2 research outputs found

    Education on Balanced Nutrition and Food Label Reading for Community in Cibanteng Village, Bogor District

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    In Indonesia, the number of people suffering from non-communicable diseases is on the rise. The leading cause is unbalanced nutrition. People must be able to choose healthy meals by reading food labels due to the growing quantity of packaged foods on the market. This Serving Lecturer is designed to teach the public about balanced nutrition and how to read nutritional information on food labels to make healthier food choices. On July 31, 2021, the community in Cibanteng Village, Ciampea District, Bogor Regency, received online balanced nutrition and food labelling education. A pre-test and post-test were used to assess public understanding of food labels. As a result, participants gained a better understanding of the principles of a balanced diet, nutritional values, and healthier choices because of this activity. Participants could also choose healthier goods based on the nutritional value information given on the packaging during the practice session. Balanced nutrition and food label education activities can help people eat healthier foods and stay healthy, active, and productive while avoiding disease.Kejadian penyakit tidak menular semakin meningkat di Indonesia. Penyebab utamanya adalah konsumsi yang belum memenuhi prinsip gizi seimbang. Semakin banyaknya makanan yang disajikan sebagai pangan kemasan menuntut masyarakat untuk bisa memilih pangan yang bergizi dengan membaca label pangan. Kegiatan dosen mengabdi ini bertujuan mengedukasi masyarakat tentang gizi seimbang dan cara membaca informasi nilai gizi pada label pangan agar dapat memilih makanan yang lebih sehat. Edukasi dilakukan secara daring pada tanggal 31 Juli 2021 dengan peserta masyarakat di Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor. Pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai label pangan diukur menggunakan pre-test dan post-test. Hasilnya, kegiatan ini mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta. Dalam sesi praktik, peserta juga mampu memilih produk yang lebih sehat berdasarkan informasi nilai gizi yang tercantum di kemasan. Kegiatan edukasi gizi seimbang dan cara membaca label pangan dapat menjadi solusi untuk meningkatkan konsumsi makanan sehat agar masyarakat tetap sehat, aktif, produktif, dan terhindar dari penyakit

    Edukasi Internet Ramah Anak dan Keluarga pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Desa Cibanteng, Jawa Barat

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has changed various social activities, including family life. Due to the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) within society, social activities have many limitations, including school activities that have been conducted through online learning. This condition leads to an increase in internet use among children. This community service activity aims to educate parents regarding strategies to guide their children in using the internet appropriately. This activity was carried out in Cibanteng Village, Ciampea District, Bogor, West Java, using a structured online socialization and discussion method among 59 parents with school-age children. Results indicated an increase in the participants' knowledge, particularly related to the benefits of the internet for children in learning. Participants' knowledge regarding appropriate strategies for assisting children in using the internet, monitoring strategies, and using the internet appropriately also increased after participating in structured socialization, which was conducted online. The results indicated the need to implement other programs on a larger scale for parents.The Covid-19 pandemic has changed various social activities, including family life. Due to the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) within society, social activities have many limitations, including school activities that have been conducted through online learning. This condition leads to an increase in internet use among children. This community service activity aims to educate parents regarding strategies to guide their children in using the internet appropriately. This activity was carried out in Cibanteng Village, Ciampea District, Bogor, West Java, using a structured online socialization and discussion method among 59 parents with school-age children. Results indicated an increase in the participants' knowledge, particularly related to the benefits of the internet for children in learning. Participants' knowledge regarding appropriate strategies for assisting children in using the internet, monitoring strategies, and using the internet appropriately also increased after participating in structured socialization, which was conducted online. The results indicated the need to implement other programs on a larger scale for parents