2 research outputs found

    Estudios previos y restauración de edificios para el Museo del Mar de Cullera

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    [ES] El Ayuntamiento de Cullera, considerando la importancia histórica de su costa como punto estratégico naval desde época romana, reflejado en distintos puntos de interés cultural del municipio, ve necesario la creación de un equipamiento cultural denominado Museo del Mar, para exponer los hallazgos de su zona marítima, al tiempo que da cabida a todas las activi- dades relacionadas con la presencia del hombre en el mar. Contando con tres viviendas ubicadas en el Barrio del Faro, se propone su restauración, así como la adecuación de dos de ellas para la instalación del Museo del Mar, que albergue exposiciones a base de colecciones de arqueología subacuática, procedentes del perímetro de la propia costa de la localidad, y pertenecientes a navíos de distintas épocas históricas. Es una actuación propicia para recuperar la arquitectura tradicional del anti-guo barrio de pescadores, que se ha visto afectado por el abandono y la construcción de edificios vacacionales.[EN] The City Council of Cullera, considering the historical importance of its coast as a strategic naval point since Roman times and reflected in different points of cultural interest of the municipality, considers that is necessary to create a cultural facility called the Sea Museum, to expose the findings of its maritime zone, at the same time that it allows all the activities related to the presence of man in the sea. Therefore, and with three traditional municipal-owned houses located in the neighborhood El Faro, as well as the adaptation of two of them for the installation of the Sea Museum, which harbor the exhibitions of different collections from underwater archeology of the perimeter of the town’s own coast and belonging to ships of different historical periods. This is a propi- tious action to recover the traditional architecture of the old fishing district, which has been affected by the abandonment and the construction of ho- liday buildings.Anaya Visbal, JE. (2021). Estudios previos y restauración de edificios para el Museo del Mar de Cullera. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/173793TFG

    Digital Graphic Survey of the Complex of Fishermen's Houses in Cape Cullera (Valencia)

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    To know an architectural asset, the greatest source of information is the graphic surveying. In the last decade we have experienced a technological advance that has brought technology closer to the user, allowing us to handle tools and software that were unimaginable until recently, while obtaining high-precision surveys in a short time. The research shown here includes the survey of all the fishermen's houses located in Cullera Cape, currently owned by the Town Hall. The objective of the survey is to know, analyze and study the houses with the intention of proposing our strategies that help their restoration, conservation, and enhancement