10 research outputs found

    Organizational Culture and Knowledge Sharing in Banking Management

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    The objective of the chapter is to explore the importance of knowledge sharing in the banking management along with organizational culture. To meet the objective of the study, a framework is proposed with knowledge sharing (KS) that is expected to be influenced by organizational culture (OS). OS itself is contributed by uncertainty avoidance, performance orientation, and gender egalitarianism

    The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Organization Innovation in Malaysian Manufacturing Industry

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    In today industry, transformational leadership has become the top influential factor that affects the organization innovation. The aim of this study is to determine the level of transformational leadership (idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual, and individual consideration) for employees in the Malaysian manufacturing industry. This study also identifies the influence of transformational leadership on organization innovation in the Malaysian manufacturing industry. This research involved the leaders of admin level in manufacturing industry Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia. The survey questionnaire was distributed to 165 respondents. The result indicated that Intellectual Stimulation was the highest level for employees in the manufacturing industry. However, Individual Consideration was the most significant correlation to organization innovation in the manufacturing industry. This quantitative research is important to provide better information relating to the relationship between transformational leadership and the organization innovation so that the admin level leader can obtain a clear understanding of how to guide their followers effectively in an organization

    Factors affecting employee creativity in Islamic banking in Pakistan

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    Islamic banking emerged as a response to both religious and economic needs in Islamic countries. Previous literature highlighted the need for more studies to focus employee creativity on staying competitive in this challenging market. Therefore, previous studies failed to discuss thoroughly cultural, behavioral, and internal factors affecting employee creativity, especially in Islamic banking. The current study integrated a framework on the factors affecting employee creativity suggested by practitioners and previous literature. This study's framework includes organizational culture with its nine dimensions, internal marketing, and employee creativity with the mediating effect of knowledge sharing. This study has seven main hypotheses to meet these objectives, and 15 hypotheses were tailored in total, including sub-hypothesis. A quantitative method was followed, and data were collected from a survey questionnaire from Islamic banks in Pakistan. The data analysis was conducted using Smart PLS 3.2.7 for 393 final clean respondents. The results show that both organizational culture and internal marketing have a positive effect on employee creativity jointly. However, three of the dimensions of organizational culture are not significant to employee creativity. Simultaneously power distance and performance orientation don’t support knowledge sharing in Islamic banking. Moreover, knowledge sharing is found as a significantly supported mediator. This study provides some implications for theory advancements and practical applications that can help practitioners better understand the issues related to organizational culture, internal marketing, employee creativity, and knowledge sharing in Pakistan's Islamic banking

    The Impact of Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment

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    Abstract. Organizational Citizenship Behavior is not exhibited by all employees within a company. To effectively accomplish objectives, the management must possess a comprehensive understanding of organizational justice, the significance of Islamic values, and the extent to which employee dedication is established. The research aims to analyze the effect of Islamic work ethic and organizational justice on organizational citizenship behavior mediated by organizational commitment. This article employs a quantitative method, with data obtained through questionnaires distributed to 65 respondents from an Indonesian company and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The study shows that the Islamic work ethic positively and significantly affects organizational citizenship behavior and commitment. Organizational justice positively and significantly affects organizational citizenship behavior and commitment. Meanwhile, organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior and has been proven to be able to mediate such relationships.  Abstrak. Tidak semua karyawan menunjukkan perilaku organisasi kewarganegaraan. Untuk mencapai tujuannya secara efektif, manajemen harus memiliki pemahaman komprehensif tentang keadilan organisasi, pentingnya nilai-nilai Islam, dan sejauh mana dedikasi karyawan dibangun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh etos kerja Islam dan keadilan organisasi terhadap perilaku organisasi kewarganegaraan yang dimediasi oleh komitmen organisasi. Artikel ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dengan data diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada 65 responden di satu perusahaan di Indonesia. Sedangkan analisis datanya menggunakan model persamaan struktural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etos kerja Islam berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku dan komitmen kewargaanorganisasi. Keadilan organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Perilaku Organisasi Kewarganegaraan dan Komitmen Organisasi. Komitmen organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Perilaku Organisasi Kewarganegaraan dan terbukti mampu memediasi hubungan tersebut

    Linkage between Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Culture, Employee Creativity in Manufacturing Organizations

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    Creativity relevant literature relevant is diverse in approaches. As a result, there has been a lack of cohesive theoretical understanding of how employee creativity operates and gets affected in organizations. The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework of employee creativity (EC) along with knowledge sharing (KS), organizational culture (OC), Motivation and towards employee creativity in manufacturing industry. The literature review demonstrates the importance of employee creativity in manufacturing industry. Ever increasing competitive environment requires more competent and creative workforce in manufacturing organizations. Critical issues in designing this framework is to facilitating the factors that contribute in employee creativity in manufacturing industries. The direction of current framework has been found from past literature. Anticipated outcomes from KS and OC in manufacturing industry include application of motivation as a mediator. A further empirical study will be carried out to examine the effect of the proposed framework and hypotheses. This paper provides a comprehensive framework that contributes the empirical evidence to the academicians, act as a platform to the manufacturing industry