20 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional microfabrication using two-photon-activated chemistry

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    Photochemical reactions which can be activated by the simultaneous absorption of two photons provide a means for single-step fabrication of complex 3D microstructures. These types of structures are needed for a wide range of applications, including microfluidics, electrooptics, and micro-electromechanical systems. We have shown that chromophores can be engineered to have both large two-photon absorptivities as well as an efficient means for activating chemical processes, such as radical polymerization, subsequent to the photoexcitation. Chromophores designed following this strategy two-photon-activate the radical polymerization of acrylates at lower incident laser powers than conventional UV initiators. Efficient two-photon photopolymer resins based on these chromophores were used in the fabrication of complex microarchitectures, such as photonic bandgap structures and tapered waveguides. We have devised a strategy which allows this approach to be extended to other chemical systems

    Electron states of benzene-Br<SUB>2</SUB> donor-acceptor complex: HeI photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio molecular orbital study

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    HeI photoelectron spectrum of weakly bonded &#960;-donor complex of benzene with Br2 is obtained. Benzene orbitals are shifted to higher binding energy by 0.25 eV and the bromine orbitals to lower binding energy by about 0.5 eV due to the complex formation. Ab initio molecular orbital calculations predicted a weak &#960;&#8594;&#963; complex between benzene and bromine having a C6v symmetry. The charge transfer is from the benzene &#960; cloud to the bromine orbital. The magnitude of charge transfer computed from natural bond orbital analysis is 0.002

    Electron States of 1:2 Addition Compounds of TiCl 4

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    Electron donor-acceptor complex of ICl with diethyl ether - He I photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio molecular orbital study

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    The He I photoelectron spectrum of the diethyl ether-ICl complex has been obtained. The oxygen orbitals are shifted to higher binding energies and that of ICl to lower binding energies owing to complex formation. Ab initio molecular orbital (MO) calculations of the complex molecule showed that the bonding is between the sigma-type lone pair of oxygen and the I atom and that the complex has C-2v symmetry. The binding energy of the complex is computed to be 8.06 kcal mol(-1) at the MP2/3-21G* level. The orbital energies obtained from the photoelectron spectra of the complex are compared and assigned with orbital energies obtained by MO calculations. Natural bond orbital analysis (NBO) shows that charge transfer is from the sigma-type oxygen lone pair to the iodine atom and the magnitude of charge transfer is 0.0744 e

    Visualisering och analys av historiska OHCAs samt andra riskfaktorer för förbättrad utplacering av AEDs

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    When an out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) occurs, time is of the utmost importance. For every minute that the arrest goes untreated, the chance of survival decreases rapidly. The most common treatment, that is also the most known, is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Thanks to new technology, the defibrillator is no longer a tool only available to hospital personnel but to anyone who knows where they are located. The objective of this thesis is partly to visualize OHCA occurrences as well as visualize the differences in OHCA occurrences between locations and years. The thesis will analyze where the optimal locations of AEDs are based on a number of variables such as location and year, which is referred to as risk analysis. The analysis was performed by using daytime and nighttime population data from Statistics Sweden (SCB) in combination with heart disease statistics from the national patient register of Socialstyrelsen as well as socio-economic data from SCB. Along with that data, AED locations at the end of 2013 and OHCA data from 2006 up until 2013 was used in visualizations and risk analysis. In order to determine the final optimal placement through the risk analysis, a Geographical Information System (GIS) tool named Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) was used. This tool enabled the weighting of the different parameters against each other, which was integral for the final result. In order to visualize differences, e.g. between two years, a raster was created which consisted of a density difference between the two years. This analysis method shows the spots where there is a majority of either case, e.g. if one area had a larger number of OHCA cases one year compared to previous year. Simple plots were included to show an overview of the problem e.g. where OHCA occurred between the years 2006 and 2013. The results implied that the recommended locations of AEDs while using daytime population data were located in commercial areas. Recommended AEDs from using the nighttime population data was located differently but was located as well as clusters in residential areas. A large source of error in the analysis was the prior heart disease data. The chosen method, an assignment of a percentage chance of heart disease per age group, is a rough and inexact approximation of the actual heart disease statistics. Had there been data about exactly where patients with prior heart disease live and work, the results would most likely be even better.När ett hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus (OHCA) inträffar, är tiden av yttersta vikt. För varje minut som hjärtstoppet går obehandlat minskar snabbt chansen för överlevnad. Den vanligaste behandlingen, som även är den mest kända, är hjärt- och lungräddning. Tack vare ny teknik är defibrillatorn inte längre ett verktyg som endast är tillgänglig för sjukvårdspersonal utan för alla som vet var de finns. Syftet med denna uppsats är att delvis visualisera förekomsten av OHCA men även att åskådliggöra skillnaderna mellan platser och år. I studien analyseras även, baserat på ett antal variabler, var de optimala platserna för Automatiska Externa Defibrillatorer (AED) är. Denna del av analysen är benämnd som riskanalys. Analysen genomfördes med hjälp av att använda dag- och nattidsbefolkningsdata från Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB) i kombination med hjärtsjuksdomsstatistik från Socialstyrelsens nationella patientsregister och även socioekonomiska data från SCB. Dessa data, samt AED data från slutet av 2013 och OHCA data daterat från 2006 till 2013 användes både till visualiseringen och till riskanalysen. För att bestämma de slutgiltiga optimala platserna genom riskanalysen användes ett Geografiskt Information System (GIS) verktyg som heter multikriterieanalys (MCE). Detta verktyg gör det möjligt att vikta de olika parametrarna mot varandra, vilket var väsentligt för det slutgiltiga resultatet. För att kunna visualisera skillnader, till exempel mellan två år, skapades ett raster som bestod av en densitetskillnad mellan de två åren. Denna analysmetod kunde sedan visualisera var det finns en majoritet av det ena fallet, till exempel om ett område hade fler hjärtstopp ett år jämfört med tidigare år. Enklare kartor användes för att ge en översikt, till exempel var OHCA har skett mellan åren 2006 och 2013. Resultatet tyder på att de rekommenderade platserna för AED då dagtidsbefolkningsdata användes hamnade i områden med många arbetsplatser. De optimala platserna för AED med nattidsbefolkningsdata var annorlunda utplacerade men hamnade även dem i kluster i befolkningstäta områden med mycket bostäder. En av de större felkällorna i analysen tros vara hjärtsjuksdomsstatistiken. Den metod som användes var att extrahera ålder- och könsgrupper från ett patientregister vilket är en grov och inexakt approximation av den faktiska hjärtsjuksdomsstatistiken. Hade tillgång till data om var befolkning med hjärtsjukdomar faktiskt bor och arbetar funnits, kunde resultatet blivit mer pålitligt

    Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy of complexes of bromine with n-donors in the vapor phase

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    He I photoelectron spectra of gas-phase complexes formed by Br2Br_2 with diethyl ether and diethyl sulphide have been studied and interpreted using ab initio MO calculations. The key spectral features are assigned to the highest occupied molecular orbitals derived from Br2Br_2 and the donor molecule whose ionization potentials are shifted to lower and higher binding energies, respec- tively. All-electron and effective core potential calculations yield a C2vC_{2v} structure for Et2OEt_2O...Br2Br_2 and a CsC_s form for Et2SEt_2S...Br2Br_2. The nature and magnitude of the interactions are found to be comparable as reflected by the computed binding energy and quantum of charge transfer