filling factors of the two layers) and gives rise to a sharp peak in the temperature dependence at TT of the order of the Landau level width.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} nature of the superdeformed band of 32S^{32}{\rm S} and the evolution of the molecular structure

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    The relation between the superdeformed band of 32S^{32}{\rm S} and 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular bands is studied by the deformed-base antisymmetrized molecular dynamics with the Gogny D1S force. It is found that the obtained superdeformed band members of 32S^{32}{\rm S} have considerable amount of the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} component. Above the superdeformed band, we have obtained two excited rotational bands which have more prominent character of the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular band. These three rotational bands are regarded as a series of 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular bands which were predicted by using the unique 16O^{16}{\rm O} -16O^{16}{\rm O} optical potentil. As the excitation energy and principal quantum number of the relative motion increase, the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} cluster structure becomes more prominent but at the same time, the band members are fragmented into several states

    Hall plateau diagram for the Hofstadter butterfly energy spectrum

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    We extensively study the localization and the quantum Hall effect in the Hofstadter butterfly, which emerges in a two-dimensional electron system with a weak two-dimensional periodic potential. We numerically calculate the Hall conductivity and the localization length for finite systems with the disorder in general magnetic fields, and estimate the energies of the extended levels in an infinite system. We obtain the Hall plateau diagram on the whole region of the Hofstadter butterfly, and propose a theory for the evolution of the plateau structure with increasing disorder. There we show that a subband with the Hall conductivity ne2/hn e^2/h has n|n| separated bunches of extended levels, at least for an integer n2n \leq 2. We also find that the clusters of the subbands with identical Hall conductivity, which repeatedly appear in the Hofstadter butterfly, have a similar localization property.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Quantum transport properties of two-dimensional systems in disordered magnetic fields with a fixed sign

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    Quantum transport in disordered magnetic fields is investigated numerically in two-dimensional systems. In particular, the case where the mean and the fluctuation of disordered magnetic fields are of the same order is considered. It is found that in the limit of weak disorder the conductivity exhibits a qualitatively different behavior from that in the conventional random magnetic fields with zero mean. The conductivity is estimated by the equation of motion method and by the two-terminal Landauer formula. It is demonstrated that the conductance stays on the order of e2/he^2/h even in the weak disorder limit. The present behavior can be interpreted in terms of the Drude formula. The Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation is also observed in the weak disorder regime.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.