1,317 research outputs found

    The structure and development of rifted midoceanic rises

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    Midoceanic rises can be divided into two categories: rifted and nonrifted. Rifted rises are characterized by a median valley, high relief, a thick second layer, and the presence of metamorphic and deep intrusive rocks. Rifted rises are believed to have slow spreading rates of less than 2 cm/year...

    Konfliktmatrix: Instrument des Risikomanagements im Operationssaal

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    Konfliktmatrix: Instrument des Risikomanagements im Operationssaal

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    Hintergrund In der Wirtschaft sind Konflikte als Ursache von hohen Kosten und Leistungseinbußen lange bekannt. Bei der Prozessoptimierung im OP-Management findet dieser Aspekt noch keine Beachtung. Gerade im Bereich der Ablauforganisation im OP führen unklare Arbeitsteilungen und mangelnde Kommunikation oft dazu, dass sich die verschiedenen Berufsgruppen als „Konkurrenten“ im Umfeld der Patienten sehen, anstatt als „multiprofessionelles Team“ zu agieren. Dies führt unweigerlich zur Entstehung und zur Eskalation von Konflikten. Fragestellung Die von uns entwickelte Konfliktmatrix soll es ermöglichen, mit minimalem Aufwand das Ausmaß der Konflikteskalation im multiprofessionellen OP-Team objektivierbar zu erfassen. Material und Methoden Im Bereich eines OP-Bereiches mit 8 OP-Tischen werden alle leitenden Mitarbeitenden aufgefordert, die Konflikteskalation zwischen den einzelnen Berufsgruppen auf einer Skala vonBackground In business conflicts have long been known to have a negative effect on costs and team performance. In medicine this aspect has been widely neglected, especially when optimizing processes for operating room (OR) management. In the multidisciplinary setting of OR management, shortcomings in rules for decision making and lack of communication result in members perceiving themselves as competitors in the patients environment rather than acting as art of a multiprofessional team. This inevitably leads to the emergence and escalation of conflicts. Objective We developed a conflict matrix to provide an inexpensive and objective way for evaluating the level of escalation of conflicts in a multiprofessional working environment, such as an OR. Material and methods The senior members of all involved disciplines were asked to estimate the level of conflict escalation between the individual professional groups on a scale of 09. By aggregating the response data, an overview of the conflict matrix within this OR section was created. Results No feedback was received from 1 of the 11 contacted occupational groups. By color coding the median, minimum and maximum values of the retrieved data, an intuitive overview of the escalation levels of conflict could be provided. The value range of all feedbacks was between(VLID)354395

    Sedimentation in the Gulf of Paria during the Holocene transgression; a subsurface acoustic reflection study

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    A subsurface acoustic reflection study has been carried out in the Gulf of Paria with an Edo UQN Echo-sounder and a Precision Graphic Recorder of The Alden Electronics and Impulse Recording Equipment Co., Inc. Using a very short ping length for maximum resolution, penetration below the bottom in excess of 0.03 sec (45 m) was commonly obtained in water depths up to 100 m...

    Associations between gait-related falls and gait adaptations when stepping onto a curb: A prospective falls study

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    Objectives. Examine gait regulation during the approach to stepping onto a curb for older adults who did or did not report gait-related falls over a 12-month follow-up. Methods. Ninety-eight participants aged 60 years and older were analyzed. Primary outcomes were step length adaptations (lengthening or shortening) during a curb approach and the occurrence of a gait-related fall during a 12-month follow-up. Results. Linear-mixed effects modelling indicated stronger adaptations towards the end of the approach. Participants who reported experiencing a gait-related fall showed a stronger relationship between the adjustment required and adjustment produced; indicating different gait adaptations during the step leading onto the curb. Discussion. The link between prospective gait-related falls and gait-adaptations indicated that older adults with reduced capabilities require stronger adaptations to complete tasks reminiscent of everyday life. This finding may provide insight into the mechanisms of falls in older adults and should inform new falls prevention interventions

    A systematic review on perceptual-motor calibration to changes in action capabilities

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    Perceptual-motor calibration has been described as a mapping between perception and action, which is relevant to distinguish possible from impossible opportunities for action. To avoid movement errors, it is relevant to rapidly calibrate to immediate changes in capabilities and therefore this study sought to explain in what conditions calibration is most efficient. A systematic search of seven databases was conducted to identify literature concerning changes in calibration in response to changes in action capabilities. Twenty-three papers satisfied the inclusion criteria. Data revealed that calibration occurs rapidly if there is a good match between the task that requires calibration and the sources of perceptual-motor information available for exploration (e.g. when exploring maximal braking capabilities by experiencing braking). Calibration can take more time when the perceptual-motor information that is available is less relevant. The current study identified a number of limitations in the field of perceptual-motor research. Most notably, the mean participant age in the included studies was between 18 and 33 years of age, limiting the generalizability of the results to other age groups. Also, due to inconsistent terminology used in the field of perceptual-motor research, we argue that investigating calibration in older cohorts should be a focus of future research because of the possible implications of impaired calibration in an aging society

    Perceptual-motor regulation in locomotor pointing while approaching a curb

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    Locomotor pointing is a task that has been the focus of research in the context of sport (e.g. long jumping and cricket) as well as normal walking. Collectively, these studies have produced abroad understanding of locomotor pointing, but generalizability has been limited to laboratory type tasks and/or tasks with high spatial demands. The current study aimed to generalize previous findings in locomotor pointing to the common daily task of approaching and stepping on to a curb. Sixteen people completed 33 repetitions of a task that required them to walk up to and step onto a curb. Information about their foot placement was collected using a combination of measures derived from a pressure-sensitive walkway and video data. Variables related to perceptual-motor regulation were analyzed on an inter-trial, intra-step and inter-step level. Similar to previous studies, analysis of the foot placements showed that, variability in foot placement decreased as the participants drew closer to the curb. Regulation seemed to be initiated earlier in this study compared to previous studies, as shown by a decreasing variability in foot placement as early as eight steps before reaching the curb. Furthermore, it was shown that when walking up to the curb, most people regulated their walk in a way so as to achieve minimal variability in the foot placement on top of the curb, rather than a placement in front of the curb. Combined, these results showed a strong perceptual-motor coupling in the task of approaching and stepping up a curb, rendering this task a suitable test for perceptual-motor regulation in walking
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