4,220 research outputs found

    Anime Trend as An Advert Genre in Indonesian Youtube

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    Anime is a loanword from English 'animation' which is absorbed into Japanese. The rise of anime fans among teenagers in recent years has led companies to increase sales by using product marketing in the form of anime-style advertising media on television. This scientific articles aim to find out about anime trends in Indonesia and what their impact is on the advertising media for a product in Indonesia. This study was conducted by applying the qualitative method of which the discussion was presented descriptively. The data of this study were obtained by using observation and note taking technique. The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in the number of viewers on anime-style advertisements compared to non-anime-style ads. &nbsp

    Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Dalam Relasi Pernikahan Sirri

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    This paper discusses the dynamics of violence against women in informal marital relations based on the experience and institutional data of RifkaAnnisa Yogyakarta. This paper will discuss the characteristics of victims and perpetrators in informal marriages, the dynamics of violence experienced by victims and the factors behind informal marriages. This research will affirm that all women who are victims of violence in informal and polygamous marriages experience physical, sexual, economic and emotional violence. The myth that second wives or young wives are pampered compared to first wives is disproved here. Even though it may happen occasionally, they are still at risk of economic violence. The most common form of economic violence are in the forms of abandonment or forcing their wives to work. Informal marriage and polygamous marriages continue to happen due to several conducive factors, among them: the low legal awareness of victims and lack of legal sanctions for perpetrators of informal marriages, the view that religion opens the possibility for informal marriages, the social paradigm which strengthens the superiority of men over women, family support and society's permissiveness to informal marriages and the ongoing violence against women

    Dynamics of Darul Dakwah wal Irsyad Education Institute

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    This study aims to determine the dynamics of Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad Education Institute. This study uses quantitative research. The data used in this research is secondary data. Data obtained were obtained from literature studies or literature studies from articles and books. Data analysis was performed using content analysis. Based on the results presentation of the literature study, it can be concluded that the dynamics of DDI educational institutions can be summarized as follows: 1) There are 800 Madrasas in Indonesia. Education is general in nature, consisting of DDI Islamic Kindergarten (TKI) to DDI Islamic Senior High School (SMAI). Education is Fanniyah in nature which consists of: DDI Islamic Community Schools (SKI), DDI Islamic Trade Courses (KDI), DDI Islamic Teacher Schools (SGI), DDI Islamic Kindergarten Teacher Schools (SGTKI), DDI Islamic Boarding Schools (SKTI); 2) 50 DDI Islamic Boarding Schools throughout Indonesia, 36 in South Sulawesi each, 3 in Central Sulawesi, 3 in Southeast Sulawesi, 2 in Gorontalo, 2 in East Kalimantan, 1 in South Kalimantan, 1 in Riau, one fruit in East Java, one fruit in Timika, one fruit in Jayapura, and one fruit in Biak; 3) For tertiary institutions, fourteen DDI assisted units, 1 STAI in Barru, 1 STAI in Pare-Pare, 1 STAI and STKIP in Pinrang, 3 STAI in Polmas (1 STAI, 1 STKIP, 1 STIP), 1 STAI in Sidrap, 1 STAI in Maros, 1 STAI in East Kalimantan, 1 STAI in Makassar, 1 STAI in Jeneponto, 1 STAI in Majene, 1 STAI in Pangkep, and 1 STAI and STKIP in Mamuju. Madrasas abroad, especially in Malaysia, have not submitted their reports to PB-DDI, so data collection cannot be carried out. Based on the results above, it can be concluded that DDI is developing in the field of education

    Dynamics of Islamic Unity Education Institute

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    The purpose of this study was to find out the history and dynamics of Persis educational institutions. The research method uses library research with data sources in books form and scientific journals related to the dynamics of educational institutions, and data analysis techniques use content analysis. The study results revealed that Persis birth began with a Tadarusan formation (Islamic religious study) group in Bandung city led by H. Zamzam and H. Muhammad Yunus. Persis has been led by several figures who have their own characteristics of thought, including KH. Zamzam as Persis founder. Ahmad Hasan is the main teacher and founder of Persis. Mohammad Natsir is a political scholar. KH. E. Abdurrahman was a great scholar and a humble legal expert. Persis gives great attention to the education field. In this education field, Persis has established educational institutions ranging from early childhood or kindergarten to tertiary institutions, both in madrasas form, schools, and Islamic boarding schools. Apart from that, Persis also organizes courses and discussion groups. So it is necessary to continue to maintain this spirit, especially in eradicating stupidity context, backwardness, superstition, heresy, and superstition, as well as Indonesian people colonization by carrying out enlightenment among Muslims

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan Orang Tua dan Hasil Belajar terhadap Minat Siswa Melanjutkan Studi ke Perguruan Tinggi pada Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Koto Baru Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014 Kabupaten Dharmasraya

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    The aims of this research to know, how far the level of parents education and learning outcomes influence toward interest student to continue the study to university. Types of this research is associative. The research location is in SMA Negeri 1 Koto Baru, Dharmasraya. Technique sampling using proportional random sampling to the proportion of 40 % in each class the result of sample of the research is 73 respondent with multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that : 1) The level of parents education have positive effect on the students interests to continue their study at the college students of SMA Negeri 1 Koto Baru academic school years 2013/2014 Dharmasraya. 2) The results of study have positive effect on the students interest to continue their study at the college students of SMA Negeri 1 Koto Baru academic school years 2013/2014 Dharmasraya. 3) The level of parents education and learning outcomes are jointly have positive effect on the students interests to continue their study at the college students of SMA Negeri 1 Koto Baru academic school years 2013/2014 Dharmasraya

    Pemetaan Angka Gizi Buruk Pada Balita Di Jawa Timur Dengan Geographically Weighted Regression

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    Status gizi Balita merupakan salah satu indikator dalam menilai derajat kesehatan masyarakat serta tolak ukur kesejahteraan suatu bangsa. Di antara semua provinsi di Indonesia, tingkat angka gizi buruk Balita di Jawa Timur termasuk dalam kelompok menengah dan belum dapat memenuhi target Dinas Kesehatan. Selain faktor kesehatan, kemiskinan serta lingkungan juga mempengaruhi angka gizi buruk pada Balita, tetapi kondisi kesehatan, lingkungan, dan ekonomi pada tiap kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur berbeda-beda. Oleh sebab itu pada penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan geografis dalam memodelkan angka gizi buruk pada Balita dengan variabel-variabel yang diduga mempengaruhinya. Analisis statistika yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini yaitu geographically weighted regression (GWR) Berdasarkan pengujian heterogenitas spasial, angka gizi buruk pada Balita memiliki keragaman antara satu wilayah dengan wilayah lain. Pembobot yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah fungsi kernel fixed gaussiandengan AIC sebesar 294,2464. Nilai R2 yang dihasilkan model GWR sebesar 15,04%, nilai ini lebih besar dibandingkan model regresi linier, yaitu sebesar 14,16%. Terbentuk dua kelompok daerah berdasarkan variabel yang signifikan. Kelompok pertama yaitu kabupaten/kota yang berada di bagian timur provinsi Jawa Timur, di mana persentase penduduk miskin berpengaruh terhadap angka gizi buruk Balita. Sedangkan kelompok kedua yaitu bagian barat Jawa Timur, di mana persentase penduduk miskin dan persentase posyandu puri berpengaruh terhadap angka gizi buruk Balita

    Dynamics of Management of Muhammadiyah Islamic Education Institute

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    This study aims to explain the dynamics of the management of Muhammadiyah Education Institutions. This research type is qualitative with a library research approach. The research data is in data form on the Dynamics of Muhammadiyah Education Institutions in management aspects from primary sources in the form of relevant books and journals. Data collection techniques are carried out with documentation. Sources of research data were obtained from books and journals on the Dynamics of Muhammadiyah Educational Institutions in management aspect. Data analysis using Content Analysis. Based on the descriptions made, it is concluded that since its establishment, Muhammadiyah educational institutions have continued to develop and increase both in quantity and quality, but there are also institutions that have experienced setbacks and even closed. This is the dynamics of educational institutions that must be accepted. So far, the management used by Muhammadiyah has made the founders of Muhammadiyah schools eager to compete. However, according to the author, the current management needs to be thoroughly evaluated to improve the quality of Muhammadiyah education as a whole

    Perencanaan Sistem Pengelolaansampah Terpadu Berbasis Masyarakat (Studi Kasus: Rw IV dan Rw V Kelurahan Banyumanik Kecamatan Banyumanik Kota Semarang)

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    Sampah merupakan salah satu jenis limbah yang berbentuk padat yang harus dikelola dengan tepat agar tidak mencemari lingkungan dan membahayakan kehidupan manusia. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan di wilayah Kelurahan Banyumanik, pengelolaan sampah yang dilakukan belum berjalan optimal karena kurangnya jumlah ritasi dan periodisasi pengangkutan sampah yang menyebabkan sampah terus menumpuk di TPS dan tidak pernah habis terangkut ke TPA. Dari hasil pengambilan sampel timbulan sampah menunjukkan timbulan sampah perkapita di Kelurahan Banyumanik adalah sebesar 1,745 liter/orang/hari atau 0,385 kg/orang/hari dengan komposisi sampah terbesar didominasi oleh sampah sisa makanan dan sampah plastik. Perencanaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian berupa Action Research dengan model Rukun Warga (RW) yang bertempat di RW IV dan RW V Kelurahan Banyumanik. Perencanaan yang dilakukan terdiri dari lima sub sistem pengelolaan sampah. Pada perencanaan sub sistem teknik operasional dimulai dari pewadahan dan pemilahan sampah secara mandiri oleh tiap KK menjadi tiga jenis wadah kantong plastik terpilah. Sampah tersebut setiap harinya dikumpulkan oleh petugas menggunakan armada motor roda tiga menuju TPST Bangunharjo untuk diolah dan disimpan kemudian dijual. Untuk pemanfaatan sampah dilakukan pengomposan dan penyimpanan sampah yang masih bernilai ekonomi untuk kemudian dijual. Pada sub sistem kelembagaan dilakukan penyempurnaan struktur organisasi KSM Bangunharjo. Pembiayaan pengelolaan sampah berasal dari iuran warga dan hasil penjualan sampah. Peraturan yang dijadikan pedoman dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan sampah berupa SOP Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu Berbasis Masyarakat RW IV dan RW V Kelurahan Banyumanik. Adapun peran serta masyarakat yang dibutuhkan dalam pengelolaan sampah terpadu ini terutama dengan menerapkan konsep 3R di sumber, melakukan pemilahan sampah sesuai ketentuan, dan membayar iuran sampah wajib setiap bulan

    Dinamika Organisasi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia

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    This study expects to decide the job of pesantren, association, and presence of advanced education in creating Islamic instructive establishments in Indonesia. In this review utilizing the writing concentrate on a technique that depends on bibliographic sources from articles in the most recent diaries and books connected with the items in the primary issue. The consequences of the conversation show that: Islamic live-in schools are the verifiable foundations of Islamic training in Indonesia, despite the fact that it has not been said that formal schooling was legal at its beginning. Notwithstanding, the elements of the advancement of Islamic life experience in schools got an unprecedented welcome locally. This occurred during the Majapahit time frame. The job of associations, for example, social religion, schooling, and da'wah like Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Al-Irsyad, Jamiyyatul Al-Washliyah, and others, Islamic Training started to foster quickly in a cutting edge and contemporary heading. Advanced education in Indonesia, both Islamic and private, has shown its presence and is quite possibly of the best arrangement in the genuine states of Islamic Schooling as expressed by Muslim specialists and researchers, for example, Azyumardi Azra, As-Syaibany, A. Malik Fajar, and Muhammad Tliolhah Hasan
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