14 research outputs found

    Parity and Risk of Low Birth Weight Infant in Full Term Pregnancy

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    Latar belakang: Berat badan lahir rendah meningkatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas pada bayi baru lahir. Hasil Riskesdas 2010 dan 2013 menunjukkan penurunan angka prevalensi berat badan lahir rendah dari 11,1% menjadi 10,2%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor risiko yang berkaitan dengan kejadian berat badan lahir rendah pada kehamilan cukup bulan. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang di dua rumah sakit di Jakarta dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Data rekam medik wanita yang melahirkan pada periode 1 Januari sampai 31 Desember 2011 dipilih secara purposif. Berat badan lahir rendah adalah berat badan kurang dari 2500g pada bayi baru lahir. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi logistik. Hasil: Pada analisis ini didapatkan 2242 subyek yang memenuhi kriteria, dari 4191 subyek. Proporsi berat badan lahir rendah adalah 9,5%. Jika dibandingkan dengan primipara, wanita nullipara memiliki risiko melahirkan bayi dengan berat badan lahir rendah 46% lebih tinggi [adjusted odds ratio (ORa) = 1.46; P=0.030]. Selanjutnya, jika dibandingkan dengan bayi laki-laki, bayi perempuan memiliki risiko 42% lebih tinggi mengalami berat lahir rendah (ORa = 1.42; P=0.017) Kesimpulan: Bayi berat badan lahir rendah pada kehamilan cukup bulan lebih sering ditemukan pada wanita nullipara dan bayi perempuan. Kata kunci: paritas, jenis kelamin bayi, berat badan lahir rendahBackground: Low birth weight infants tend to increase the occurence of early infant mortality and morbidity. The survey in Indonesia suggested that the prevalence of low birth weight declined from 11.1% in 2010 to 10.2% in 2013. This study aims to identify the risk factors of low birth weight infant in full term pregnancy. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study using secondary data from two hospitals in Jakarta. The data was obtained from medical records of pregnant women who gave birth during the period of January 1 to December 31, 2011. Multivariat logistic regression model with stepwise method was used to analyze the risks of low birth weight. Results: The sample size in this study was 4191 subjects. Out of them 2242 subjects met the inclusion criteria. The proportion of low birth weight was 9.5%. Compared with primipara, nullipara had 46 % increased risk to have LBW infant (ORa = 1.46; P=0.030), meanwhile primipara and nullipara did not have significant difference for having LBW infants (ORa = 0.90; P=0.614). In term of sex of infants, female infant had 42% higher risk of having LBW infant compared with male infant (ORa = 1.42; P=0.017). Conclusion : Low birth weight infants in full term pregnancies are more common in nullipara and most of the LBW infants are femal

    Determinan Persalinan Seksio Sesarea Pasien Kelas Tiga Di Dua Rumah Sakit Di Jakarta Tahun 2011

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    Latar belakang: Angka kejadian persalinan seksio sesarea di banyak negara terus meningkat begitu juga di Indonesia, baik di rumah sakit pemerintah maupun rumah sakit swasta. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan persalinan seksio sesarea pasien kelas tiga di dua rumah sakit di Jakarta tahun 2011. Metode: Metode penelitian adalah cross sectional. Data merupakan bagian dari Penelitian Studi Indikasi Sectio Caesarea di dua Rumah Sakit di Jakarta”. Data didapatkan dari rekam medik pasien yang melahirkan pada periode 1 Januari sampai 31 Desember 2011. Hasil: Jumlah seluruh persalinan di dua rumah sakit tersebut 4190, dan yang memenuhi kriteria untuk di analisis sebanyak 4152 persalinan. Dari 4152 persalinan, ada 3154 persalinan (76,0%) di rawat inap di kelas tiga. Proporsi persalinan seksio sesarea pada pasien kelas tiga sebesar 57,3%. Determinan persalinan seksio sesarea adalah pendidikan tinggi (OR=1,80; 95%CI 1,46-2,14), menggunakan asuransi (OR=1,70; 95%CI 1,43-2,04), dan hipertensi (OR=1,30; 95%CI 1,03-1,62). Kesimpulan: Proporsi persalinan seksio sesarea pasien rawat inap di kelas tiga relatif tinggi (57,3%), dan indikasi medis pada seksio sesarea adalah hipertensi. Perlu dilakukan intervensi pada perempuan hamil agar rutin melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilannya dan keseriusan pemerintah pada penegakan pedoman praktek

    Parity, Education Level and Risk for (Pre-) Eclampsia in Selected Hospitals in Jakarta

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    Background:(Pre-)eclampsia is a common complication in pregnancy associated with high morbidity and mortality in maternal and perinatal. This study aimed to investigate the risk factors for (pre-)eclampsia in selected hospitals in Jakarta.Methods:This cross-sectional study design was conducted in two selected hospitals in Jakarta during the period of January 1 to December 31, 2011. The collected data came from medical records among women who delivered in the hospitals. The Cox regression with constant time was used to analyze the risks for (pre-)eclampsia.Results:The 4191 samples were collected from all pregnant woman who delivery in two hospitals. Subjects who did not have complete data (no age, marital status, parity, education, occupations, and funding sources) were excluded, leaving 1685 samples were available for the analysis. The proportion of (pre-)eclampsia in two hospitals was 11.5%. Nulliparous women had 78% greater risk of (pre-)eclampsia compared to primiparous women [adjusted relative risk (RRa) = 1.78; P = 0.000]. Furthermore, women with low education level had 86% greater risk of (pre-)eclampsia (RRa=1.86, P=0.005), while middle education level had 72% greater risk of (pre-)eclampsia (RRa=1.72; P=0.007) compared to high education level.Conclusion: Nulliparous and low educated women had higher risk of (pre-)eclampsia in selected hospitals in Jakarta. (Health Science Indones 2014;1:35-9

    Young Mothers, Parity and the Risks of Anemia in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

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    Background: Anemia during pregnancy remains a major health problem in Indonesia. According to theIndonesian basic health research in 2007-2013, the prevalence of anemia in pregnancy tends to increase.This paper aimed to assess the risk factors related to anemia in the third trimester of gestation.Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in one government hospital and one private hospitalin Jakarta. All medical records of pregnant women who gave birth between January 1 to December 31 of2011 were included. The Cox regression with constant time was used to analyze the risks of anemia.Results: This study collected 4191 samples in two hospitals. Eligible samples for analysis were 1202while the remainings were excluded due to incomplete data records. The prevalence of anemia amongpregnant women in the third trimester was 33.7%. Compared to women in the 21-35 year age group,those with aged 16-20 years had 56% higher risk to be anemic [adjusted relative risk (RRa) = 1.56; P= 0.014], however, those with aged 36-46 years had the same risk to be anemic (P = 0.350). In term ofparity, compared with nulliparous, multiparous women had 58% higher risk to be anemic (RRa = 1.58; P= 0.000), however, primiparous women had moderately higher risk to be anemic (RRa = 1.15; P = 0.201).Conclusion: Anemia in the third trimester of pregnancy were more common among young and multiparousmothers. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:7-11

    Nilai Kebersihan Gigi dan Mulut pada Karyawan Industri Pulo Gadung di Jakarta

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    Latar belakang: Penyakit Periodontal umumnya disebabkan karena kebersihan mulut yang buruk, sehingga terjadilah akumulasi plak yang mengandung berbagai macam bakteri. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional di wilayah DKI Jakarta yang terpilih. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 950 orang, laki-laki dan perempuan berusia 20-55 tahun, menetap di wilayah DKI Jakarta, dan sudah bekerja minimal selama 2 tahun. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan berapa besar nilai kebersihan gigi dan mulut karyawan kawasan industri Pulo Gadung di Jakarta. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan uji statistik Chi Square dan Regresi Logistik dengan bantuan software SPSS 15. Hasil penelitian didapatkan hubungan yang signifi kan antara variabel pendidikan dan usia terhadap kebersihan gigi dan mulut/OHIS (Oral Hygiene Indeks Simplifi ed), namun dengan Analisis regresi logistik hanya variabel usia yang signifi kan terhadap kebersihan gigi dan mulut (p < 0,001). Kesimpulan: nilai kebersihan gigi dan mulut karyawan kawasan industri Pulo gadung di Jakarta sebagian besar masih rendah. Saran: Anjuran menyikat gigi 2 kali sehari setelah sarapan dan sebelum tidur malam untuk memelihara kesehatan gigi dan mulut

    Gambaran Ketersediaan Tenaga Dan Upaya Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi Di Puskesmas (Analisis Lanjut Riset Fasilitas Kesehatan 2011)

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    Results of Riskesdas 2013 showed that 25.9% of the Indonesian population have dental health problems. Amongst them, there were only 31.1% which received dental care. However, the Riskesdas 2013 does not provide information regarding the availability of human resource working for dental health program. Therefore, the researchers used data from the 2011 Health Facility Research (Rifaskes). The analysis aims to obtain information on the proportion of dental health professionals and their program in public health centers (PHCs) based on regions of Indonesia. There were two variables analyzed, namely dental health professionals and dental health program. The analysis showed that the placements of dentists remain concentrated in Java and Bali islands. Of the 8,975 PHC, only 60.6% have dentists. Moreover, in terms of the comprehensiveness level of the dental care program, School Dental Care Effort (UKGS) and Village Community Dental Care Effort (UKGMD) were available. However, only 72.3% PHCs completely conducted three kinds of dental health program. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an attractive policy so as to increase the placement of dentists and dental nurses throughout the PHCs in Indonesia and this should be distributed evenly so that they can carry out optimal dental health program