118 research outputs found

    Cellular system information capacity change at higher frequencies due to propagation loss and system parameters

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    In this paper, mathematical analysis supported by computer simulation is used to study cellular system information capacity change due to propagation loss and system parameters (such as path loss exponent, shadowing and antenna height) at microwave carrier frequencies greater than 2 GHz and smaller cell size radius. An improved co-channel interference model, which includes the second tier co-channel interfering cells is used for the analysis. The system performance is measured in terms of the uplink information capacity of a time-division multiple access (TDMA) based cellular wireless system. The analysis and simulation results show that the second tier co-channel interfering cells become active at higher microwave carrier frequencies and smaller cell size radius. The results show that for both distance-dependent: path loss, shadowing and effective road height the uplink information capacity of the cellular wireless system decreases as carrier frequency increases and cell size radius R decreases. For example at a carrier frequency fc = 15.75 GHz, basic path loss exponent α = 2 and cell size radius R = 100, 500 and 1000m the decrease in information capacity was 20, 5.29 and 2.68%

    Sensitivity of cellular wireless network performance to system & propagation parameters at carrier frequencies greater than 2 GHz

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    In this paper, mathematical analysis supported by computer simulation is used to investigate the impact of both system and propagation loss parameters on the performance of cellular wireless network operating at microwave carrier frequencies greater than 2 GHz, where multiple tier of co-channel interfering cells are considered to be active. The two-slope path loss model and the uplink information capacity of the cellular network is used for the performance analysis. Results show that for carrier frequencies greater than 2 GHz and smaller cell radius multiple tier of co-channel interfering cells become active as compared to carrier frequencies lesser than 2 GHz. The multiple tier of co-channel interfering cells, leads to a decrease in the information capacity of the cellular wireless network. The results also show that the system performance is sensitive to most of the propagation model parameters such as the basic and extra path loss exponent

    Hubungan Disiplin dengan Tanggung Jawab Belajar Siswa

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    This study aimed to learn discipline and responsibility, as well as how to discipline relations with the responsibilities of student learning. This type of research is descriptive correlation with a quantitative approach. Collecting data using a questionnaire with fourth grade students object Cluster III District of Ngimbang Lamongan. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis. The results of data analysis known to most students have the discipline and sense of responsibility of higher learning, correlation values obtained Perason rhitung of 0.823 with significance value = 0.000. rtabel with degrees of freedom (df = 90) for α = 0.05 value obtained 0.205. The next step to do a comparison, where the value is greater than rtabel rhitung (0.823> 0.205), and in addition the significant value gained less than α = 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) so that it can be concluded, and there is a relationship of discipline with responsibility learn.Tujuan penelitian mengetahui kedisiplinan dan tanggung jawab belajar, serta bagaimana hubungan disiplin dengan tanggung jawab belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dengan objek siswa kelas IV SD Gugus III Kecamatan Ngimbang Kabupaten Lamongan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis korelasi pearson. Hasil analisis data diketahui sebagian besar siswa memiliki disiplin dan rasa tanggung jawab belajar tinggi, uji korelasi Perasondidapatkan nilai rhitung sebesar 0,823 dengan nilai Signifikansi = 0,000. rtabel dengan derajat bebas (df=90) untuk α = 0,05 didapatkan nilai 0,205. Langkah selanjutnya dilakukan perbandingan, di mana nilai rhitung lebihbesar daripada rtabel (0,823 > 0,205), dan selain itu nilai signifikansi yang diperoleh kurang dari α = 0,05 (0,000 < 0,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkanserta terdapat hubungan disiplin dengan tanggung jawab belajar

    Model Kebijakan Penanggulangan Korupsi di Universitas Negeri YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebijakan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta dalam menanggulangi korupsi dan menemukan model kebijakan yang diinginkan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta dalam menanggulangi korupsi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Sampel penelitian ditentukan secara multy stage sampling dengan teknik pengumpulan data dengan angket, dokumen dan diperkuat dengan pengumpulan data melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD), dan validasi instrumen melalui validitas isi (content validity). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan penanggulangan korupsi di UNY tidak ada secara khusus dikeluarkan. Kebijakan yang ada mengikuti dan mempertahankan kebijakan yang lebih tinggi, yaitu dari Pemerintah. Model kebijakan penangggulangan korupsi di UNY yang digunakan adalah Model Rasional, yaitu kebijakan penanggulangan korupsi yang dikeluarkan merupakan aspirasi semua staf yang ada di unit kerja dan harus menekankan pada aspek efisiensi atas beban kerja pada unit kerja yang bersangkutan. Adapun kebijakan yang sudah ada yang berasal dari Pemerintah pusat dijadikan pedoman

    Metode analisis kombinasi deteksi tepi studi kasus citra reog Kabupaten Ponorogo

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    Image processing is now badly needed, especially in analyzing the level of doubt in the decision-making of an object / image. In decision-making, it is necessary to apply edge detection method. Today, a lot of edge detection methods can be used to conduct some analysis. Based on these issues, the writer tries to analyze the performance of edge detection by combining the already existing method. By the use of the combination of methods, it is expected that an edge detection method can be gained to serve as an alternative method. This case study was performed on the image of Reog of Ponorogo

    Perencanaan pembuatan web sistem informasi penjualan online berbasis Asp

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    Marketing always becomes an obstacle for a company. The problem lies on high expenses spent to promate a product or things which could include a brand area and unlimeted time to reach omzet. The research on handphone company " Jaguar Cell" shows that the company has handphone products including the accessories. The company, however, faces a problem to sell its products. So far, the selling is conducted by displaying the handpone products. The objective of the research is to offter some solution on the problem, that is, a broader marketing for the handphone products and the accessories. By using internet service which applies on-line selling, hopefully, the selling would inrease due to the broader area of marketing coverage. With the broader coverage of information technology which grows rapidly nowadays, it is possible that marketing could be done in unlimited place and time

    Perancangan e-learning dengan menggunakan Learning Management System (LMS)

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    E-learning is a method of learning currently being developed at several universities in Indonesia. By making use of electronic and computer as its medium, e-learning provides an innovation that greatly contributes to changes in teaching and learning processes in which learners no longer listen merely to the description of material provided by lecturers, but e-learning may also become a simulation, multimedia, or direct and indirect interaction with the lecturers. The supporting infrastructure of e-learning at Catholic University of Widya Mandala Madiun can be used to build a web portal for e-learning. The students who have their own laptops connected to the campus hotspot webs are about 200 in number. It is a good step to start building e-learning at the campus. In this planning process, the software used is open source. Linux ubuntu is used for operating system server, while xampp is used to build web server and Dokeos is used for its e-learning application

    Analisis kepuasan pengunjung website Universitas dengan pendekatan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) (studi kasus Unika Widya Mandala Madiun)

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    Website is a good medium for effective promotion; sending and receiving information can be done very quickly. Correct and accurate information will have an impact on society, namely increasing public trust. Quality analysis of website usage was applied to measure the level of user satisfaction with the information and services needed. This study analyzed the amount of users’ satisfaction with university websites using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) approach. The recommendation of the IPA results is to prioritize maintaining the quality of information and services

    Total Asam, Total Yeast, Dan Profil Protein Kefir Susu Kambing Dengan Penambahan Jenis Dan Konsentrasi Gula Yang Berbeda

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    Research goat milk kefir with the addition of the type and concentration of sugar in different level have been conducted in order to analyze the effect and interaction of the two treatments on total acid, total yeast and protein profile of goat milk kefir. The experimental design was used the completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern consisting of 2 (two) factors, the first factor (A) is a type of sugar consists of 3 (three) types of treatment (white sugar, brown sugar and D-Psicose) and The second factor (B) is the concentration of sugar consists of 3 (three) standard treatment (4%, 6%, and 8%), each treatment performed repetitions for 3 (three) times. Data results of total acid and total yeast were analyzed using analysis of variance to determine the effect and treatment interaction, while data from the protein profiles was used descriptive analysis. If there is a significant effect of treatment, therefore, continued by Duncan's test Dual region to determine differences among treatments. The results showed that the treatment of sugar (granulated sugar, brown sugar, and D-Psicose), concentration (4%, 6%, and 8%) and the interaction between the two treatments has the affect significantly (p <0.05) to total acid and total goat milk kefir yeast. Types of proteins and the molecular weight of goat milk kefir with the addition of different types and concentrations of the lactoferrin (80kDa), Laktoferoksidase (70kDa), α-Casein (65kDa), and β-casein (45kDa)
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