7 research outputs found

    Variation among clones and ortet-ramet relationship in grafted Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)

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    In order to study the relationship between ortets and ramets (grafts) growing in the same environment or at widely different localities, clone trials were established with 20 and 45 clones, respectively, at two localities in central Sweden. The ortets selected were plus trees or trees with poor to normal growth and quality, and of considerably varying age. The characteristics studied in 1-3 years were stem dimensions; number of branches; branch length, diameter and angle; stem straightness; and cone yield. The variation among clones was studied and the components of variance estimated. The main source of variation were the site differences within each locality. The variation between clones was pronounced in most traits, particularly in cone yield, and increased with age. The repeatability in each clone was good in one test field but poor in the other. Correlations among various clone characteristics, e.g. cone production and graft habitus, have an impact on the gain to be obtained in a seed orchard. The relationships beween ortets and ramets varied but were not as close as those reported from other similar investigations with the exception of those concerning branch angles

    A summary of meiotic investigation in conifers

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    Meiosstudierna hos barrträden har varierat avsevärt beträffande syfte och utformning av undersökningarna. För att åstadkomma största möjliga överskådlighet har dessa undersökningar klassificerats på följande vis: 1. Mikrosporbildning (tabell 1) 2. Makrosporbildning (tabell 2) 3. Kromosomtal (tabell 3) 4. Oregelbundenheter A. Ärftliga (tabell 4 A) B. Miljöbetingade (tabell 4 B) C. Artificiellt inducerade (tabell 4 C) 5. Meiosstudier hos hybrider (tabell 5) 6. Meiosstudier hos polyploider (tabell 6) I uppsatsen ges en kortfattad presentation av de resultat som kommit fram under 1960-talet inom ovanstående ämnesområden

    Effects of spacing and fertilization on four grafted clones of Scots pine

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    An experiment was made with grafts of four different clones of Scots Pine (Pinus silvestris) planted in 1963 in poor sandy soil, with two different spacings and with and without an annual supply of fertilizers from 1964 onwards. The nutrient status of the pines was followed by foliar analysis of needles sampled every autumn. Measurements of a great number of traits (dimensions of tree stems and top-shoots, dimensions and number of branches, branch angles, cone frequencies, etc.) were made in 1967 and 1969 and subsequent statistical analyses showed that both clones and treatment had significant effects on tree properties. Fertilizer strongly affected many properties, such as diameter, branch length and diameter, cone setting and needle length. In this early phase of stand development spacing had less effect on growth than did fertilizer, but branch and stem diameters were affected. Clone influence was very strong in branch angle (one of the four clones was characterized by acute branch angles) but also appeared in some dimensional relations and cone numbers