51 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Rural Tourism to the Sustainable Development of the Rural Areas

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    There are some elements related to the concept of rural tourism which has nowadays become very important around the world. The rural tourism can revitalize the conventional concepts and views on tourism, and bring in a new dimension to the sustainable development of tourism. It has been realized that tourism can play a major role in many countries economies, especially in developing ones, where it can substantially contribute to the increase of the national income. In this respect, mention should be made that Romania has a lot of resources to develop this tourism branch: villages with well conserved traditions, folklore, wildlife, natural heritage. All these natural elements put in value together with investments in infrastructure have determined an increasing demand for the Romanian rural destinations.sustainable development, rural tourism, sustainability

    Tourism Products Characteristics and Forms

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    The tourism product has to be packaged and priced keeping in mind the target customer. Without any doubt, tourism is the main sector that can play a significant part in achieving rapid economic growth and drastically reducing unemployment in our country. Currently, it is the largest foreign exchange earner for our country. The development of the tourism industry on a priority basis is the need of the hour.tourism product, attraction, accessibility, accommodation


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    The concept of rural tourism has become important round the globe at present. It is thought that rural tourism can revitalise the conventional concepts and views on tourism, and bring in a new dimension in the sustainable development of tourism. It has been realised that society based tourism can play a fundamental role in poverty alleviation in countries like Romania In a sense the village landscape, wildlife, community and cultural life, natural heritage are key assets that attract visitors -- and visitor revenue. Tourism is about welcoming visitors to attractive and stimulating places where they would like to spend their leisure time. The countryside, market towns and villages have much to offer the visitors, and are major factors in generating trips from within the country and from over.rural tourism, natural heritage, sustainable development

    Marketing Particularities in Tourism and Services

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    The marketing has as an essential objective the orientation of firms’ activities based on the market needs. This presupposes, necessarily, the existence of an informational system very well established, that observes any rapid changing market environment: the consumer, distributor and competition. Marketing services is a marketing specialized domain, autonomous, clearly differentiated, in the process of consolidation and development. The services characteristics such as: immateriality, inseparability, variability, inability of storage, they normally lead to a discussion on whether the marketing of services is similar to or different from that of physical goods.marketing services, market environment, immateriality, inseparability

    The Quality Resources

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    A significant element characterizing a lasting development in Braila Plain region, but also in any other similar area, would be an environment factor that is the water, with an increasing importance when considered against the high dryness background. Generally speaking, both the consumed water and the consumption structure reflect the quality and quantity of water resources and, implicitly, the economic potential of the region at issue. As for Braila Plain, here there is a paradox to be considered: even if the region is bordered by highly significant rivers (The Danube and Siret) with huge flows – not to mention here the salty water lakes or underground streams with a more or less drinking water – the need of drinking water becomes obvious, mostly in summer and autumn. The climate, morphometric and lithological conditions confer certain peculiarities upon the waters resources of the Northern-Eastern Romanian Plain. One can say about the Braila Plain hydrographical network that it is poor and this is due to the discharge, situated under the value of 1 l/sqkm, but also to the very low relief energy. The allochthonous Rivers: the Danube, Siret, Buzau and Calmatui are affected by the relief climate conditions and also by the size and the geographic position of the hydrographical basins..dryness, evapo-perspiration, mineralization, hydrographical basin, climate conditions

    Pre-requisites of the rural tourism development in Romania

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    The concept of rural tourism has become important round the globe at present. It is thought that rural tourism can revitalise the conventional concepts and views on tourism, and bring in a new dimension in the sustainable development of tourism. It has been realised that society based tourism can play a fundamental role in poverty alleviation in countries like Romania In a sense the village landscape, wildlife, community and cultural life, natural heritage are key assets that attract visitors -- and visitor revenue. Tourism is about welcoming visitors to attractive and stimulating places where they would like to spend their leisure time. The countryside, market towns and villages have much to offer the visitors, and are major factors in generating trips from within the country and from over

    Aspects of Global Crisis

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    The author aims to explore Germany, known as one of the most developed European economy, based mainly on exports, which until 2010 was the number-one leading exporter. Also, Poland, who managed to surprise us by its economic growth of 1.2% during the most recent global economic crisis, and Romania, which manages to surprise us every day in comparison with other countries such as France or Italy. The global economic crisis is one of the most important events in recent years has brought about tremendous losses and increases levels of unemployment well above the expectations of many analysts. He started as a tornado in the U.S. savings and was felt all over the world. It is practically a state of disorder in the world economy, in which countries economy suddenly going to lower its labor, usually fall brought the financial crisis

    Tourism Products Characteristics and Forms

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    The tourism product has to be packaged and priced keeping in mind the target customer. Without any doubt, tourism is the main sector thatcan play a significant part in achieving rapid economic growth and drastically reducing unemployment in our country. Currently, it is the largestforeign exchange earner for our country. The development of the tourism industry on a priority basis is the need of the hour

    General Presentation of Basic Notions of Tourism Industry

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    This paper aims to expose key terms behind the phenomenon of organizing the national tourism and worldwide, the market manifestations of tourism components, the whole tourism industry in hotel and restaurant facilities, firms composition, to the recreational, spa treatment and tourists transport, business travel service to the population of all economic activity which concerned with preparing, promoting and developing tourism products. The tourism industry implies a tourism heritage, which, by its attraction, determines the integration of areas, regions or countries and international circuits. In the economic analysis of tourism phenomenon are used terms, concepts, methods and techniques to be purely economic or mathematical or statistical. The purpose of these actions is to analyze the profitability of tourism businesses, but also to study ways to increase economic efficiency and social activity of tourism at the micro and macro level