21 research outputs found

    Bioactive Compounds From Torbangun [Plectranthus Amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng] Chloroform Fraction Induce Apoptosis in Breast Cancer (Mcf-7 Cells) in Vitro

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    Torbangun (Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng) is a medicinal plant that has been traditionally used in tropical countries to cure various illnesses. The objective of this study was to identify the active compounds in the chloroform fraction which have effect on the apoptosis-related genes expression of breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Apoptosis was observed morphologically using Hoechst nuclear staining. Expression of the genes was analyzed using Real-Time PCR. Chemical compounds of the plant fractions were determined using LC-MS. Result of cell morphology observation clearly indicated apoptosis after the treatment of the plant fraction. Increased expression of anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-2 could not prevent the cells from apoptosis. Expressions of p53 and p21 genes were increased significantly. The expressions of caspase 9, caspase 7 and caspase 1 were increased at concentration-dependent manner. Most of the compounds in the chloroform fraction are identified as diterpenoids which may contribute to the apoptosis inducing activity of the fraction

    Pengurangan Kadar Digliserida dan Asam Lemak Bebas dalam Minyak Sawit Kasar Menggunakan Adsorben

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    Indonesia merupakan negara produsen sekaligus konsumen minyak sawit kasar (Crude Palm Oil/CPO) terbesar di dunia pada tahun 2014. Salah satu komponen yang mempengaruhi kualitas CPO adalah digliserida (DAG) dan asam lemak bebas (ALB). DAG dalam minyak sawit adalah prekursor pembentuk senyawa karsinogen 3-MCPD ester, sedangkan ALB yang tinggi dapat mempengaruhi stabilitas minyak. Proses kontak adsorben ke dalam CPO akan mempengaruhi keberadaan kedua komponen tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan jenis adsorben yang paling baik dalam mengadsorp digliserida dan asam lemak bebas dalam CPO dengan menitikberatkan pada karakteristik adsorben dan adsorbat. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 3 jenis CPO (nilai ALB: 4, 6, dan 14) dan 6 jenis adsorben (arang aktif, MgO, Magnesol R-60, dan 3 jenis bleaching earth). Proses kontak dilakukan pada suhu 50 – 60 °C (tanpa vakum) untuk seleksi adsorben dan 90 °C (dengan vakum) selama 30 menit dengan dosis adsorben 1 dan 3 %. Proses kontak adsorben pada CPO dengan kondisi adsorpsi tanpa vakum belum dapat menurunkan DAG dan ALB secara signifikan terhadap ketiga jenis CPO. Kombinasi antara adsorben bleaching earth tipe 1 dan MgO dapat menurunkan ALB hingga 70 % pada CPO dengan ALB 14 % pada kondisi vakum, tetapi tidak dapat menurunkan DAG. Karakterisitik CPO dan adsorben mempengaruhi proses reduksi ALB dan DAG

    Fermented Was Reported to Have Different Physicochemical and Functional Properties to Those of Non Fermented Flour. the Objective of This Research Was to Study the Effect of Spontaneous Fermentation to Chemical and Rheological Properties of Corn Flour and to Identifying Correlation Among Parameters. Flour Was Prepared by Spontaneous Fermentation with Variation of Fermentation TIME (0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 Hours). the Result Indicated That the Increasing of Corn Grits Fermentation TIME Was Decrease of Protein, Crude Fiber, Lipid, Ash, Starch and Amylase Content of Corn Flour. the Increasing of Protein Content, Reduction Sugar, Crude Fiber, Ash, Bulk Density and Gelatinization TIME Were Decrease of Gel Strength. Gel Strength Will Be Promote with Increasing of Angle of Repose and Peak Viscosity. Gel Stickeness Will Decrease with Increasing of Amylosa: Amylopecyin Ratio and Breakdown Viscosity. Key Words: White Corn, Flour,fermentation, Chemical, Rheological

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    Fermented was reported to have different physicochemical and functional properties to those of non fermented flour. The objective of this research was to study the effect of spontaneous fermentation to chemical and rheological properties of corn flour and to identifying correlation among parameters. Flour was prepared by spontaneous fermentation with variation of fermentation time (0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 hours). The result indicated that the increasing of corn grits fermentation time was decrease of protein, crude fiber, lipid, ash, starch and amylase content of corn flour. The increasing of protein content, reduction sugar, crude fiber, ash, bulk density and gelatinization time were decrease of gel strength. Gel strength will be promote with increasing of angle of repose and peak viscosity. Gel stickeness will decrease with increasing of amylosa: amylopecyin ratio and breakdown viscosity

    Shoot Production and Metabolite Content of Waterleaf with Organic Fertilizer

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    Waterleaf shoot (Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd) is consumed as vegetable that contains some metabolites. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of organic fertilizer on shoot production and its metabolites i.e. protein, vitamin C, flavonoid, and peroxidase enzyme (POD) activity at 10, 12, and 14 weeks after planting. This experiment was conducted at Leuwikopo Experimental Station, Bogor, Indonesia from November 2012-February 2013. The organic fertilizers applied were cow manure (CM) (12.3 ton ha-1), rock phosphate (RP) (1.5 ton ha-1), and rice-hull ash (RH) (5.5 ton ha-1). These organic fertilizers were combined into four treatments by using minus one test method and one control. Each treatment was repeated three times. The result showed that combination of organic fertilizer had the same effects on shoot production and metabolite content of waterleaf. It showed that the amount of organic fertilizers was not significantly sufficient to contribute nutrients to the plant

    Karakteristik Nanoemulsi Minyak Sawit Merah Yang Diperkaya Beta Karoten

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    Red palm oil (RPO) and β-carotene are insoluble in water. It makescan be used to improve RPO and βThis research is aimed to produce stable RPO nanoemulsion enriched withβ-carotene. The research was conducted in the SEAFAST CENTERLaboratory, Bogor Agriculture University from January to Septemberfollowing steps, i.e. enrichment of RPO with βusing a high pressure homogenizer at a pressure of 34.5 MPa in 10 cycles.The ratio of RPO and water in the mixture were 5 : 95; 7.5 : 92.5; and 10 :10% (w/w) of the total emulsions. In the second stage, nanoemulsionswere prepared on various RPO percentage of 2, 4, and 6% (w/w) andhad a droplet size from 115.1 to 145.2 nm and stable. Nanoemulsions wereresulting from the second stage had droplet size from 94.9 to 125.5 nm,and β-carotene content were 47.6 to 130.9 mg/l. Droplet size ofnanoemulsions is less than 125 nm. It can be produced with RPO an

    Karakteristik Sifat Fisikokimia Pati Garut (Maranta Arundinaceae)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari sifat fisikokimia pati garut. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu tahap ekstraksi pati garut dan karakterisasi pati garut. Metode ekstraksi basah menghasilkan rendemen 15,69% pati garut. Pati garut mengandung kadar pati, amilosa, amilopektin, gula pereduksi, pati resisten dan daya cerna pati masing-masing sebesar 98,10%; 24,64%, 75,36%, 4,94%, 2,12% dan 84,35%. Analisis proksimat pati garut mengandung air 11,48%, abu 0,34%, lemak 0,68% dan protein 0,24%. Profil gel permeation chromatography (GPC) dengan menggunakan Toyopearl HW-65S diperoleh 2 fraksi. Distribusi panjang rantai amilopektin diukur dengan fluorophore-assisted capillary electrophoresis (FACE) menunjukkan empat rentang derajat polimerisasi ( DP), yaitu DP 6-8. 9-12, 13-24 and 25-30. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) mempelihatkan bahwa granula pati garut berbentuk oval. Pengujian Rapid Visco Analysis (RVA) menunjukkan pati garut memiliki profil gelatinisasi pati tipe A begitu pula hasil X-ray diffraction pati garut mempunyai kristalin tipe A

    Kinetika Fotodegradasi Klorofil, Tokoferol, dan Karotenoid dalam Minyak Sawit Merah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji laju fotodegradasi klorofil, tokoferol, dan karoten dalam minyak sawit merah (MSM) selama penyimpanan dalam kondisi terpapar cahaya fluoresen pada intensitas 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Fotodegradasi dikaji dengan mengukur Perubahan kadar klorofil, tokoferol, dan karoten MSM pada botol transparan yang disimpan dalam kotak inkubator (31,60±0,69 oC) dengan intensitas cahaya dipertahankan konstan. Sebagai pembanding, MSM murni dalam botol gelap dan transparan disimpan pada suhu (31,46±1,04 °C) dan pencahayaan normal laboratorium (476,25-484,89 lux). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klorofil mengalami fotodegradasi mengikuti model reaksi ordo pertama dalam dua periode; yaitu periode fotodegradasi cepat selama penyimpanan 6 jam pertama dengan nilai konstanta laju (k) 3,81x10-2, 4,45x10-2, 5,64x10-2 hari-1, diikuti periode fotodegradasi lambat pada penyimpanan yang lebih lama dengan nilai k 1,41x10-2, 3,01x10-2, 4,59x10-2 hari-1 masing-masing pada intensitas cahaya 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Fotodegradasi tokoferol dan karoten juga mengikuti model reaksi ordo pertama. Fotodegradasi tokoferol berlangsung dengan laju paling tinggi (nilai k 9,10x10-2, 12,02x10-2, 17,33x10-2 hari-1), sedangkan fotodegradasi karoten berlangsung dengan laju paling rendah (nilai k 0,80x10-2, 1,40x10-2, 1, 98x10-2 hari-1) masing-masing pada perlakuan intensitas cahaya 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Konstanta intensitas cahaya (zi) sebagai indikator ketergantungan nilai k terhadap Perubahan intensitas cahaya untuk klorofil, tokoferol, karoten berturut-turut adalah 20000, 33333, dan 25000 lux. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa laju degradasi klorofil paling sensitif terhadap Perubahan intensitas cahaya