293 research outputs found

    Etiological and pathogenetic aspects of non-specific bacterial vaginosis

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    Abstract The aim of this review was the biological properties analysis of microorganisms known as the main contributors to the non-specific bacterial vaginosis development. The mechanisms of anaerobic vaginal microflora pathogenic action have been found out to be the main cause of non-specific inflammatory processes. Special attention was given to the genera of Mobilunkus spp., Atopobium spp., Prevotella sp. representatives, which were studied as vaginal flora due to the modern diagnostic methods and techniques development. The homeostasis of the vaginal ecosystem results from complex interactions and synergies among the host and different microorganisms that colonize the vaginal mucosa and healthy vaginal microbiota is generally dominated by Lactobacillus spp. Lactobacilli which have been known to be antagonistic toward a variety of microorganisms. In cases of bacterial vaginoses, the proportion of Lactobacilus spp sharply decreases, while the share of anaerobic microorganisms increases: Gardnerella vaginalis,Atopobium sp., Mobiluncus sp., Prevotella sp. The virulence factors of Gardnerella vaginalis pathogenicity are: its ability to form biofilms; the presence of genes responsible for cytotoxicity. The ability of Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium sp., Mobiluncus sp., Prevotella sp. to produce short chain volatile fatty acids isomers results in the vaginal mucosa irritation (itching or burning) and discharge with unpleasant odour in BV associated with these microorganisms. Atopobium vaginae, together with Mobiluncus spp. and Prevotella spp., provoke the accumulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The whole mechanism leads to an inflammation worsening in BV and stimulates the chronic process development. Both microorganisms Mobiluncus spp. and A. vaginae are competitive lactobacilli in relation to the glycogen consumption. Conclusions. Analysis of literature shows that pathogens of non-specific bacterial vaginosis have wide range of pathogenicity factors. This provides pathogenesis and clinical signs of the disease

    Assessment of quartz materials crystallinity by x-ray diffraction

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    The estimated degree of crystallinity of natural and synthetic grown quartz and quartzite by calculating the x-ray diffraction patterns. It is shown that the index of crystallinity of natural quartzite varies widely, reflecting the different degree of their transformation. The highest values of the index of crystallinity are characterized natural and synthetic single crystals of quartz

    Етіологічні та патогенетичні аспекти неспецифічного бактеріального вагінозу

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    The aim of this review was the biological properties analysis of microorganisms known as the main contributors to the non-specific bacterial vaginosis development.The mechanisms of anaerobic vaginal microflora pathogenic action have been found out to be the main cause of non-specific inflammatory processes. Special attention was given to the genera of Mobilunkus spp., Atopobium spp., Prevotella sp. representatives, which were studied as vaginal flora due to the modern diagnostic methods and techniques development. The homeostasis of the vaginal ecosystem results from complex interactions and synergies among the host and different microorganisms that colonize the vaginal mucosa and healthy vaginal microbiota is generally dominated by Lactobacillus spp. Lactobacilli which have been known to be antagonistic toward a variety of microorganisms.In cases of bacterial vaginoses, the proportion of Lactobacilus spp sharply decreases, while the share of anaerobic microorganisms increases: Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium sp., Mobiluncus sp., Prevotella sp. The virulence factors of Gardnerella vaginalis pathogenicity are: its ability to form biofilms; the presence of genes responsible for cytotoxicity. The ability of Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium sp., Mobiluncus sp., Prevotella sp. to produce short chain volatile fatty acids isomers results in the vaginal mucosa irritation (itching or burning) and discharge with unpleasant odour in BV associated with these microorganisms. Atopobium vaginae, together with Mobiluncus spp. and Prevotella spp., provoke the accumulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The whole mechanism leads to an inflammation worsening in BV and stimulates the chronic process development. Both microorganisms Mobiluncus spp. and A. vaginae are competitive lactobacilli in relation to the glycogen consumption;Мета роботи – на основі відомостей фахової літератури виконати аналіз даних щодо біологічних властивостей мікроорганізмів, які є основними учасниками неспецифічного бактеріального вагінозу. У результаті розкрито механізми патогенної дії анаеробної вагінальної мікрофлори як основної причини неспецифічних запальних процесів. Особливу увагу приділили представникам родів Mobilunkus spp., Atopobium spp., Prevotella sp., що вивчені як флора піхви завдяки розвитку сучасних методів дослідження. Гомеостаз серед представників бактеріальної мікрофлори в піхві підтримується завдяки антагонізму лактобацил щодо решти представників. У нормі лактобацили становлять 90 % вагінальної мікрофлори. Завдяки виділенню великої кількості кислот, підтримці рН на рівні 3,5–4,4, виділенню бактеріоцинів лактобацили стримують патогенну мікрофлору. При неспецифічних бактеріальних вагінозах різко зменшується частка Lactobacilus spp., збільшується кількість анаеробних мікроорганізмів Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium sp., Mobiluncus sp., Prevotella sp. Потужними факторами патогенності Gardnerella vaginalis є здатність до утворення біоплівки, наявність генів, що відповідають за цитотоксичність. Здатність Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium sp., Mobiluncus sp., Prevotella sp. до утворення летючих коротколанцюгових жирних кислот з ізомерами призводить до того, що при бактеріальних вагінозах, що викликані цими мікроорганізмами, з’являються подразнення слизових оболонок і виділення з неприємним запахом. Бактерії роду Atopobium завдяки наявності специфічних ферментів здатні блокувати функцію системи комплементу (C5a і C1q). Atopobium vaginae разом із Мobiluncus spp. і Prevotella spp. викликає накопичення прозапальних цитокінів. Увесь механізм призводить до посилення запалення при бактеріальному вагінозі та стимулює розвиток хронічного процесу. Мobiluncus spp. і A. vaginae є конкурентами лактобацил щодо споживання глікогену

    Correlation of Susceptibility to Antiseptics With Biofilm-forming Properties in Acinetobacter baumannii as a Pathogen of Surgical Infection

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    Introduction: The purpose of this research was to study the biofilm-forming properties of clinical strains of A.baumannii, isolated from burn wounds in patients of ICU, and their sensitivity to antiseptics. Methods: 220 clinicalstrains of A. baumannii isolated from intensive care unit infected burn patients were the object of the study. Antiseptic sensitivity of Acinetobacter spp. (decamethoxine, chlorhexidine, miramistin, povidone iodine) was investigatedusing double serial dilutions according to the standard procedure. The study of biofilm-forming properties of clinicalAcinetobacter isolates was performed using the spectrophotometric technique by G.D. Christensen. In order to determine the relationship between the antiseptic sensitivity and biofilm-forming properties of A. baumannii strains,we determined the correlation coefficient (r-Pearson), the absolute value of which characterised the binding force.Results: Among 435 burn persons, who were involved in the investigated group, representatives of Acinetobacterspp. were found in 220 (50.6%), that has revealed the etiological significance of the opportunistic pathogens of Acinetobacter isolates in the development of infectious complications of burns in intensive care units. Clinical strains of A. baumannii have shown variable susceptible to decamethoxine, chlorhexidine, miramistin, povidone iodine and have been found to possess high biofilm-forming properties. The r-Pearson coefficient between sensitivity of A. baumannii to investigated antiseptics and biofilm-formation pointed out positive moderate and strong correlations. Conclusion: Biofilm-formation of Acinetobacter spp. is correlated with their susceptibility to chlorhexidine and povidone iodine strongly. However, as a more powerful antimicrobial activity of antiseptic against A. baumannii was as weaker correlation had been establishe

    Adhesiveness of museum and clinical strains of gram-positive microorganisms

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    Значимість мікроорганізмів у розвитку інфекційних захворювань безпосередньо пов’язана з наявністю факторів патогенності, одним із найвагоміших серед яких є адгезія, запускає каскад імунологічно-опосередкованих реакцій, визначає специфіку інфекційного процесу і є його пусковим механізмом

    Bacterial factors of cariogenicity (literature review)

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    Introduction: According to the 2003 WHO report, dental caries affects from 60% to 90% of school-age children and adults that makes it one of the most common diseases worldwide. The aim was to systematize data about the modern conception of plaque formation and role of microorganisms in its development.Materials and methods: Biblosemantic, 50 medical literature sources were systematically reviewed as the material for the research.Review: According to Miller's theory, oral microorganisms can decompose dietary carbohydrates into acids, which in turn dissolve the calcium phosphates found in the enamel, causing it demineralisation Along with Streptococcus mutans, nowadays some other bacteria as Streptococcus sorbinus, Lactobacillus spp. and Actinomyces spp. have been well studied as caries contributors. However, the disease is related to plaque-mediated, because a much larger number of normal oral microflora representatives are involved in creating favourable preconditions for its development. There are a lot of original research papers about a role of bacteria in caries decay but compositions and characters of oral microflora are changing nowadays. Therefore, authors show the main cariogenic bacteria and their factors of pathogenicity which create special conditions for caries lesions. Modern concepts of dental plaque formation and pathogenesis of plaque-assosiative diseases are presented according to the new actual dental research. A lot of attention is paid to the biochemical properties of cariogenic bacteria and chemical process in biofilm. Role of acid and alkali production by oral bacteria in caries decay are shown in this article. Moreover, mechanisms of bacterial acid-fast and acid-tolerance are presented.Conclusions: Analysis of literature demonstrates a lot of bacterial pathogenicity factors which play key role in caries development

    Diagnostics of Arterial Hypertension in Adolescents Based on Analysis of Daily BP Rpofile and Vascular Wall Rigidity

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    Purpose: The possibility of using parameters characterizing arteriole tone obtained from daily monitoring of BP in teenage children.Materials and Methods: In the present study we used a bifunctional ECG and BP monitoring device MnSDP-3. This device permits determining basic haemodynamic parameters as well as PTT (pulse transit time) and dpdt. We also performed estimation of arteriole tone (AT). Patients were divided into two groups. The first group included 30 teenagers with verified essential arterial hypertension. The second, control group, included 30 teenagers of health group I and II with BP varying from 5 to 89 percentile.Results: Mean daily PTT value in the first group amounted to 141.3 + 9.3 ms, while in the control group – 144.4 + 9.72 ms. Mean dp/dt values for a day amounted to 906.1 + 168.0 mm Hg in the first teenager group, while in the control group – 677.4 + 107.4 mm Hg. Mean AT values for a day in the first group were 42.1 + 10.9 mm Hg, while in the control group they amounted to 32.3 + 7.5 mm Hg.Summary: Such parameters as dp/dt and arteriole tone are most informative for early diagnostics of arterial hypertension

    The comparative evaluation of neutrophil activity Depending on time of peri-implantitis development

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    Peri-implantitis belongs to the number of the most common complications of dental implant placement that can occur during the procedure as well as in the postoperative period. A key role in the immune defence of oral cavity belongs to nonspecific factors that act as a powerful barrier and are the first to respond to foreign agents entering the mouth The aim of this work was an exploring the neutrophil bactericidal activity depending on time of peri-implantitis development by using NBT tes. For success of this aim samples of capillary blood of 50 patients were checked up by NBT tes. Among the 100 cells we counted the share of active neutrophils. Period of peri-implantitis development after dental implant placement correlates with the changes of the share of active neutrophils in patients’ blood

    The bactericidal activity of the proteflazid towards clinical strains microorganisms

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    Susceptibility of planktonic and film forms of candida glabrata and candida albicans to cationic surfactant antiseptics

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the sensitivity of planktonic and film forms of C. albicans and C. glabrata to cationic surfactant antiseptics. Materials and methods. The study was based on investigating 20 clinical strains of C. albicans and 15 C. glabrata isolated from surgical inpatientsю. The sensitivity of planktonic forms of investigated strains to antiseptic agents was quantitatively evaluated by two-fold serial dilutions (macrodilution) in Sabouraud liquid nutrient medium. Biofilm-forming properties of clinical strains C. albicans and C. glabrata were assessed by using the Christensen’s spectrophotometric method (MtP-test “microtiter plate test”). The influence of the antiseptics on C. albicans and C. glabrata film forms was assessed by the reproduction of the biofilms according to the above-described procedure with adding antiseptics in sub-bacteriostatic concentrations and the subsequent spectrophotometric ODU assessment. In the study we used antiseptics based on cationic surfactants, chlorhexidine digluconate 0.05 (Chlorhexidine-KR, manufactured by PJSC “Khimfarmzavod “Chervona zirka"”, Kharkiv, Ukraine (CHH)) and decamethoxin 0.2 (Decasan, produced by Yuria-Farm LLC ", Kyiv, Ukraine (DCM)). Results. According to the research results, lower sensitivity of C. glabrata strains to CHH was found, compared to the sensitivity of C. albicans strains. In addition, the activity of DCM in the investigated representatives of Candida spp. did not differ significantly. Clinical strains of C. glabrata were more susceptible to DCM compared to their susceptibility to CHH. C. albicans strains showed medium film-forming properties, while C. glabrata - high. The investigated cationic surfactant antiseptics possessed the same degree of activity on the film-forming properties of clinical strains of Candida spp. Conclusions. Cationic surfactant antiseptics (CHH and DCM) possess antifungal activity against planktonic and film forms of C. albicans and C. glabrata; Дослідити чутливість планктонних і плівкових форм C. albicans та C. glabrata до антисептиків на основі катіонних поверхнево-активних речовин (ПАР). Матеріали та методи дослідження. Об’єктом дослідження стали 20 клінічних штамів C. albicans та 15 C. glabrata, виділених від хворих хірургічних відділень. Чутливість планктонних форм досліджуваних штамів мікроорганізмів до антисептичних засобів вивчали за допомогою кількісного макрометоду подвійних серійних розведень у рідкому поживному середовищі Сабуро. Біоплівкоутворюючі властивості досліджуваних клінічних штамів визначали за допомогою спектрофотометричного методу за G.D. Christensen (MtP-test). Вплив антисептиків на плівкові форми Candida spp. визначали шляхом відтворення біоплівок за вищеописаною методикою з додаванням суббактеріостатичних концентрацій антисептиків. В дослідженні використовували антисептики на основі катіонних ПАР хлоргексидину біглюконат 0,05 (Хлоргексидин-КР, виробництва ПАТ «Хімфармзавод «Червона зірка», м. Харків, Україна (ХГ)) та декаметоксин 0,2 (Декасан, виробництва ТОВ «Юрія-Фарм», м. Київ, Україна (ДКМ)). Результати. За результатами досліджень встановлено нижчу чутливість штамів C. glabrata до ХГ, у порівнянні з чутливістю штамів C. albicans. Поряд з цим, активність ДКМ щодо досліджуваних представників Candida spp. достовірно не відрізнялась. Клінічні штами C. glabrata виявилися більш чутливими до ДКМ порівняно з їх чутливістю до ХГ. Штами C. albicans проявили середні плівкоутворюючі властивості, в той час як C. glabrata – високі. Досліджувані антисептики на основі катіонних ПАР володіли в однаковій мірі потужною активністю щодо плівкоутворення клінічних штамів Candida spp. Висновки. Антисептики на основі катіонних ПАР (ХГ та ДКМ) володіють протигрибковою активністю щодо планктонних і плівкових форм клінічних штамів C. albicans та C. glabrata