838 research outputs found

    Organizing International Technological Collaboration in Subcontractor Relationships An Investigation of the Knowledge-Stickyness Problem

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    Technological knowledge is often claimed to be context-bound and sticking to local surroundings. This paper investigates how technological knowledge can be exchanged in international subcontractor relationships, using relationship-oriented organizational practices. Five hypotheses concerning such practices are tested. It is shown that the use of relationshiporiented practices varies with exports and the active development of subcontractors in product and process development activities. Moreover, international development-oriented subcontractors are more likely to use interpersonal exchange, electronic data interchange and formalized contracts than other types of subcontractors. Research implications as well as managerial implications are derived.Subcontracting, knowledge, international division og labour

    Efficient Forward Simulation of Fisher-Wright Populations with Stochastic Population Size and Neutral Single Step Mutations in Haplotypes

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    In both population genetics and forensic genetics it is important to know how haplotypes are distributed in a population. Simulation of population dynamics helps facilitating research on the distribution of haplotypes. In forensic genetics, the haplotypes can for example consist of lineage markers such as short tandem repeat loci on the Y chromosome (Y-STR). A dominating model for describing population dynamics is the simple, yet powerful, Fisher-Wright model. We describe an efficient algorithm for exact forward simulation of exact Fisher-Wright populations (and not approximative such as the coalescent model). The efficiency comes from convenient data structures by changing the traditional view from individuals to haplotypes. The algorithm is implemented in the open-source R package 'fwsim' and is able to simulate very large populations. We focus on a haploid model and assume stochastic population size with flexible growth specification, no selection, a neutral single step mutation process, and self-reproducing individuals. These assumptions make the algorithm ideal for studying lineage markers such as Y-STR.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Systemic Innovation in a Distributed Network Paradox or Pinnacle?

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    Previous research has suggested that there is a dichotomy of organisational practices: companies involved in autonomous or modularised innovations, it is argued, benefit from decentralised approaches where coordination primarily takes place through the marketplace, whereas the benefits of systemic innovation are said to be appropriated best by centralised organisations. However, case studies of subcontractors to the Danish wind turbine industry suggest that the ability to meet heterogeneous demands plays an important role for the success of different forms of organisational practices in relation to innovation. The modularised versus systemic architecture approach therefore appears to be a too sweeping dichotomy for describing what can better be perceived as an array of different practices for balancing innovation contribution with the ability of individual firms to appropriate innovation benefits – and a heterogeneous market perception is a core element in building and sustaining this ability.Organisational Forms, Innovation System, Knowledge Complementarities, Value Appropriation

    A gentle introduction to the discrete Laplace method for estimating Y-STR haplotype frequencies

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    Y-STR data simulated under a Fisher-Wright model of evolution with a single-step mutation model turns out to be well predicted by a method using discrete Laplace distributions.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Round and round it goes

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    CFD Analysis of Scale Effects on Conventional and Tip-Modified Propellers

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    Statistical Damage Detection of Civil Engineering Structures using ARMAV Models

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