16 research outputs found

    The associated effect of ameliorative works and soil tillage on the field capacity of soils from complex slope land of Ursului Valley, Iasi county

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    The purpose of this study is to establish the associated effect of ameliorative works and soil tillage on the field capacity and on water distribution of the main soil units represented by cambic (i), cambic-coluvic (ii) and cambic-clinogleic (iii) Chernozems. The study of the capacity of soils to retain water was carried out on a slope with North-Eastern exposure of the Ezareni farm from geomorphological unit of Rolling Jijia Field where the mean annual temperature is 9,5 oC and the mean annual precipitation is 544 mm. Soil samples were taken in the spring and summer of 2018. The first soil sampling was done immediately after the snow was melted, from 10 cm to 10 cm and on the depth range 0-100 cm. Soil samples were taken from the plowed strips of ground and strips of grass. During this period, it is considered that the soil moistening takes place up to the level of the field capacity, and losses of water through direct evaporation to the soil surface are insignificant. Soil sampling was also done during summer, one month before harvesting of sunflower. Study of soil water distribution at the end of vegetation is useful for highlighting the lateral movement of water and hence the heterogeneity of improved soil units. The main criteria of sampling sites selection were based on the slope category of the land. The obtained analytical data showed that under the same climatic characteristics, soils from slope land retain a smaller amount of water than those found on flat or low slopes lands. The data analysis revealed that following the processing of the obtained results it was seen as the retention of the water in the soil was influenced by the land use and soil characteristics such as soil texture and state of compaction. Two or more water accumulation peaks recorded on soil profiles are well correlated with the changes of size particles of soil horizons and lithological deposits

    Evaluation of the genetic diversity among some oilseed rape Brassica napus cultivars revealed by rapd markers compared with morphological traits evaluation

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    In this study we have analyzed the genetic diversity and the relationships among 32 cultivars of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) using quantitative analysis and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. For this purpose we analyzed four morphological traits (plant height, branch number, pod number and mean number of seeds per pod) at 32 oilseed rape cultivars provided from Center for Genetic Resources Netherlands (CGN). RAPD analysis was perform with 8 primers chosen after a previous screening. Significant genetic variability among those 32 cultivars was obtained both at the morphological and molecular level. We obtained a dendrogram for the morphological traits and a dendrogram for RAPD analysis and we compared them

    Analyzing soil porosity under different tillage systems using X-ray microtomography

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    X-ray computed tomography is one of the modern techniques used for soil structure visualization and quantification. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different tillage systems on soil porosity. Soil samples were collected from the field, on 0-30 cm depth, within the Experimental Farm of the Agricultural University of Iasi, North East of Romania, from a long term experiment with three tillage systems: V1 - chisel, V2 – no-till, V3 - plough at 30 cm. Aggregates were scanned using a SkyScan 1172 microCT and then the reconstructed 3D images were analyzed, in order to investigate pore volume and pore size class distribution. The results of the porosity analysis revealed significant differences between the variants taken into study. Regarding the solid surface area the tillage systems determined very different values of this parameter in soil. Pore size class distribution also showed clear differences between the variants. X-ray CT proved to be a useful tool for soil analysis, in order to have a detailed view of the pore network

    SSR markers associated with the resistance of rapeseed to the attack of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary

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    Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary is one of the most important pathogens of the rapeseed crop worldwide. Depending of the environmental conditions, the yield losses can get up to 100%. Until now, no oilseed rape cultivars are marked as having resistance to this pathogen. Genetic resistance is considered to be the most efficient way of protecting the plants from this patthogen. The aim of this study was to identify SSR markers for white rot resistance in a collection of 130 rapeseed cultivars, from the Centre for Genetic Resource of Netherlands. There were made correlations between the genotypic and the phenotypic data obtained for the artificial infection with the pathogen and there were revealed 5 SSRs significantly associated with rapeseed resistance to white rot. The artificial infection was made on detached leaves, in controlled environmental conditions. The fungus was grown on solid medium PDA. There were put 2 plug discs of PDA medium with mycelia near the main vein of the leaves. On the control leaf there were put 2 discs of PDA medium, without mycelia. The diameter of the lesions was measured 72 h after inoculation, with a linear ruler. For the genetic analysis, there were used 51 SSR markers, that amplified 139 polymorphic fragments. The fragments ranged between 80 and 340 bp. In order to correlate the data, we used the ANOVA method, in the SPSS v.13 software. The identification of these SSRs will enhance the breeding for white mold resistance in Brassica napus L

    The influence of tillage systems on soil physical properties for winter wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.) at Ezăreni Research Station

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    Tillage systems have influence on soil physical properties and have different consequences for plant growth and development. In particular, tillage systems affect yields. The experiment was conducted at the Didactic Station of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Iasi – Ezareni Farm on a cambic mesocalcaric regraded chernozem between 2016 and 2017 for winter wheat crop. We investigated two variants of soil tillage systems: no-till and conventional tillage regarding soil moisture and bulk density, during vegetation and harvest. In order to determine the main physical properties such as bulk density, soil samples were collected from 10 to 10 cm down to 40 cm depth: 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm and 30-40 cm. For soil moisture the samples were collected from 6 layers as follows 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, 30-50 cm, 50-70 cm, 70-90 cm. The bulk density values revealed that it increased in both tillage systems and depths. The mean bulk density showed that it registered the lowest values in no-till variant during vegetation (1.36 g/cm3 ) while the highest value was registered in conventional tillage at harvest (1.55 g/cm3 ). Soil moisture showed differences along depth, growth stages and tillage systems, with higher values for the no-till variant in all periods except of the harvest, where the value was higher in conventional system compared on no-till (20.36% and 18.89% respectively)

    Researches regarding the analysis of the factors that influence the embryogenesis in microspore cultures of Brassica napus

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    In order to develop an efficient technique of microspore culture for oilseed rape, we studied the influence of the developmental stage of floral buds on the embryogenesis potential of in vitro culture of microspores. We observed that the floral buds size may be a good indicator of the microspores developmental stage. For this purpose we determined the mean number of nucleus per microspore in five genotypes of Brassica napus at different developmental stages of floral buds. This index was correlated with the microspores embryogenesis capacity cultivated on MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l 2.4D and 1 mg/l BAP

    The influence of different conventional and conservative tillage systems on qualitative indicators of the seedbed for winter oil seed rape

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    Rapeseed crop has a very important role in world economy, being the third largest source of vegetable oil after palm and soybeans. It is very sensitive to soil compaction, because root growth, water and nutrient absorption are achieved with difficulty. The seedbed preparation ensures the lumps shredding, weed control, land leveling, introduction of fertilizers in soil and, essentially, creating a layer of loose soil, favorable for seed germination. The last tillage done before sowing has direct effects on the quality and quantity of the yield. The tillage activities by their nature must modify soil properties towards biological plant requirements without damaging its physical condition. The qualitative indices determined for the seedbed preparation are average depth of soil mobilization (Da), soil crumbling degree (Dsc), soil loosening degree (Dsl), soil leveling degree (Dls) and weed control degree (Dwc). The paper present the effect of soil tillage on seedbed qualitative indices for the rapeseed crop. The experiments were carried out at the Research and Development Agricultural Station, Secuieni, Neamt County, between 2012 and 2014. The results show that different tillage systems influenced the quality of the seedbed, with higher values for the conventional Plough+Combigerm variant and lower for the minimum tillage one, Disc+Vibromix

    The effect of different tillage system on soil bulk density for the winter wheat crop at R.D.A.S. Secuieni

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    Climatic evolution from Romania, with trend toward heating and aridity, requires the application of new tillage variants, which ensure both soil fertility conservation and high yields. Winter wheat is a very important crop, but the more frequent droughts from August-September, determine great difficulties for seedbed preparation and good sowing. One of the most used indices for physical state characterization, with direct influence on soil air and water permeability, plant root development and microbiological processes is bulk density (BD). In order to emphasize the effect of conventional and conservative tillage on soil compaction degree, expressed by BD values, undisturbed samples were collected on 0-30 cm depth, from 10 to 10 cm, at sowing, during vegetation and at harvest of the winter wheat crop. The highest values were recorded for HDH 3.85+Vibromix and HDH 3.85+VRH and the lowest for the Plow+Combigerm variant


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    Currently, global environmental concerns about heavy metal pollution are driven by rapid urbanization and industrial development. Therefore, a field study was conducted to assess the concentration of heavy metals (Pb, Co, Zn, Ni and Cu) in orchard soils and its transfer to two plum varieties (Stanley and Anna Späth) at Adamachi Farm – Iasi University of Life Sciences (IULS). In addition, heavy metal transfer (MTF), daily metals intake (DIM) and the index of health risk (HRI) were evaluated. The concentration of Pb, Co, Zn, Ni and Cu in soil and plum leaves samples were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrometry after acid digestion with a mixture of HNO3 (65%), HCl (37%) and HClO4 (60%). Metal concentration patterns occurred as follows 130.65>76.6>30.36> 21.69>13.26 mg/kg for Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb and Co in soil samples and 20.16>10.00> 2.10>1.68 mg/kg for Zn, Cu, Ni and Pb in plum leaves, while Co residue was not detected. The maximum heavy metal concentrations were found at the soil surface (0 – 30 cm depth) due to soil organo-mineral content and antifungal treatments. The health risk index predicted (HRI) for adults as well as children was in the sequence Pb > Cu > Ni > Zn, suggesting no health risk with values that did not exceed the safe limit (1). Therefore, it is essential to manage the causes and sources of heavy metal transfer prudently and effectively in order to prevent environmental contamination