2,084 research outputs found

    Marginally-Stable Thermal Equilibria of Rayleigh-B\'enard Convection

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    Natural convection is ubiquitous throughout the physical sciences and engineering, yet many of its important properties remain elusive. To study convection in a novel context, we derive and solve a quasilinear form of the Rayleigh-B\'enard problem by representing the perturbations in terms of marginally-stable eigenmodes. The amplitude of each eigenmode is determined by requiring that the background state maintains marginal stability. The background temperature profile evolves due to the advective flux of every marginally-stable eigenmode, as well as diffusion. To ensure marginal stability and to obtain the eigenfunctions at every timestep, we perform a one-dimensional eigenvalue solve on each of the allowable wavenumbers. The background temperature field evolves to an equilibrium state, where the advective flux from the marginally-stable eigenmodes and the diffusive flux sum to a constant. These marginally-stable thermal equilibria (MSTE) are exact solutions of the quasilinear equations. The mean temperature profile has thinner boundary layers and larger Nusselt numbers than thermally-equilibrated 2D and 3D simulations of the full nonlinear equations. We find the Nusselt number scales like Nu∼Ra1/3\rm{Nu} \sim\rm{Ra}^{1/3}. When an MSTE is used as initial conditions for a 2D simulation, we find that Nu quickly equilibrates without the burst of turbulence often induced by purely conductive initial conditions, but we also find that the kinetic energy is too large and viscously attenuates on a long viscous time scale. This is due to the thin temperature boundary layers which diffuse heat very effectively, thereby requiring high-velocity advective flows to reach an equilibrium

    Internally heated and fully compressible convection: flow morphology and scaling laws

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    In stars and planets natural processes heat convective flows in the bulk of a convective region rather than at hard boundaries. By characterizing how convective dynamics are determined by the strength of an internal heating source we can gain insight into the processes driving astrophysical convection. Internally heated convection has been studied extensively in incompressible fluids, but the effects of stratification and compressibility have not been examined in detail. In this work, we study fully compressible convection driven by a spatially uniform heating source in 2D and 3D Cartesian, hydrodynamic simulations. We use a fixed temperature upper boundary condition which results in a system that is internally heated in the bulk and cooled at the top. We find that the flow speed, as measured by the Mach number, and turbulence, as measured by the Reynolds number, can be independently controlled by separately varying the characteristic temperature gradient from internal heating and the diffusivities. 2D simulations at a fixed Mach number (flow speed) demonstrate consistent power at low wavenumber as diffusivities are decreased. We observe convection where the velocity distribution is skewed towards cold, fast downflows, and that the flow speed is related to the length scale and entropy gradient of the upper boundary where the downflows are driven. We additionally find a heat transport scaling law which is consistent with prior incompressible work.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Fluid

    Rotation reduces convective mixing in Jupiter and other gas giants

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    Recent measurements of Jupiter's gravitational moments by the Juno spacecraft and seismology of Saturn's rings suggest that the primordial composition gradients in the deep interior of these planets have persisted since their formation. One possible explanation is the presence of a double-diffusive staircase below the planet's outer convection zone, which inhibits mixing across the deeper layers. However, hydrodynamic simulations have shown that these staircases are not long-lasting and can be disrupted by overshooting convection. In this paper we suggests that planetary rotation could be another factor for the longevity of primordial composition gradients. Using rotational mixing-length theory and 3D hydrodynamic simulations, we demonstrate that rotation significantly reduces both the convective velocity and the mixing of primordial composition gradients. In particular, for Jovian conditions at t∼108 yrst\sim10^{8}~\mathrm{yrs} after formation, rotation reduces the convective velocity by a factor of 6, and in turn, the kinetic energy flux available for mixing gets reduced by a factor of 63∼2006^3\sim 200. This leads to an entrainment timescale that is more than two orders of magnitude longer than without rotation. We encourage future hydrodynamic models of Jupiter and other gas giants to include rapid rotation, because the decrease in the mixing efficiency could explain why Jupiter and Saturn are not fully mixed.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Observed Extra Mixing Trends in Red Giants are Reproduced by the Reduced Density Ratio in Thermohaline Zones

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    Observations show an almost ubiquitous presence of extra mixing in low-mass upper giant branch stars. The most commonly invoked explanation for this is the thermohaline instability. One dimensional stellar evolution models include prescriptions for thermohaline mixing, but our ability to make direct comparisons between models and observations has thus far been limited. Here, we propose a new framework to facilitate direct comparison: Using carbon to nitrogen measurements from the SDSS-IV APOGEE survey as a probe of mixing and a fluid parameter known as the reduced density ratio from one dimensional stellar evolution programs, we compare the observed amount of extra mixing on the upper giant branch to predicted trends from three-dimensional fluid dynamics simulations. By applying this method, we are able to place empirical constraints on the efficiency of mixing across a range of masses and metallicities. We find that the observed amount of extra mixing is strongly correlated with the reduced density ratio and that trends between reduced density ratio and fundamental stellar parameters are robust across choices for modeling prescription. We show that stars with available mixing data tend to have relatively low density ratios, which should inform the regimes selected for future simulation efforts. Finally, we show that there is increased mixing at low values of the reduced density ratio, which is consistent with current hydrodynamical models of the thermohaline instability. The introduction of this framework sets a new standard for theoretical modeling efforts, as validation for not only the amount of extra mixing, but trends between the degree of extra mixing and fundamental stellar parameters is now possible.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Ap

    Stellar Convective Penetration: Parameterized Theory and Dynamical Simulations

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    Most stars host convection zones in which heat is transported directly by fluid motion, but the behavior of convective boundaries is not well-understood. Here, we present 3D numerical simulations that exhibit penetration zones: regions where the entire luminosity could be carried by radiation, but where the temperature gradient is approximately adiabatic and convection is present. To parameterize this effect, we define the "penetration parameter" , which compares how far the radiative gradient deviates from the adiabatic gradient on either side of the Schwarzschild convective boundary. Following Roxburgh and Zahn, we construct an energy-based theoretical model in which controls the extent of penetration. We test this theory using 3D numerical simulations that employ a simplified Boussinesq model of stellar convection. The convection is driven by internal heating, and we use a height-dependent radiative conductivity. This allows us to separately specify and the stiffness of the radiative&ndash;convective boundary. We find significant convective penetration in all simulations. Our simple theory describes the simulations well. Penetration zones can take thousands of overturn times to develop, so long simulations or accelerated evolutionary techniques are required. In stars, we expect , and in this regime, our results suggest that convection zones may extend beyond the Schwarzschild boundary by up to &sim;20%&ndash;30% of a mixing length. We present a MESA stellar model of the Sun that employs our parameterization of convective penetration as a proof of concept. Finally, we discuss prospects for extending these results to more realistic stellar contexts. &nbsp;</p
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