13,572 research outputs found

    The Reionization History and Early Metal Enrichment inferred from the Gamma-Ray Burst Rate

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    Based on the gamma-ray burst (GRB) event rate at redshifts of 4≤z≤124 \leq z \leq 12, which is assessed by the spectral peak energy-to-luminosity relation recently found by Yonetoku et al., we observationally derive the star formation rate (SFR) for Pop III stars in a high redshift universe. As a result, we find that Pop III stars could form continuously at 4≤z≤124 \leq z \leq 12. Using the derived Pop III SFR, we attempt to estimate the ultraviolet (UV) photon emission rate at 7≤z≤127 \leq z \leq 12 in which redshift range no observational information has been hitherto obtained on ionizing radiation intensity. We find that the UV emissivity at 7≤z≤127 \leq z \leq 12 can make a noticeable contribution to the early reionization. The maximal emissivity is higher than the level required to keep ionizing the intergalactic matter at 7≤z≤127 \leq z \leq 12. However, if the escape fraction of ionizing photons from Pop III objects is smaller than 10%, then the IGM can be neutralized at some redshift, which may lead to the double reionization. As for the enrichment, the ejection of all metals synthesized in Pop III objects is marginally consistent with the IGM metallicity, although the confinement of metals in Pop III objects can reduce the enrichment significantly.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, ApJL accepte

    Superconducting phase diagram of itinerant antiferromagnets

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    We study the phase diagram of the Hubbard model in the weak-coupling limit for coexisting spin-density-wave order and spin-fluctuation-mediated superconductivity. Both longitudinal and transverse spin fluctuations contribute significantly to the effective interaction potential, which creates Cooper pairs of the quasi-particles of the antiferromagnetic metallic state. We find a dominant dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave solution in both electron- and hole-doped cases. In the quasi-spin triplet channel, the longitudinal fluctuations give rise to an effective attraction supporting a pp-wave gap, but are overcome by repulsive contributions from the transverse fluctuations which disfavor pp-wave pairing compared to dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}. The sub-leading pair instability is found to be in the gg-wave channel, but complex admixtures of dd and gg are not energetically favored since their nodal structures coincide. Inclusion of interband pairing, in which each fermion in the Cooper pair belongs to a different spin-density-wave band, is considered for a range of electron dopings in the regime of well-developed magnetic order. We demonstrate that these interband pairing gaps, which are non-zero in the magnetic state, must have the same parity under inversion as the normal intraband gaps. The self-consistent solution to the full system of five coupled gap equations give intraband and interband pairing gaps of dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} structure and similar gap magnitude. In conclusion, the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} gap dominates for both hole and electron doping inside the spin-density-wave phase.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Superconducting Junctions with Ferromagnetic, Antiferromagnetic or Charge-Density-Wave Interlayers

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    Spectra and spin structures of Andreev interface states and the Josephson current are investigated theoretically in junctions between clean superconductors (SC) with ordered interlayers. The Josephson current through the ferromagnet-insulator-ferromagnet interlayer can exhibit a nonmonotonic dependence on the misorientation angle. The characteristic behavior takes place if the pi state is the equilibrium state of the junction in the particular case of parallel magnetizations. We find a novel channel of quasiparticle reflection (Q reflection) from the simplest two-sublattice antiferromagnet (AF) on a bipartite lattice. As a combined effect of Andreev and Q reflections, Andreev states arise at the AF/SC interface. When the Q reflection dominates the specular one, Andreev bound states have almost zero energy on AF/ s-wave SC interfaces, whereas they lie near the edge of the continuous spectrum for AF/d-wave SC boundaries. For an s-wave SC/AF/s-wave SC junction, the bound states are found to split and carry the supercurrent. Our analytical results are based on a novel quasiclassical approach, which applies to interfaces involving itinerant antiferromagnets. Similar effects can take place on interfaces of superconductors with charge density wave materials (CDW), including the possible d-density wave state (DDW) of the cuprates.Comment: LT24 conference proceeding, 2 pages, 1 figur

    Electronic Structure of the Chevrel-Phase Compounds Snx_{x}Mo6_{6}Se7.5_{7.5}: Photoemission Spectroscopy and Band-structure Calculations

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    We have studied the electronic structure of two Chevrel-phase compounds, Mo6_6Se7.5_{7.5} and Sn1.2_{1.2}Mo6_6Se7.5_{7.5}, by combining photoemission spectroscopy and band-structure calculations. Core-level spectra taken with x-ray photoemission spectroscopy show systematic core-level shifts, which do not obey a simple rigid-band model. The inverse photoemission spectra imply the existence of an energy gap located ∟1\sim 1 eV above the Fermi level, which is a characteristic feature of the electronic structure of the Chevrel compounds. Quantitative comparison between the photoemission spectra and the band-structure calculations have been made. While good agreement between theory and experiment in the wide energy range was obtained as already reported in previous studies, we found that the high density of states near the Fermi level predicted theoretically due to the Van Hove singularity is considerably reduced in the experimental spectra taken with higher energy resolution than in the previous reports. Possible origins are proposed to explain this observation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Experimental investigation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in low-Z targets

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    In the CERN NA63 collaboration we have addressed the question of the potential inadequacy of the commonly used Migdal formulation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect by measuring the photon emission by 20 and 178 GeV electrons in the range 100 MeV - 4 GeV, in targets of LowDensityPolyEthylene (LDPE), C, Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Mo and, as a reference target, Ta. For each target and energy, a comparison between simulated values based on the LPM suppression of incoherent bremsstrahlung is shown, taking multi-photon effects into account. For these targets and energies, we find that Migdal's theoretical formulation is adequate to a precision of better than about 5%, irrespective of the target substance.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    W Plus Multiple Jets at the LHC with High Energy Jets

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    We study the production of a W boson in association with n hard QCD jets (for n>=2), with a particular emphasis on results relevant for the Large Hadron Collider (7 TeV and 8 TeV). We present predictions for this process from High Energy Jets, a framework for all-order resummation of the dominant contributions from wide-angle QCD emissions. We first compare predictions against recent ATLAS data and then shift focus to observables and regions of phase space where effects beyond NLO are expected to be large.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Knight Shift and Leading Superconducting Instability From Spin Fluctuations in Sr2RuO4

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    Recent nuclear magnetic resonance studies [A. Pustogow {\it et al.}, arXiv:1904.00047] have challenged the prevalent chiral triplet pairing scenario proposed for Sr2_2RuO4_4. To provide guidance from microscopic theory as to which other pair states might be compatible with the new data, we perform a detailed theoretical study of spin-fluctuation mediated pairing for this compound. We map out the phase diagram as a function of spin-orbit coupling, interaction parameters, and band-structure properties over physically reasonable ranges, comparing when possible with photoemission and inelastic neutron scattering data information. We find that even-parity pseudospin singlet solutions dominate large regions of the phase diagram, but in certain regimes spin-orbit coupling favors a near-nodal odd-parity triplet superconducting state, which is either helical or chiral depending on the proximity of the γ\gamma band to the van Hove points. A surprising near-degeneracy of the nodal s′s^\prime- and dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave solutions leads to the possibility of a near-nodal time-reversal symmetry broken s′+idx2−y2s^\prime+id_{x^2-y^2} pair state. Predictions for the temperature dependence of the Knight shift for fields in and out of plane are presented for all states.Comment: 5 pages (3 figures) + supplementary informatio

    Pairing symmetry of the one-band Hubbard model in the paramagnetic weak-coupling limit: a numerical RPA study

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    We study the spin-fluctuation-mediated superconducting pairing gap in a weak-coupling approach to the Hubbard model for a two dimensional square lattice in the paramagnetic state. Performing a comprehensive theoretical study of the phase diagram as a function of filling, we find that the superconducting gap exhibits transitions from p-wave at very low electron fillings to d_{x^2-y^2}-wave symmetry close to half filling in agreement with previous reports. At intermediate filling levels, different gap symmetries appear as a consequence of the changes in the Fermi surface topology and the associated structure of the spin susceptibility. In particular, the vicinity of a van Hove singularity in the electronic structure close to the Fermi level has important consequences for the gap structure in favoring the otherwise sub-dominant triplet solution over the singlet d-wave solution. By solving the full gap equation, we find that the energetically favorable triplet solutions are chiral and break time reversal symmetry. Finally, we also calculate the detailed angular gap structure of the quasi-particle spectrum, and show how spin-fluctuation-mediated pairing leads to significant deviations from the first harmonics both in the singlet d_{x^2-y^2} gap as well as the chiral triplet gap solution.Comment: 11 pages 11 figure
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