25 research outputs found

    Endocytosis Deficient Murine Xcl1-Fusion Vaccine Enhances Protective Antibody Responses in Mice

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    Targeting antigen to surface receptors on dendritic cells (DCs) can improve antibody response against subunit vaccines. We have previously observed that human XCL1-fusion vaccines target murine Xcr1+ DCs without actively inducing endocytosis of the antigen, resulting in enhanced antibody responses in mice. However, the use of foreign chemokines for targeting is undesirable when translating this observation to human or veterinary medicine due to potential cross-reactive responses against the endogenous chemokine. Here we have identified a mutant version of murine Xcl1, labeled Xcl1(Δ1) owing to removal of a conserved valine in position 1 of the mature chemokine, that retains specific binding to Xcr1+ DCs without inducing endocytosis of the receptor. DNA immunization with Xcl1(Δ1) conjugated to influenza hemagglutinin (HA) induced improved antibody responses, with higher end point titers of IgG compared to WT Xcl1-HA. The Xcl1(Δ1) fusion vaccine also resulted in an increased number of HA reactive germinal center B cells with higher avidity toward the antigen, and serum transfer experiments show that Xcl1(Δ1)-HA induced antibody responses provided better protection against influenza infection as compared to WT Xcl1-HA. In summary, our observations indicate that targeting antigen to Xcr1+ DCs in an endocytosis deficient manner enhances antibody responses. This effect was obtained by introducing a single mutation to Xcl1, suggesting our strategy may easily be translated to human or veterinary vaccine settings

    Inflammatory bowel disease in South-Eastern Norway III (IBSEN III): a new population-based inception cohort study from South-Eastern Norway

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    Background and aim: Modern treatment strategies for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are postulated to change the natural disease course. Inception cohort studies are the gold standard for investigating such changes. We have initiated a new population-based inception cohort study; Inflammatory bowel disease in South Eastern Norway III (IBSEN III). In this article, we describe the study protocol and baseline characteristics of the cohort. Methods: IBSEN III is an ongoing, population-based observational inception cohort study with prospective follow-up. Adult and pediatric patients with suspected IBD in the South-Eastern Health Region of Norway (catchment area of 2.95 million inhabitants in 2017), during the 3-year period from 2017 to 2019, were eligible for inclusion. Comprehensive clinical, biochemical, endoscopic, demographic, and patient-reported data were collected at the time of diagnosis and throughout standardized follow-up. For a portion of the patients, extensive biological material was biobanked. Results: The study included 2168 patients, of whom 1779 were diagnosed with IBD (Crohn's disease: 626, ulcerative colitis: 1082, IBD unclassified: 71). In 124 patients, there were subtle findings indicative of, but not diagnostic for, IBD. The remaining 265 patients were classified as symptomatic non-IBD controls. Conclusion: We have included patients in a comprehensive population-based IBD cohort from a catchment population of 2.95 million, and a unique biobank with materials from newly diagnosed and treatment-naïve IBD patients and symptomatic non-IBD controls. We believe this cohort will add important knowledge about IBD in the years to come.publishedVersio

    APC-targeted DNA vaccines against pandemic influenza

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    Paper II: Targeting antigen to Major Histocompatibility Complex II accelerates the germinal center reaction Targeting of antigen to Major Histocompatibility Complex II (MHCII) receptors on APCs increases immunogenicity resulting in high titers of antigen specific antibodies. The underlying mechanisms behind this enhanced immune response is not known. We use naïve congenically marked T and B cells specific for the λ2315 idiotypic antigen and show that targeting antigen to MHCII leads to increased presentation of antigenic peptide on APCs and an accelerated germinal center (GC) reaction. Immunizing with MHCII targeted antigen resulted in a faster development and proliferation of GC B cells and helper T cells and plasma cell recruitment, compared to non-targeted control. We generalize this observation with wild type mice and show that a DNA vaccine targeting influenza hemagglutinin to MHCII induces more antigen reactive GC B cells with higher affinity and ultimately more plasma cells in the bone marrow. These results demonstrate an attractive strategy to increase immunogenicity of antigens and accelerate the GC reaction. Paper III: Endocytosis deficient murine Xcl1-fusion vaccine enhances protective antibody responses in mice We have previously observed that human XCL1-fusion vaccines that target hemagglutinin (HA) to murine Xcr1+ dendritic cells (cDC1s) without actively inducing endocytosis results in enhanced antibody responses in mice. Here, we expanded on this observation using a mutant murine Xcl1 as a targeting unit. This mutant chemokine retained specificity for cDC1 without being actively endocytosed. Compared to targeting of HA with WT Xcl1, vaccination with the mutant gave higher GC B cell responses in draining lymph nodes, as well as higher antibody titers and better protection against influenza infection after passive immunization. In summary, these observations confirm that targeting antigen to Xcr1+ DCs in the absence of endocytosis enhance antibody responses, and identify a mutated Xcl1 that can easily be translated to human or veterinary vaccine setting

    A DNA vaccine that targets hemagglutinin to antigen-presenting cells protects mice against H7 influenza

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    Zoonotic influenza H7 viral infections have a case fatality rate of about 40%. Currently, no or limited human to human spread has occurred, but we may be facing a severe pandemic threat if the virus acquires the ability to transmit between humans. Novel vaccines that can be rapidly produced for global distribution are urgently needed, and DNA vaccines may be the only type of vaccine that allows for the speed necessary to quench an emerging pandemic. Here, we constructed DNA vaccines encoding the hemagglutinin (HA) from influenza A/chicken/Italy/13474/99 (H7N1). In order to increase the efficacy of DNA vaccination, HA was targeted to either major histocompatibility complex class II molecules or chemokine receptors 1, 3, and 5 (CCR1/3/5) that are expressed on antigen-presenting cells (APC). A single DNA vaccination with APC-targeted HA significantly increased antibody levels in sera compared to nontargeted control vaccines. The antibodies were confirmed neutralizing in an H7 pseudotype-based neutralization assay. Furthermore, the APC-targeted vaccines increased the levels of antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells, and a single DNA vaccination could confer protection against a lethal challenge with influenza A/turkey/Italy/3889/1999 (H7N1) in mice. In conclusion, we have developed a vaccine that rapidly could contribute protection against a pandemic threat from avian influenza. IMPORTANCE Highly pathogenic avian influenza H7 constitute a pandemic threat that can cause severe illness and death in infected individuals. Vaccination is the main method of prophylaxis against influenza, but current vaccine strategies fall short in a pandemic situation due to a prolonged production time and insufficient production capabilities. In contrast, a DNA vaccine can be rapidly produced and deployed to prevent the potential escalation of a highly pathogenic influenza pandemic. We here demonstrate that a single DNA delivery of hemagglutinin from an H7 influenza could mediate full protection against a lethal challenge with H7N1 influenza in mice. Vaccine efficacy was contingent on targeting of the secreted vaccine protein to antigen-presenting cells

    Pandemic Preparedness Against Influenza: DNA Vaccine for Rapid Relief

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    The 2009 “swine flu” pandemic outbreak demonstrated the limiting capacity for egg-based vaccines with respect to global vaccine supply within a timely fashion. New vaccine platforms that efficiently can quench pandemic influenza emergences are urgently needed. Since 2009, there has been a profound development of new vaccine platform technologies with respect to prophylactic use in the population, including DNA vaccines. These vaccines are particularly well suited for global pandemic responses as the DNA format is temperature stable and the production process is cheap and rapid. Here, we show that by targeting influenza antigens directly to antigen presenting cells (APC), DNA vaccine efficacy equals that of conventional technologies. A single dose of naked DNA encoding hemagglutinin (HA) from influenza/A/California/2009 (H1N1), linked to a targeting moiety directing the vaccine to major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) molecules, raised similar humoral immune responses as the adjuvanted split virion vaccine Pandemrix, widely administered in the 2009 pandemic. Both vaccine formats rapidly induced serum antibodies that could protect mice already 8 days after a single immunization, in contrast to the slower kinetics of a seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV). Importantly, the DNA vaccine also elicited cytotoxic T-cell responses that reduced morbidity after vaccination, in contrast to very limited T-cell responses seen after immunization with Pandemrix and TIV. These data demonstrate that DNA vaccines has the potential as a single dose platform vaccine, with rapid protective effects without the need for adjuvant, and confirms the relevance of naked DNA vaccines as candidates for pandemic preparedness

    Enhanced germinal center reaction by targeting vaccine antigen to major histocompatibility complex class II molecules

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    Enhancing the germinal center (GC) reaction is a prime objective in vaccine development. Targeting of antigen to MHCII on APCs has previously been shown to increase antibody responses, but the underlying mechanism has been unclear. We have here investigated the GC reaction after targeting antigen to MHCII in (i) a defined model with T and B cells of known specificity using adjuvant-free vaccine proteins, and (ii) an infectious disease model using a DNA vaccine. MHCII-targeting enhanced presentation of peptide: MHCII on APCs, and increased the numbers of GC B cells, TFH, and plasma cells. Antibodies appeared earlier and levels were increased. BCR of GC B cells and serum antibodies had increased avidity for antigen. The improved responses required cross-linking of BCR and MHCII in either cis or trans. The enhanced GC reaction induced by MHCII-targeting of antigen has clear implications for design of more efficient subunit vaccines