329 research outputs found

    Soybean Residual Effects on a Following Corn Crop

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    The reason for the yield advantage of rotations is still speculative. Differences in soil nutrients, soil moisture, diseases, insects, weeds, and soil physical properties have all been considered to be responsible for this effect. It was not until the late \u2770s that a non-nitrogen soybean effect on the following corn crop was substantially documented. Corn after soybeans consistently performed better than second-year corn irrespective of nitrogen fertilization. In previous work done with the soybean-corn rotation, there has never been an evaluation of the potentially different effects of soybean varieties on following corn yields. This study aimed to evaluate whether such differences exist

    Biomass production and ethanol potential from sweet sorghum

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    Potential feedstocks from crop-based energy production systems range from starchy and sugary tuberous crops to woody, oilseed, or herbaceous crops (including corn, sweet and grain sorghums, and several grasses). An important characteristic of biomass crops is that the ratio of energy of the biomass product be large compared to the energy used to pro­ duce the crop. Because one of the most costly inputs in the latter component is nitrogen (N) fertilizer, any evaluation of potential energy crops must emphasize N inputs. Given its high N requirement, corn is not likely to meet all future ethanol demands. Corn also is limited by the inefficient conversion of starch to etha­ nol and by environmental and conservation considerations such as suitable land use

    Determinantes de la salud en adultos mayores Pueblo Joven San Juan _ Chimbote, 2016

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    El presente informe de investigación titulado determinantes de la salud en adultos mayores del pueblo joven San Juan - Chimbote, 2016 fue de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo con diseño de una sola casilla. Tuvo como objetivo describir los determinantes de la salud en adultos mayores del pueblo joven San Juan, Chimbote, 2016. La muestra estuvo constituida por 85 adultos mayores varones a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario sobre los determinantes de salud utilizando la técnica de la entrevista y la observación. Los datos fueron procesados con el software PASW Statistics versión 18.0. Para el análisis de los datos se construyeron tablas de distribución de frecuencias absolutas y relativas porcentuales, incluyendo sus gráficos estadísticos. Se obtuvo los siguientes resultados: la totalidad más de la mitad tiene el grado instrucción de nivel secundaria completa o incompleta, su ocupación es eventual, menos de la mitad tiene un ingreso económico menor de 750 soles. En los determinantes de la salud relacionados con la vivienda en adultos mayores. Pueblo joven san juan - Chimbote, la totalidad se abastece de agua por conexión domiciliaria, elimina sus excretas en baño propio, la energía eléctrica es permanente. En los determinantes de los estilos de vida en adultos mayores Pueblo Joven San Juan – Chimbote, la mayoría no fuma actualmente pero ha fumado antes, el número de horas que duerme es de 6 a 8 horas, la frecuencia con que se baña es diariamente, no realiza un examen periódico en un establecimiento de salud, los alimentos que consume a diario son frutas, consume 3 o más veces a la semana pescado, consume a diario fideos, arroz y papas, consume menos de 1 vez a la semana dulces o gaseosas, consume menos 1 vez a la semana frituras, más de la mitad en la frecuencia de consumo de bebidas alcohólicas no las consume, en las dos últimas semanas que actividad física realizó durante más de 20 minutos es caminar, consume 3 veces o más a la semana carne (pollo, res, cerdo, etc). En los determinantes de los determinantes de redes sociales y comunitarias en adultos mayores del pueblo joven San Juan – Chimbote, casi la totalidad el pandillaje o delincuencia cerca de su casa no existe, la mayoría no recibe algún apoyo social organizado, no recibe apoyo social organizado del estado, considera que el lugar donde lo atendieron está a una distancia regular, el tipo de seguro es el SIS – MINSA, más de la mitad recibe algún apoyo social natural por sus familiares, la institución se salud en la que se atendió en estos 12 últimos meses es el hospital.Tesi

    Demonstration of an agroforestry system to minimize pollution hazards from land application of treated municipal sludge

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    Iowa has over 700 communities that generate municipal biosolids by various treatment means. These biosolids contain valuable nutrients. In this study, municipal biosolids are applied to trees, perennial grasses, and corn/soybean crops in an alley cropping (repeated tree strips combined with crops) system. The goal is to produce economical quantities of biomass and grains with reduced use of fossil fuel-based fertilizers and minimal environmental impacts

    When are the Patients Satisfied with Their Outcome? Correlation of PROMIS Values with Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) Scores in Foot and Ankle Patients

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    Introduction/Purpose: PROMIS values are being adopted due to ease of use and influence on clinical decision making. Studies support the use of PROMIS physical function (PF), pain interference (PI), and Depression (D) for pre-surgical decision making. Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) is a validated outcome measure commonly used in other areas of medicine and surgery that captures when patient’s symptoms reach a daily acceptable level. Knowing what PROMIS scores are associated with a patient’s PASS(Yes)/(No) rating would further enhance the use of PROMIS scales. The purpose of this study: 1) association of PROMIS scales with a PASS rating, 2) threshold values of PROMIS PF, PI, D associated with PASS rating, and 3) whether PROMIS, and patient demographics are predictive of a PASS rating

    An integrated approach for soil classification: The Kingdom of Bahrain study case

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    Soil classification is a complicated and difficult process; the level of complexity depends on the extent of the information needed. The objective of this paper is to produce a digital soil map for the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Kingdom does not have such a map at the present time. Borehole data of more than 300 sites is collected form the Ministry of Work. Old maps are obtained from the Surveying Land Registration Bureau (SLRB). Multispectral LandSat images from the years 1973 to 1976 are downloaded from online sources. All paper format maps are scanned, geo-referenced and converted to GIS format. LandSat images are classified using supervised image classification; pixel value refers to a specific soil type. Borehole data is treated as a point feature and soil related information is entered as attribute data. A hybrid model that performs classification based on weighted average mean for the raster and vector data is developed. The model consists of calibration and execution module. The model is tested and a digital soil map for the Kingdom of Bahrain is produced. The map encompasses the historical Awal land and the newly reclaimed areas. Analysis revealed that there are solid waste dumping activities in the sea and lowland areas

    Clinical Utilization of Patient Reported Outcome (PROMIS) Scores for Surgical Reconstruction of Posterior Tibialis Tendon Dysfunction

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    Introduction/Purpose: Previous studies have demonstrated that preoperative Patient Reported Outcome Instrumentation System (PROMIS) scores effectively predict improvement in foot and ankle surgery. Adult acquired flatfoot deformity (AAFD) and Posterior Tibialis Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD) are a common surgical problem, but it is unclear if the specific thresholds for the physical function (PF), pain interference (PI) and depression published previously for all foot and ankle surgeries apply to a specific diagnosis. Furthermore, the interplay of PROMIS scores and clinical variables has not been evaluated. The purpose of this study was: 1) to investigate the change in PROMIS scales and radiographic measurements from pre- to postoperative follow up in AAFD/PTTD patients, 2) to determine if preoperative PROMIS scales predict post-surgical improvement, 3) to determine if demographic, clinical variables combined with pre-operative PROMIS scales predict post-surgical improvement

    Determining Success or Failure After Foot and Ankle Surgery Using Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) and Patient Reported Outcome Information System (PROMIS)

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    Background: As the role of generic patient-reported outcomes (PROs) expands, important questions remain about their interpretation. In particular, how the Patient Reported Outcome Measurement Instrumentation System (PROMIS) t score values correlate with the patients’ perception of success or failure (S/F) of their surgery is unknown. The purposes of this study were to characterize the association of PROMIS t scores, the patients’ perception of their symptoms (patient acceptable symptom state [PASS]), and determination of S/F after surgery. Methods: This retrospective cohort study contacted patients after the 4 most common foot and ankle surgeries at a tertiary academic medical center (n = 88). Patient outcome as determined by phone interviews included PASS and patients’ judgment of whether their surgery was a S/F. Assessment also included PROMIS physical function (PF), pain interference (PI), and depression (D) scales. The association between S/F and PASS outcomes was evaluated by chi-square analysis. A 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) evaluated the ability of PROMIS to discriminate PASS and/or S/F outcomes. Receiver operator curve (ROC) analysis was used to evaluate the ability of pre- (n = 63) and postoperative (n = 88) PROMIS scores to predict patient outcomes (S/F and PASS). Finally, the proportion of individuals classified by the identified thresholds were evaluated using chi-square analysis. Results: There was a strong association between PASS and S/F after surgery (chi-square \u3c0.01). Two-way ANOVA demonstrated that PROMIS t scores discriminate whether patients experienced positive or negative outcome for PASS (P \u3c .001) and S/F (P \u3c .001). The ROC analysis showed significant accuracy (area under the curve \u3e 0.7) for postoperative but not preoperative PROMIS t scores in determining patient outcome for both PASS and S/F. The proportion of patients classified by applying the ROC analysis thresholds using PROMIS varied from 43.0% to 58.8 % for PASS and S/F. Conclusions: Patients who found their symptoms and activity at a satisfactory level (ie, PASS yes) also considered their surgery a success. However, patients who did not consider their symptoms and activity at a satisfactory level did not consistently consider their surgery a failure. PROMIS t scores for physical function and pain demonstrated the ability to discriminate and accurately predict patient outcome after foot and ankle surgery for 43.0% to 58.8% of participants. These data improve the clinical utility of PROMIS scales by suggesting thresholds for positive and negative patient outcomes independent of other factors. Level of Evidence: II, prospective comparative series

    Temperature-dependent Inhibition of Hypocotyl Elongation in Some Soybean Cultivars: I. Localization of Ethylene Evolution and Role of Cotyledons 1 Downloaded from

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    Apical 2-cm hypocotyl segments from seedlings of a "short-hypocotyl" cultivar Amsoy 71, like whole seedlings, evolve about twice as much ethylene at 25°C as at 30°C. Segments consisting of two cotyledons and an attached epicotyl evolve ethylene at low rates at both 25°C and 30°C. Hypocotyl segments from seedlings of Cutler 71 also show enhanced ethylene evolution at 25°C. Hypocotyl segments from Corsoy, a "longhypocotyl" cultivar, however, evolve ethylene at low rates at both 25°C and 30°C. Wounding of Amsoy 71 hypocotyl segments does not increase their ethylene evolution. Ethylene evolution at 25°C is reduced and the short-hypocotyl phenomenon is reversed by partial (50%) removal of Amsoy 71 cotyledons at planting time. Key words: Cotyledons -Ethylene -Hypocotyl elongation -Temperature sensitivity. Certain soybean cultivars exhibit poor emergence when planted at a depth of 10 cm and grown at 25°C. The poor emergence is a consequence of reduced hypocotyl elongation (Burris and Fehr 1971 Abbreviations: H, apical 2-cm hypocotyl segment; HW, wounded hypocotyl segment; C + E, cotyledons+ epicotyl; C + E+H, cotyledons+epicotyl + hypocotyl segment left attached to each other; pt, plant part; PVC, polyvinyl chloride; SD, standard deviation