16 research outputs found

    Biotechnologies and Strategies for Grapevine Improvement

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    Grapevine (Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera) is one of the most widespread and economically important perennial fruit crops in the world. Viticulture has changed over the years in response to changing environmental conditions and market demands, triggering the development of new and improved varieties to ensure the crop’s sustainability. The aim of this review is to provide a perspective on the recent developments in biotechnology and molecular biology and to establish the potential of these technologies for the genetic improvement of grapevine. The following aspects are discussed: (i) the importance of molecular marker-based methods for proper cultivar identification and how NGS-based high-throughput technologies have greatly benefited the development of genotyping techniques, trait mapping, and genomic selection; (ii) the recent advances in grapevine regeneration, genetic transformation, and genome editing, such as new breeding technology approaches for enhanced grapevine yield, quality improvement, and the selection of valuable varieties and cultivars. The specific problems and challenges linked to grapevine biotechnology, along with the importance of integrating classical and new technologies, are highlighted

    Revealing the CRISPR array in bacteria living in our organism

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    CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) is an immune system used by bacteria to defend themselves from different types of pathogens. It was discovered that this immune system can modify itself in specific regions called spacers due to previous interaction with foreign genetic material from phages and plasmids. Through our research, we have identified in different bacterial isolates CRISPR arrays belonging to the subtypes I-E (present in 42 samples) and I-F (present in 9 samples). The number of spacers in CRISPR arrays was also estimated based on the array length as a possible connection with the systems activity. Our results yielded arrays as small as 200 bp and as large as 1400 bp. Dobrescu et al (PDF) Article history: Received: 31 March 2022; Revised: 27 April 2022; Accepted: 9 June 2022; Available online: 30 June 2022

    Correlation between CRISPR Loci Diversity in Three Enterobacterial Taxa

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    CRISPR-Cas is an adaptive immunity system of prokaryotes, composed of CRISPR arrays and the associated proteins. The successive addition of spacer sequences in the CRISPR array has made the system a valuable molecular marker, with multiple applications. Due to the high degree of polymorphism of the CRISPR loci, their comparison in bacteria from various sources may provide insights into the evolution and spread of the CRISPR-Cas systems. The aim of this study was to establish a correlation between the enterobacterial CRISPR loci, the sequence of direct repeats (DR), and the number of spacer units, along with the geographical origin and collection source. For this purpose, 3474 genomes containing CRISPR loci from the CRISPRCasdb of Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae were analyzed, and the information regarding the isolates was recorded from the NCBI database. The most prevalent was the I-E CRISPR-Cas system in all three studied taxa. E. coli also presents the I-F type, but in a much lesser percentage. The systems found in K. pneumoniae can be classified into I-E and I-E*. The I-E and I-F systems have two CRISPR loci, while I-E* has only one locus upstream of the Cas cluster. PCR primers have been developed in this study for each CRISPR locus. Distinct clustering was not evident, but statistically significant relationships occurred between the different CRISPR loci and the number of spacer units. For each of the queried taxa, the number of spacers was significantly different (p < 0.01) by origin (Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America) but was not linked to the isolation source type (human, animal, plant, food, or laboratory strains)

    Preliminary data regarding genetic diversity of several endangered and endemic Dianthus species from Romania generated by RAPD markers

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    Conservation of endangered and endemic species of Dianhtus from Romania, requires the investigation of genetic polymorphism in the populations. Preliminary data were obtained by molecular characterization using RAPD markers. DNA amplification with the 9 RAPD primers of the individuals belonging to different populations of D. callizonus, D. giganteus ssp. banaticus, D. glacialis ssp. gelidus, D. henteri, D. nardiformis, D. pratensis ssp. racovitzae, D. spiculifolius and D. tenuifolius revealed low level of polymorphism within and between populations. Several polymorphic RAPD markers were identified being useful for investigation of genetic diversity. Out the 9 primers studied by us, only the primer OPB-07 ensured amplification in all species and primers OPA-13, OPE-04 and 1225 showed positive results in most of the species. The primers 4A-26 and 4A-27 ensured amplification only in D. spiculifolius and the primers 4A-23 and OPM-18 gave no results in none of the species. Butiuc-Keul et al (PDF

    Molecular Characterization of <i>Prunus</i> Cultivars from Romania by Microsatellite Markers

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    In Romania, Prunus species have great economic and social importance. With the introduction of new cultivars arises the need to preserve and characterize the local Prunus germplasm. Thus, a set of 24 polymorphic SSRs were selected for the overall characterization, including 10 peach, 11 apricot and 5 nectarine cultivars. The average number of alleles per locus (Na = 1.958), in addition to overall observed (Ho = 0.299) and expected heterozygosity (He = 0.286) were lower or comparable to those reported in similar studies, probably explained by the smaller number of analyzed cultivars restricted to a smaller geographic area. Among 26 genotypes a total of 101 alleles were identified, of which 46 alleles were in peach, 55 in apricot and 40 in nectarine, respectively. Six alleles from six loci (CPPCT-030, Pchgms-003, Pchgms-004, Pchgms-010, UDP97-401, UDP98-405) were common to all taxonomic groups. The most informative loci were BPPCT-025, Pchgms-021 and UDP96-001 in peach; BPPCT-025, BPPCT-001 and UDP96-001 in nectarine; and BPPCT-002, BPPCT-025, Pchgms-004, Pchgms-020 and Pchgms-021 in apricot. Clustering and genetic similarity analysis indicated that the degree of interspecific divergence in peach and nectarine cultivars was less than that in peach and apricot. These results will be useful to prevent confusion between cultivars, to improve breeding strategies and to benefit the management of Prunus cultivars bred in Romania

    Molecular Typing Reveals Environmental Dispersion of Antibiotic-Resistant Enterococci under Anthropogenic Pressure

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    As a consequence of global demographic challenges, both the artificial and the natural environment are increasingly impacted by contaminants of emerging concern, such as bacterial pathogens and their antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which anthropogenic contamination contributes to the spread of antibiotic resistant enterococci in aquatic compartments and to explore genetic relationships among Enterococcus strains. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (ampicillin, imipenem, norfloxacin, gentamycin, vancomycin, erythromycin, tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) of 574 isolates showed different rates of phenotypic resistance in bacteria from wastewaters (91.9–94.4%), hospital effluents (73.9%), surface waters (8.2–55.3%) and groundwater (35.1–59.1%). The level of multidrug resistance reached 44.6% in enterococci from hospital effluents. In all samples, except for hospital sewage, the predominant species were E. faecium and E. faecalis. In addition, E. avium, E. durans, E. gallinarum, E. aquimarinus and E. casseliflavus were identified. Enterococcus faecium strains carried the greatest variety of ARGs (blaTEM-1, aac(6′)-Ie-aph(2″), aac(6′)-Im, vanA, vanB, ermB, mefA, tetB, tetC, tetL, tetM, sul1), while E. avium displayed the highest ARG frequency. Molecular typing using the ERIC2 primer revealed substantial genetic heterogeneity, but also clusters of enterococci from different aquatic compartments. Enterococcal migration under anthropogenic pressure leads to the dispersion of clinically relevant strains into the natural environment and water resources. In conclusion, ERIC-PCR fingerprinting in conjunction with ARG profiling is a useful tool for the molecular typing of clinical and environmental Enterococcus species. These results underline the need of safeguarding water quality as a strategy to limit the expansion and progression of the impending antibiotic-resistance crisis

    De triangulo plano sphaerici limite dissertatio quam consensu ampl. fac. philos. Upsal. p. p. mag. Henricus Falck ... et Jahannes Rosell a sacris. Gestr. Hels. stip. med. theol. In audit. Gustav. die XIII Febr. MDCCCXXII. H. a. m. s., P. II

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    In order to develop a proper conservation programme for several endangered, rare or endemic species of Dianhtus from Romania, molecular characterization by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers has been accomplished. Amplification of SSR loci in individuals belonging to different populations of D. callizonus, D. glacialis ssp. gelidus, D. henteri, D. nardiformis and D. tenuifolius revealed 23 polymorphic alleles. D. callizonus and D. tenuifolius showed particular sets of SSR alleles. D. glacialis ssp. gelidus, D. henteri and D. nardiformis proved to share almost the same alleles in most of the loci. The highest genetic diversity was observed in D. glacialis ssp. gelidus and D. tenuifolius in locus MS-DINMADSBOX. Allelic patterns across Dianthus species indicate that the mean number of different alleles was highest in D. glacialis ssp. gelidus, while the number of effective alleles was highest in D. tenuifolius. There are no particular differences in individuals belonging to the same species. Genetic diversity is generally low, ranging from 0.18 (D. callizonus) to 0.44 (D. henteri). Regarding the genetic diversity within populations of the same species, no differences were revealed by the use of the SSR markers tested in the present study

    Molecular Characterization of Prunus Cultivars from Romania by Microsatellite Markers

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    In Romania, Prunus species have great economic and social importance. With the introduction of new cultivars arises the need to preserve and characterize the local Prunus germplasm. Thus, a set of 24 polymorphic SSRs were selected for the overall characterization, including 10 peach, 11 apricot and 5 nectarine cultivars. The average number of alleles per locus (Na = 1.958), in addition to overall observed (Ho = 0.299) and expected heterozygosity (He = 0.286) were lower or comparable to those reported in similar studies, probably explained by the smaller number of analyzed cultivars restricted to a smaller geographic area. Among 26 genotypes a total of 101 alleles were identified, of which 46 alleles were in peach, 55 in apricot and 40 in nectarine, respectively. Six alleles from six loci (CPPCT-030, Pchgms-003, Pchgms-004, Pchgms-010, UDP97-401, UDP98-405) were common to all taxonomic groups. The most informative loci were BPPCT-025, Pchgms-021 and UDP96-001 in peach; BPPCT-025, BPPCT-001 and UDP96-001 in nectarine; and BPPCT-002, BPPCT-025, Pchgms-004, Pchgms-020 and Pchgms-021 in apricot. Clustering and genetic similarity analysis indicated that the degree of interspecific divergence in peach and nectarine cultivars was less than that in peach and apricot. These results will be useful to prevent confusion between cultivars, to improve breeding strategies and to benefit the management of Prunus cultivars bred in Romania

    Inherent and Composite Hydrogels as Promising Materials to Limit Antimicrobial Resistance

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    Antibiotic resistance has increased significantly in the recent years, and has become a global problem for human health and the environment. As a result, several technologies for the controlling of health-care associated infections have been developed over the years. Thus, the most recent findings in hydrogel fabrication, particularly antimicrobial hydrogels, could offer valuable solutions for these biomedical challenges. In this review, we discuss the most promising strategies in the development of antimicrobial hydrogels and the application of hydrogels in the treatment of microbial infections. The latest advances in the development of inherently and composite antimicrobial hydrogels will be discussed, as well as hydrogels as carriers of antimicrobials, with a focus on antibiotics, metal nanoparticles, antimicrobial peptides, and biological extracts. The emergence of CRISR-Cas9 technology for removing the antimicrobial resistance has led the necessity of new and performant carriers for delivery of the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Different delivery systems, such as composite hydrogels and many types of nanoparticles, attracted a great deal of attention and will be also discussed in this review