5 research outputs found

    Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics and Lattice Dynamics-Based Force Field for Modeling Hexagonal Boron Nitride in Mechanical and Interfacial Applications

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is an up-and-coming two-dimensional material, with applications in electronic devices, tribology, and separation membranes. Herein, we utilize density-functional-theory-based ab initio molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and lattice dynamics calculations to develop a classical force field (FF) for modeling hBN. The FF predicts the crystal structure, elastic constants, and phonon dispersion relation of hBN with good accuracy and exhibits remarkable agreement with the interlayer binding energy predicted by random phase approximation calculations. We demonstrate the importance of including Coulombic interactions but excluding 1ā€“4 intrasheet interactions to obtain the correct phonon dispersion relation. We find that improper dihedrals do not modify the bulk mechanical properties and the extent of thermal vibrations in hBN, although they impact its flexural rigidity. Combining the FF with the accurate TIP4P/Ice water model yields excellent agreement with interaction energies predicted by quantum Monte Carlo calculations. Our FF should enable an accurate description of hBN interfaces in classical MD simulations

    Generalized Mechanistic Model for the Chemical Vapor Deposition of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers

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    Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) like molybdenum disulfide (MoS<sub>2</sub>) and tungsten disulfide (WS<sub>2</sub>) are layered materials capable of growth to one monolayer thickness <i>via</i> chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Such CVD methods, while powerful, are notoriously difficult to extend across different reactor types and conditions, with subtle variations often confounding reproducibility, particularly for 2D TMD growth. In this work, we formulate the first generalized TMD synthetic theory by constructing a thermodynamic and kinetic growth mechanism linked to CVD reactor parameters that is predictive of specific geometric shape, size, and aspect ratio from triangular to hexagonal growth, depending on specific CVD reactor conditions. We validate our model using experimental data from Wang <i>et al.</i> (<i>Chem. Mater.</i> <b>2014</b>, <i>26</i>, 6371āˆ’6379) that demonstrate the systemic evolution of MoS<sub>2</sub> morphology down the length of a flow CVD reactor where variations in gas phase concentrations can be accurately estimated using a transport model (<i>C</i><sub>Sulfur</sub> = 9ā€“965 Ī¼mol/m<sup>3</sup>; <i>C</i><sub>MoO3</sub> = 15ā€“16 mmol/m<sup>3</sup>) under otherwise isothermal conditions (700 Ā°C). A stochastic model which utilizes a site-dependent activation energy barrier based on the intrinsic TMD bond energies and a series of Evansā€“Polanyi relations leads to remarkable, quantitative agreement with both shape and size evolution along the reactor. The model is shown to extend to the growth of WS<sub>2</sub> at 800 Ā°C and MoS<sub>2</sub> under varied process conditions. Finally, a simplified theory is developed to translate the model into a ā€œkinetic phase diagramā€ of the growth process. The predictive capability of this model and its extension to other TMD systems promise to significantly increase the controlled synthesis of such materials

    Quantitative Modeling of MoS<sub>2</sub>ā€“Solvent Interfaces: Predicting Contact Angles and Exfoliation Performance using Molecular Dynamics

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    The large-scale synthesis of molybdenum disulfide (MoS<sub>2</sub>) using liquid-phase exfoliation, as well as several of its intended applications, including desalination membranes and biosensors, involve liquids coming into intimate contact with MoS<sub>2</sub> surfaces. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations offer a robust methodology to investigate nanomaterial/liquid interactions involving weak van der Waals forces. However, MD force fields for MoS<sub>2</sub> currently available in the literature incorrectly describe not only the cohesive interactions between layers of MoS<sub>2</sub> but also the adhesive interactions of MoS<sub>2</sub> with liquids such as water. Here, we develop a set of force-field parameters that reproduce the properties of bulk 2H-MoS<sub>2</sub>, with special attention to the distinction between the covalent, intralayer terms and the noncovalent, interlayer Coulombic and van der Waals interactions. The resulting force field is compatible with MD force fields for liquids and can correctly describe interactions at MoS<sub>2</sub>ā€“liquid interfaces, yielding excellent agreement with experimental contact angles for water (a polar solvent) and diiodomethane (a nonpolar solvent). In light of these results, previously published simulations studies on the desalination potential and biocompatibility of MoS<sub>2</sub> devices need to be reevaluated. Potential of mean force (PMF) calculations demonstrate that use of our new force field can explain the current selection of solvents used in experimental studies of the liquid-phase exfoliation of MoS<sub>2</sub> flakes, including the colloidal stability of the resulting dispersion. Our new force field enables an accurate description of MoS<sub>2</sub> interfaces and will hopefully pave the way for simulation-aided design in applications including membranes, microfluidic devices, and sensors

    Mechanism and Prediction of Gas Permeation through Sub-Nanometer Graphene Pores: Comparison of Theory and Simulation

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    Due to its atomic thickness, porous graphene with sub-nanometer pore sizes constitutes a promising candidate for gas separation membranes that exhibit ultrahigh permeances. While graphene pores can greatly facilitate gas mixture separation, there is currently no validated analytical framework with which one can predict gas permeation through a given graphene pore. In this work, we simulate the permeation of adsorptive gases, such as CO<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>4</sub>, through sub-nanometer graphene pores using molecular dynamics simulations. We show that gas permeation can typically be decoupled into two steps: (1) adsorption of gas molecules to the pore mouth and (2) translocation of gas molecules from the pore mouth on one side of the graphene membrane to the pore mouth on the other side. We find that the translocation rate coefficient can be expressed using an Arrhenius-type equation, where the energy barrier and the pre-exponential factor can be theoretically predicted using the transition state theory for classical barrier crossing events. We propose a relation between the pre-exponential factor and the entropy penalty of a gas molecule crossing the pore. Furthermore, on the basis of the theory, we propose an efficient algorithm to calculate CO<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>4</sub> permeances per pore for sub-nanometer graphene pores of any shape. For the CO<sub>2</sub>/CH<sub>4</sub> mixture, the graphene nanopores exhibit a trade-off between the CO<sub>2</sub> permeance and the CO<sub>2</sub>/CH<sub>4</sub> separation factor. This upper bound on a Robeson plot of selectivity <i>versus</i> permeance for a given pore density is predicted and described by the theory. Pores with CO<sub>2</sub>/CH<sub>4</sub> separation factors higher than 10<sup>2</sup> have CO<sub>2</sub> permeances per pore lower than 10<sup>ā€“22</sup> mol s<sup>ā€“1</sup> Pa<sup>ā€“1</sup>, and pores with separation factors of āˆ¼10 have CO<sub>2</sub> permeances per pore between 10<sup>ā€“22</sup> and 10<sup>ā€“21</sup> mol s<sup>ā€“1</sup> Pa<sup>ā€“1</sup>. Finally, we show that a pore density of 10<sup>14</sup> m<sup>ā€“2</sup> is required for a porous graphene membrane to exceed the permeance-selectivity upper bound of polymeric materials. Moreover, we show that a higher pore density can potentially further boost the permeation performance of a porous graphene membrane above all existing membranes. Our findings provide insights into the potential and the limitations of porous graphene membranes for gas separation and provide an efficient methodology for screening nanopore configurations and sizes for the efficient separation of desired gas mixtures

    Fabrication, Pressure Testing, and Nanopore Formation of Single-Layer Graphene Membranes

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    Single-layer graphene (SLG) membranes have great promise as ultrahigh flux, high selectivity membranes for gas mixture separations due to their single atom thickness. It remains a central question whether SLG membranes of a requisite area can exist under an imposed pressure drop and temperatures needed for industrial gas separation. An additional challenge is the development of techniques to perforate or otherwise control the porosity in graphene membranes to impart molecularly sized pores, the size regime predicted to produce high gas separation factors. Herein, we report fabrication, pressure testing, temperature cycling, and gas permeance measurements through free-standing, low defect density SLG membranes. Our measurements demonstrate the remarkable chemical and mechanical stability of these 5 Ī¼m diameter suspended SLG membranes, which remain intact over weeks of testing at pressure differentials of >0.5 bar, repeated temperature cycling from 25 to 200 Ā°C, and exposure to 15 mol % ozone for up to 3 min. These membranes act as molecularly impermeable barriers, with very low or near negligible background permeance. We also demonstrate a 1077 Ā°C temperature O<sub>2</sub> etching technique to create nanopores on the order of āˆ¼1 nm diameter as imaged by scanning tunneling microscopy, although transport through such pores has not yet been successfully measured. Overall, these results represent an important advancement that will enable graphene gas separation membranes to be fabricated, tested, and modified <i>in situ</i> while maintaining remarkable mechanical and thermal stability