11,264 research outputs found

    Spin susceptibility of underdoped cuprates: the case of Ortho-II YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.5}

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    Recent inelastic neutron scattering measurements found that the spin susceptibility of detwinned and highly ordered ortho-II YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.5} exhibits, in both the normal and superconducting states, one-dimensional incommensurate modulations at low energies which were interpreted as a signature of dynamic stripes. We propose an alternative model based on quasiparticle transitions between the arcs of a truncated Fermi surface. Such transitions are resonantly enhanced by scattering to the triplet spin resonance. We show that the anisotropy in the experimental spin response is consistent with this model if the gap at the saddle points is anisotropic.Comment: 5 fives, 3 postscript figure

    Enumeration of chord diagrams on many intervals and their non-orientable analogs

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    Two types of connected chord diagrams with chord endpoints lying in a collection of ordered and oriented real segments are considered here: the real segments may contain additional bivalent vertices in one model but not in the other. In the former case, we record in a generating function the number of fatgraph boundary cycles containing a fixed number of bivalent vertices while in the latter, we instead record the number of boundary cycles of each fixed length. Second order, non-linear, algebraic partial differential equations are derived which are satisfied by these generating functions in each case giving efficient enumerative schemes. Moreover, these generating functions provide multi-parameter families of solutions to the KP hierarchy. For each model, there is furthermore a non-orientable analog, and each such model likewise has its own associated differential equation. The enumerative problems we solve are interpreted in terms of certain polygon gluings. As specific applications, we discuss models of several interacting RNA molecules. We also study a matrix integral which computes numbers of chord diagrams in both orientable and non-orientable cases in the model with bivalent vertices, and the large-N limit is computed using techniques of free probability.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures; revised and extended versio

    Extinction calculations of multi-sphere polycrystalline graphitic clusters - A comparison with the 2175 AA peak and between a rigorous solution and discrete-dipole approximations

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    Certain dust particles in space are expected to appear as clusters of individual grains. The morphology of these clusters could be fractal or compact. In this paper we study the light scattering by compact and fractal polycrystalline graphitic clusters consisting of touching identical spheres. We compare three general methods for computing the extinction of the clusters in the wavelength range 0.1 - 100 micron, namely, a rigorous solution (Gerardy & Ausloos 1982) and two different discrete-dipole approximation methods -- MarCODES (Markel 1998) and DDSCAT (Draine & Flatau 1994). We consider clusters of N = 4, 7, 8, 27,32, 49, 108 and 343 particles of radii either 10 nm or 50 nm, arranged in three different geometries: open fractal (dimension D = 1.77), simple cubic and face-centred cubic. The rigorous solution shows that the extinction of the fractal clusters, with N < 50 and particle radii 10 nm, displays a peak within 2% of the location of the observed interstellar extinction peak at ~4.6 inverse micron; the smaller the cluster, the closer its peak gets to this value. By contrast, the peak in the extinction of the more compact clusters lie more than 4% from 4.6 inverse micron. At short wavelengths (0.1 - 0.5 micron), all the methods show that fractal clusters have markedly different extinction from those of non-fractal clusters. At wavelengths > 5 micron, the rigorous solution indicates that the extinction from fractal and compact clusters are of the same order of magnitude. It was only possible to compute fully converged results of the rigorous solution for the smaller clusters, due to computational limitations, however, we find that both discrete-dipole approximation methods overestimate the computed extinction of the smaller fractal clusters.Comment: Corrections added in accordance with suggestions by the referee. 12 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Solar-Like Cycle in Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

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    I propose that the mechanism behind the formation of concentric semi-periodic shells found in several planetary nebulae (PNs) and proto-PNs, and around one asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star, is a solar-like magnetic activity cycle in the progenitor AGB stars. The time intervals between consecutive ejection events is about 200-1,000 years, which is assumed to be the cycle period (the full magnetic cycle can be twice as long, as is the 22-year period in the sun). The magnetic field has no dynamical effects; it regulates the mass loss rate by the formation of magnetic cool spots. The enhanced magnetic activity at the cycle maximum results in more magnetic cool spots, which facilitate the formation of dust, hence increasing the mass loss rate. The strong magnetic activity implies that the AGB star is spun up by a companion, via a tidal or common envelope interaction. The strong interaction with a stellar companion explains the observations that the concentric semi-periodic shells are found mainly in bipolar PNs.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to Ap

    Topological quantum field theory and invariants of graphs for quantum groups

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    On basis of generalized 6j-symbols we give a formulation of topological quantum field theories for 3-manifolds including observables in the form of coloured graphs. It is shown that the 6j-symbols associated with deformations of the classical groups at simple even roots of unity provide examples of this construction. Calculational methods are developed which, in particular, yield the dimensions of the state spaces as well as a proof of the relation, previously announced for the case of SUq(2)SU_q(2) by V.Turaev, between these models and corresponding ones based on the ribbon graph construction of Reshetikhin and Turaev.Comment: 38 page

    0-pi transitions in Josephson junctions with antiferromagnetic interlayers

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    We show that the dc Josephson current through superconductor-antiferromagnet-superconductor (S/AF/S) junctions manifests a remarkable atomic scale dependence on the interlayer thickness. At low temperatures the junction is either a 0- or pi-junction depending on whether the AF interlayer consists of an even or odd number of atomic layers. This is associated with different symmetries of the AF interlayers in the two cases. In the junction with odd AF interlayers an additional pi-0 transition can take place as a function of temperature. This originates from the interplay of spin-split Andreev bound states. Experimental implications of these theoretical findings are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Pteropods are excellent recorders of surface temperature and carbonate ion concentration

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    Pteropods are among the first responders to ocean acidification and warming, but have not yet been widely explored as carriers of marine paleoenvironmental signals. In order to characterize the stable isotopic composition of aragonitic pteropod shells and their variation in response to climate change parameters, such as seawater temperature, pteropod shells (Heliconoides inflatus) were collected along a latitudinal transect in the Atlantic Ocean (31° N to 38° S). Comparison of shell oxygen isotopic composition to depth changes in the calculated aragonite equilibrium oxygen isotope values implies shallow calcification depths for H. inflatus (75 m). This species is therefore a good potential proxy carrier for past variations in surface ocean properties. Furthermore, we identified pteropod shells to be excellent recorders of climate change, as carbonate ion concentration and temperature in the upper water column have dominant influences on pteropod shell carbon and oxygen isotopic composition. These results, in combination with a broad distribution and high abundance, make the pteropod species studied here, H. inflatus, a promising new proxy carrier in paleoceanography

    Some Applications of Thermal Field Theory to Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    The lecture provides a brief introduction of thermal field theory within imaginary time formalism, the Hard Thermal Loop perturbation theory and some of its application to the physics of the quark-gluon plasma, possibly created in relativistic heavy ion collisions.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures : Lectures given in "Workshop on Hadron Physics" during March 7-17, 2005, Puri, Indi

    Experimental investigations of synchrotron radiation at the onset of the quantum regime

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    The classical description of synchrotron radiation fails at large Lorentz factors, γ\gamma, for relativistic electrons crossing strong transverse magnetic fields BB. In the rest frame of the electron this field is comparable to the so-called critical field B0=4.414⋅109B_0 = 4.414\cdot10^9 T. For χ=γB/B0≃1\chi = \gamma B/B_0 \simeq 1 quantum corrections are essential for the description of synchrotron radiation to conserve energy. With electrons of energies 10-150 GeV penetrating a germanium single crystal along the axis, we have experimentally investigated the transition from the regime where classical synchrotron radiation is an adequate description, to the regime where the emission drastically changes character; not only in magnitude, but also in spectral shape. The spectrum can only be described by quantum synchrotron radiation formulas. Apart from being a test of strong-field quantum electrodynamics, the experimental results are also relevant for the design of future linear colliders where beamstrahlung - a closely related process - may limit the achievable luminosity.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figures, submitted to PR
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