4 research outputs found

    Children’s Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome, Associated With a New Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19): Relevant Information and Clinical Observation

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    Background. New coronaviral infection (COVID-19) in most cases has less severe course in children than in adults. However, there were reports from the number of European countries and from United States (from March 2020) about children with new disease with signs of Kawasaki disease (KD) and toxic shock syndrome (TSS). So it has received one of the names children’s multisystem inflammatory syndrome (CMIS) associated with COVID-19. The aim of the study is to summarize up-to-date information about this disease.Methods. Information search in PubMed database, CDC (USA) and WHO websites, Search for information in PubMed database, on CDC (USA) and WHO websites, analysis of the medical records of observed patient with CMIS.Results. Clinical and laboratoryinstrumental manifestation and outcomes of CMIS in 120 children from Italy, France, Switzerland, England, USA with similar signs were analyzed. Proposed international diagnostic criteria of the disease in comparison with other phenotypically similar diseases (KD, shock syndrome at KD, TSS of Staphylococcal and Streptococcal etiology, macrophage activation syndrome), clinical observation of patient, algorithm of evaluation and management of patients with CMIS are presented

    Детский мультисистемный воспалительный синдром, ассоциированный с новой коронавирусной инфекцией (COVID-19): актуальная информация и клиническое наблюдение

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    Background. New coronaviral infection (COVID-19) in most cases has less severe course in children than in adults. However, there were reports from the number of European countries and from United States (from March 2020) about children with new disease with signs of Kawasaki disease (KD) and toxic shock syndrome (TSS). So it has received one of the names children’s multisystem inflammatory syndrome (CMIS) associated with COVID-19. The aim of the study is to summarize up-to-date information about this disease.Methods. Information search in PubMed database, CDC (USA) and WHO websites, Search for information in PubMed database, on CDC (USA) and WHO websites, analysis of the medical records of observed patient with CMIS.Results. Clinical and laboratoryinstrumental manifestation and outcomes of CMIS in 120 children from Italy, France, Switzerland, England, USA with similar signs were analyzed. Proposed international diagnostic criteria of the disease in comparison with other phenotypically similar diseases (KD, shock syndrome at KD, TSS of Staphylococcal and Streptococcal etiology, macrophage activation syndrome), clinical observation of patient, algorithm of evaluation and management of patients with CMIS are presented.Новая коронавирусная инфекция (COVID-19) в большинстве случаев у детей протекает легче, чем у взрослых. Однако, начиная с марта 2020 г., из ряда европейских стран и США стали поступать сообщения о детях с новым заболеванием, имеющим признаки болезни Кавасаки (БК) и синдрома токсического шока (СТШ), получившим одно из названий — детский мультисистемный воспалительный синдром (ДМВС), ассоциированный с COVID-19.Цель работы. Обобщение актуальной информации о данном заболевании.Материалы и методы. Поиск информации в базе данных PubMed, на сайтах CDC (США) и ВОЗ, анализ истории болезни наблюдавшегося пациента с ДМВС.Результаты. Проанализированы клиническая и лабораторно-инструментальная манифестация и исходы ДМВС у 120 детей из Италии, Франции, Швейцарии, Англии, США, имеющего сходные черты. Приведены предлагаемые международные диагностические критерии заболевания в сопоставлении с критериями фенотипически сходных заболеваний (БК, синдром шока при БК, СТШ стафилококковой и стрептококковой этиологии, синдром активации макрофагов), клиническое наблюдение пациента, алгоритм оценки и ведения больных с ДМВС

    Clinical Features and Management of the Disease Caused by New Coronaviral Infection (COVID-19) in Children. Version 2

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    The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation jointly with professional association and experts in the field of pediatrics, infectious diseases and resuscitation has revised guidelines “Clinical Features and Management of the Disease Caused by New Coronaviral Infection (COVID-19) in Children” in order to provide the child population with effective medical care during the pandemic of the new coronaviral infection. The practical experience of specialists from various countries was considered during the development of this document. Special attention should be given to the evidence base of the presented data, as well as to the efficiency and safety issues of medications used in treatment of coronaviral infection and its complications. The authors highlight the problems of prevention, diagnostics and management of pathological conditions caused by COVID-19 in the article according to the presented guidelines. Patient’s management is presented depending on the age and severity of the disease itself. The therapy is considered with regard to etiological, pathogenetic and symptom focus

    Особенности клинических проявлений и лечения заболевания, вызванного новой коронавирусной инфекцией (COVID-19), у детей. Версия 2

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    The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation jointly with professional association and experts in the field of pediatrics, infectious diseases and resuscitation has revised guidelines “Clinical Features and Management of the Disease Caused by New Coronaviral Infection (COVID-19) in Children” in order to provide the child population with effective medical care during the pandemic of the new coronaviral infection. The practical experience of specialists from various countries was considered during the development of this document. Special attention should be given to the evidence base of the presented data, as well as to the efficiency and safety issues of medications used in treatment of coronaviral infection and its complications. The authors highlight the problems of prevention, diagnostics and management of pathological conditions caused by COVID-19 in the article according to the presented guidelines. Patient’s management is presented depending on the age and severity of the disease itself. The therapy is considered with regard to etiological, pathogenetic and symptom focus.С целью обеспечения детского населения эффективной медицинской помощью в условиях пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции Минздравом России совместно с профессиональными ассоциациями и экспертами в области педиатрии, инфекционных болезней и реанимации были переработаны методические рекомендации «Особенности клинических проявлений и лечения заболевания, вызванного новой коронавирусной инфекцией (COVID-19), у детей». При разработке документа был учтен практический опыт не только специалистов нашей страны, но и зарубежных коллег. Особое внимание уделено доказательной базе представленных данных, а также вопросам эффективности и безопасности лекарственных препаратов, применяемых при лечении данной инфекции и ее осложнений. В статье на основании указанных методических рекомендаций авторы освещают вопросы профилактики, диагностики, лечения патологических состояний, обусловленных COVID-19. Тактика ведения пациента представлена в зависимости от возраста и степени тяжести течения болезни, терапия рассмотрена с позиций этиологической, патогенетической и симптоматической направленности