2,605 research outputs found

    Interior Salish Reduplication in a Diachronic Perspective

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    Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Special Session on Historical Issues in Native American Languages (1996

    Discourse Salience in Kalenjin Inter-Clausal Syntax

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    Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Special Session on Syntax and Semantics in Africa (1997

    Aspectual and focal functions of Cognate-Head-Dependent Constructions: Evidence from Africa

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    Abstract Cognate-Head-Dependent Constructions (CHDCs) are employed across numerous genera in Africa to signpost alternations in the aspectual characteristics of a predicate or the information focus of a clause. The co-occurrence of a finite lexical verb (the cognate head) and an etymologically related (deverbal) noun or non-finite verb form (the cognate dependent) in such structures is interpreted with reference to the scalar semantics of events and properties. Within this areal typology, CHDCs are employed to indicate either (i) a high point relative to a norm on a semantic scale, or (ii) a conventionally low-ranked possibility, in order to implicitly contrast possible alternatives

    Cambrian stem-group annelids and a metameric origin of the annelid head

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    The oldest fossil annelids come from the Early Cambrian Sirius Passet and Guanshan biotas and Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale. While these are among the best preserved polychaete fossils, their relationship to living taxa is contentious, having been interpreted either as members of extant clades or as a grade outside the crown group. New morphological observations from five Cambrian species include the oldest polychaete with head appendages, a new specimen of Pygocirrus from Sirius Passet, and an undescribed form from the Burgess Shale. We propose that the palps of Canadia are on an anterior segment bearing neuropodia and that the head of Phragmochaeta is formed of a segment bearing biramous parapodia and chaetae. The unusual anatomy of these taxa suggests that the head is not differentiated into a prostomium and peristomium, that palps are derived from a modified parapodium and that the annelid head was originally a parapodium-bearing segment. Canadia, Phragmochaeta and the Marble Canyon annelid share the presence of protective notochaetae, interpreted as a primitive character state subsequently lost in Pygocirrus and Burgessochaeta, in which the head is clearly differentiated from the trunk

    Summertime partitioning and budget of NOycompounds in the troposphere over Alaska and Canada: ABLE 3B

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    As part of NASA's Arctic Boundary Layer Expedition 3A and 3B field measurement programs, measurements of NO(x) HNO31, PAN, PPN, and NOy were made in the middle to lower troposphere over Alaska and Canada during the summers of 1988 and 1990. These measurements are used to assess the degree of closure within the reactive odd nitrogen (NxOy) budget through the comparison of the values of NOy measured with a catalytic convertor to the sum of individually measured NOy(i) compounds (i.e., Sigma NOy(i) = NOx + HNO3 + PAN + PPN). Significant differences were observed between the various study regions. In the lower 6 km of the troposphere over Alaska and the Hudson Bay lowlands of Canada a significant traction of the NOy budget (30 to 60 per cent) could not be accounted for by the measured Sigma NOy(i). This deficit in the NOy budget is about 100 to 200 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) in the lower troposphere (0.15 to 3 km) and about 200 to 400 pptv in the middle free troposphere (3 to 6.2 km). Conversely, the NOy budget in the northern Labrador and Quebec regions or Canada is almost totally accounted for within the combined measurement uncertainties of NOy and the various NOy(i) compounds. A substantial portion of the NOx budget's 'missing compounds' appears to be coupled to the photochemical and/or dynamical parameters influencing the tropospheric oxidative potential over these regions. A combination of factors are suggested as the causes for the variability observed in the NOy budget. In addition, the apparent stability of compounds represented by the NOy budget deficit in the lower-attitude range questions the ability of these compounds to participate as reversible reservoirs for "active" odd nitrogen and suggest that some portion of the NOy budget may consist of relatively unreactive nitrogencontaining compounds. Bei der Rationalisierung von Kommissioniersystemen besteht bei vielen Unternehmen noch Nachholbedarf. Dies ergab eine Umfrage des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Materialfluss und Logistik in Dortmund bei ca. 800 Unternehmen. Keins der Unternehmen setzt Kommissionierautomaten ein, die Voraussetzungen für durchgehende Automatisierung fehlen
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