3,264 research outputs found

    Forms of Conscioiusness in Noli me tangere

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    The Grammars of Modern Identity

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    Bung Karno and the Fossilization of Soekarno's Thought

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    Imagined and imaginary whales: Benedict Anderson, Salman Rushdie and George Orwell

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    George Orwell, anticipating many of the arguments made by Benedict Anderson in the “Patriotism and Racism” chapter of Imagined Communities, illuminated patriotism and nationalism as shifting aspects of a wider dialectical interplay between an identification with imagined communities and a loyalty to humanity. Orwell's essay “Inside the Whale” can be seen, contrary to Salman Rushdie's criticism that it advocates quietism, as an essay about imaginary homelands. In this reading the whale is a metaphor for a dialectical space created by a writer in order to gain purchase on the unceasing dialectic of history. Analysis of The Lion and the Unicorn in this article links Orwell's work with that of Anderson and Rushdie by exploring in his vision of a classless England the relationship between the personal imaginary homeland and the political imagined community

    Os não agraciados com o Prêmio Nobel de literatura

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    The concession of the Nobel Prize for Literature can be seen as a result of the world geopolitical conjuncture. The author analyses the rewarded with the prize in three distinct moments: 1901- 1939, Cold War and post-Cold War. Such study reveals patterns and unveils political and ideological nuances which guide the concession of the Prize.A distribuição do Prêmio Nobel de Literatura pode ser vista como reflexo da conjuntura geopolítica mundial. O autor analisa os agraciados com a premiação em três épocas distintas: 1901-1939, Guerra Fria e pós-Guerra Fria. Tal estudo revela padrões e desvela nuances políticas e ideológicas que pautam a concessão doPrêmio

    Os militares e a nação

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    Problemas dos nacionalismos contemporâneos

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    The author reflects on important issues related to human migrations and its ambiguous consequence to the fate of nationalisms. His work focus, in particular, on the increasing of the flows of migrants, the phenomenon of dual nationality and national feeling among foreign residents.O autor reflete sobre importantes questões relativas às migrações humanas e suas conseqüências ambíguas para o futuro dos nacionalismos. Seu texto enfoca, em especial, a intensificação dos fluxos migratórios, do fenômeno das duplas nacionalidades e do sentimento nacional entre pessoas que residem no estrangeiro

    Bibliography of Indonesian publications: newspapers, non-government periodicals and bulletins, 1945-1958, at Cornell University

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    Data Paper: Number 33. Total number of pages: 69 p