4 research outputs found

    Complex Erasure Coded Computations

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    Whitepaper submitted to the 2017 DOE ASCR Applied Math Meeting. Primarily addresses question 4b "What applied mathematics research is needed for the era of supercomputing beyond the scaling limits of Moore's law? What existing elements in the DOE applied mathematics portfolio can be leveraged?" also touches on 2b "How can machine learning, artificial intelligence, and applied statistics contribute to our research space and/or open up new areas of research? Since these topics cross the divide of computer science and mathematics, on what aspects should the DOE Applied Mathematics portfolio focus?

    Valori perduti e perduta libert\ue0. Croce e il dibattito tedesco sulla relativit\ue0 dei valori

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    The relativism of values (Werterelativismus) is a problem very central for the historicism debate, which concerned historians and phi- losophers at the beginning of the twentieth century. The historization of all knowledge and all values leads to their historical devaluation. How can values still be formulated and maintained in face of this relativization? This was the question of theorists such as Otto Hintze, Friedrich Meinecke, Max Weber and Ernst Troeltsch, as well as of the philosopher Benedetto Croce in times of emerging Fascism, that was regarded as a political and moral threat. As representatives of an intellectual and social liberalism, these academics developed their own strategies of solution, which the contribution presents and compares in its peculiarities