185 research outputs found

    Multiwavelength Observations of Relativistic Jets from General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations

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    This work summarizes a program intended to unify three burgeoning branches of the high-energy astrophysics of relativistic jets: general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of ever-increasing dynamical range, the microphysical theory of particle acceleration under relativistic conditions, and multiwavelength observations resolving ever-decreasing spatiotemporal scales. The process, which involves converting simulation output into time series of images and polarization maps that can be directly compared to observations, is performed by (1) self-consistently prescribing models for emission, absorption, and particle acceleration and (2) performing time-dependent polarized radiative transfer. M87 serves as an exemplary prototype for this investigation due to its prominent and well-studied jet and the imminent prospect of learning much more from Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations this year. Synthetic observations can be directly compared with real observations for observational signatures such as jet instabilities, collimation, relativistic beaming, and polarization. The simplest models described adopt the standard equipartition hypothesis; other models calculate emission by relating it to current density or shear. These models are intended for application to the radio jet instead of the higher frequency emission, the disk and the wind, which will be subjects of future investigations.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    GUT-Scale Primordial Black Holes: Consequences and Constraints

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    A population of very light primordial black holes which evaporate before nucleosynthesis begins is unconstrained unless the decaying black holes leave stable relics. We show that gravitons Hawking radiated from these black holes would source a substantial stochastic background of high frequency gravititational waves (101210^{12} Hz or more) in the present universe. These black holes may lead to a transient period of matter dominated expansion. In this case the primordial universe could be temporarily dominated by large clusters of "Hawking stars" and the resulting gravitational wave spectrum is independent of the initial number density of primordial black holes.Comment: 4 pages; grey body factors included in graviton emission calculations, and a couple of references added, but the conclusions are unchanged. v3 Minor changes to references and wording; final versio

    Strongly Magnetized Tidal Disruption Event Disks via Stream Injection in GRMHD

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    Magnetically arrested accretion disks (MADs) around a rapidly rotating black hole (BH) have been proposed as a model for jetted tidal disruption events (TDEs). However, the dynamics of strongly magnetized disks in a more realistic simulation which can mimic the chaotic dynamics during a TDE have previously been unexplored. Here we employ global GRMHD simulations of a pre-existing MAD disk interacting with an injected TDE stream with impact parameter βRt/Rp=47\beta\equiv R_t/R_p=4-7 to investigate how strongly magnetized TDEs differ from the standard MAD picture. We demonstrate for the first time that a MAD or semi-MAD state can be sustained and jets powered by the BH spin are produced in a TDE. We also demonstrate that the strength of the self-intersection shock depends on how dense the disk is relative to the stream, or the density contrast fρ=ρd/ρsf_\rho=\rho_d/\rho_s. The jet or funnel can become significantly tilted (by 103010-30^\circ) due to the self-intersection outflow when fρ0.1f_\rho \leq 0.1. In models with a powerful jet and fρ0.01f_\rho\leq 0.01, the tilted jet interacts with and ultimately tilts the disk by as much as 23 degrees from the incoming stream. We illustrate that as fρf_\rho increases, the tilt of the jet and disk is expected to realign with the BH spin once fρ0.1f_\rho \geq 0.1. We illustrate how the tilt can rapidly realign if fρf_\rho increases rapidly and apply this to TDEs which have shown X-ray evolution on timescales of days-weeks.Comment: 21 pages, 22 figures, videos available at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6Na55ZD3RmoJl7Rjhn6gCeAE0HWYCI0

    Jets from SANE Super-Eddington Accretion Disks: Morphology, Spectra, and Their Potential as Targets for ngEHT

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    We present general relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics (GRRMHD) simulations of super-Eddington accretion flows around supermassive black holes (SMBHs) which may apply to tidal disruption events (TDEs). We perform long duration (t81,200GM/c3t\geq81,200\, GM/c^3) simulations which achieve mass accretion rates 11\gtrsim 11 times the Eddington rate and produce thermal synchrotron spectra and images of their jets. The jet reaches a maximum velocity of v/c0.50.9v/c \approx 0.5-0.9, but the density weighted outflow velocity is 0.20.35c\sim0.2-0.35c. Gas flowing beyond the funnel wall expands conically and drives a strong shock at the jet head while variable mass ejection along the jet axis results in internal shocks and dissipation. For a Ti/Te=1T_i/T_e=1 model, the radio/submillimeter spectra peak at >100>100 GHz and the luminosity increases with BH spin, exceeding 1041ergs1\sim 10^{41} \, \rm{erg\, s^{-1}} in the brightest models. The emission is extremely sensitive to Ti/TeT_i/T_e as some models show an order of magnitude decrease in the peak frequency and up to four orders of magnitude decline in their radio/submillimeter luminosity as Ti/TeT_i/T_e approaches 20. Assuming a maximum VLBI baseline distance of $10 \ {\rm{G}}\lambda,230GHzimagesof, 230 GHz images of T_i/T_e=1modelsshowsthatthejetheadmaybebrightenoughforitsmotiontobecapturedwiththeEHT(ngEHT)at models shows that the jet head may be bright enough for its motion to be captured with the EHT (ngEHT) at D\lesssim110(180)Mpcatthe (180) Mpc at the 5\sigmasignificancelevel.Resolvingemissionfrominternalshocksrequires significance level. Resolving emission from internal shocks requires D\lesssim45MpcforboththeEHTorngEHT.The5GHzemissionineachmodelisdimmer( Mpc for both the EHT or ngEHT. The 5 GHz emission in each model is dimmer (\lesssim10^{36} \ {\rm{erg\, s^{-1}}})thanupperlimitsplacedonTDEswithnoradioemissionwhichsuggestsjetssimilartoourmodelsmayhavegoneundetectedinpreviousobservations.OurmodelssuggestthatthengEHTmaybeutilizedfor) than upper limits placed on TDEs with no radio emission which suggests jets similar to our models may have gone undetected in previous observations. Our models suggest that the ngEHT may be utilized for >230$ GHz radio/submillimeter followup of future TDEs

    Generating Gravitational Waves After Inflation

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    I review two mechanisms by which gravitational waves can be generated at the end of inflation: preheating, and gravitons Hawking radiated during the decay of very small primordial black holes. These mechanisms are contrasted with the gravitational waves during inflation, and may provide a window into the physical processes that govern the end of the inflationary phase.Comment: Conference proceeding