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    Burhan Cahit'in Milliyet'te tefrika edilen Kızıl Serap adlı romanıTelif hakları nedeniyle romanın tam metni verilememiştir

    Heat maps containing genes that were differently expressed in neutral pigs compared to all other pig categories.

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    <p>Each spot in the figure represent the expression difference in the individual tail biters (TB), receivers (R) and controls (C) compared with the neutral pig in the same batch, in hypothalamus (Figure A) and prefrontal cortex (B). A green colour means that the gene is less expressed in the individual compared to the corresponding neutral pig, while a red colour means that it is more expressed.</p

    Affymetrix probe set IDs, gene names, brain area, log fold changes (LFC) and p-values for the transcripts that were differently expressed in neutral pigs compared to control pigs and that also were reported to be differently expressed when comparing the neutral pigs with pen mates performing and receiving tail biting [6].

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    <p>Affymetrix probe set IDs, gene names, brain area, log fold changes (LFC) and p-values for the transcripts that were differently expressed in neutral pigs compared to control pigs and that also were reported to be differently expressed when comparing the neutral pigs with pen mates performing and receiving tail biting <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0066513#pone.0066513-Brunberg2" target="_blank">[6]</a>.</p

    Number of differently expressed genes in the pig categories.

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    <p>Comparison of the differently expressed genes in the present study comparing neutral pigs in a tail biting pen with control pigs in a non-tail biting pen (Grey circle and box) with the gene lists from an earlier study comparing tail biters (TB), receivers (R) and neutral pigs (N) (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0066513#pone.0066513-Brunberg2" target="_blank">[6]</a>, white circles and boxes). The boxes indicate the total number of differently expressed transcripts in the three comparisons. Out of these, 17 transcripts in the hypothalamus and 3 in the prefrontal cortex were differently expressed in all three comparisons, suggesting that for many of the genes, the N pigs are different from all other categories.</p

    Gene ontology terms (P -value and fold enrichment) that were significant in the enrichment analysis in the gene list from the neutral vs. control pigs comparison.

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    <p>Only those terms that were reported to be differently expressed also when comparing the neutral pigs with pen mates performing and receiving tail biting <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0066513#pone.0066513-Brunberg2" target="_blank">[6]</a> are listed.</p

    Performed and received abnormal behaviours (mean±S.D.) in neutral pigs (N) housed in tail biting pens (n = 60) compared to control pigs (C) housed in control pens (n = 99).

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    <p>Performed and received abnormal behaviours (mean±S.D.) in neutral pigs (N) housed in tail biting pens (n = 60) compared to control pigs (C) housed in control pens (n = 99).</p

    Performed and received abnormal behaviours for all pig categories.

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    <p>The number of performed (Figure A) and received (B) tail biting, tail in mouth, belly nosing, ear biting, mounting, bar biting and other for all the 56 pigs (tail biters; TB, receivers; R, neutrals, N, controls, C) that were sampled in the present study as well as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0066513#pone.0066513-Brunberg2" target="_blank">[6]</a>. The four bars to the right represent the average (Ave) performed behaviours for each pig category. Only a few of the animals included in this figure were later used in the microarrays.</p

    Improved variance estimation of classification performance via reduction of bias caused by small sample size-1

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Improved variance estimation of classification performance via reduction of bias caused by small sample size"</p><p>BMC Bioinformatics 2006;7():127-127.</p><p>Published online 13 Mar 2006</p><p>PMCID:PMC1435937.</p><p>Copyright © 2006 Wickenberg-Bolin et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.</p> for the 2-dimensional normal distributions used where = 100. Also displayed are two-sided 95% CIs, based on histograms of the 5000 estimates for different values of the test bag size . The true and were obtained by testing 10,000 independently designed classifiers using 100,000 new, independently generated, test samples from the two normal distributions used. The estimates of are unbiased and the estimates of are unbiased for ≥ 100

    Improved variance estimation of classification performance via reduction of bias caused by small sample size-0

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Improved variance estimation of classification performance via reduction of bias caused by small sample size"</p><p>BMC Bioinformatics 2006;7():127-127.</p><p>Published online 13 Mar 2006</p><p>PMCID:PMC1435937.</p><p>Copyright © 2006 Wickenberg-Bolin et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.</p>ze and the size of the test set was varied from 5% to 70%. For each test set size the data was divided randomly into design and test sets 1,000 times, with the class proportions kept constant. The endpoints (dotted) of a two-sided 95% CIs, based on a histogram of 1,000 estimates, is displayed for the different values of the test set size, . Apparently the widths of the empirical CIs decrease as Nincreases. Also displayed are the estimated averages as a function of the test set size (solid). Since each CI is based on the histograms instead of estimates of the average and variance, note that the CIs are asymmetric with respect to the estimated average

    Revealing cell cycle control by combining model-based detection of periodic expression with novel -regulatory descriptors-1

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Revealing cell cycle control by combining model-based detection of periodic expression with novel -regulatory descriptors"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1752-0509/1/45</p><p>BMC Systems Biology 2007;1():45-45.</p><p>Published online 16 Oct 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2200664.</p><p></p>t the hierarchical structure of the combinations are matched by a hierarchical structure of the corresponding class labels (i.e. the classes from which each combination was induced)