6 research outputs found

    ClinEEG_SupplementalTables_revised – Supplemental material for Evaluating the Contribution of EEG Power Profiles to Characterize and Discriminate Posttraumatic Stress Symptom Factors in a Combat-Exposed Population

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    <p>Supplemental material, ClinEEG_SupplementalTables_revised for Evaluating the Contribution of EEG Power Profiles to Characterize and Discriminate Posttraumatic Stress Symptom Factors in a Combat-Exposed Population by Christina M. Sheerin, Laura M. Franke, Steven H. Aggen, Ananda B. Amstadter and William C. Walker in Clinical EEG and Neuroscience</p

    Supplemental_Figure_1 – Supplemental material for Evaluating the Contribution of EEG Power Profiles to Characterize and Discriminate Posttraumatic Stress Symptom Factors in a Combat-Exposed Population

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    <p>Supplemental material, Supplemental_Figure_1 for Evaluating the Contribution of EEG Power Profiles to Characterize and Discriminate Posttraumatic Stress Symptom Factors in a Combat-Exposed Population by Christina M. Sheerin, Laura M. Franke, Steven H. Aggen, Ananda B. Amstadter and William C. Walker in Clinical EEG and Neuroscience</p

    MN frequencies for discordant MZ twin pairs and age-matched controls.

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    <p>The mean level is indicated by a horizontal bar for controls (mean [SD] 14.2 [9.4]), CSA nonexposed (14.9 [5.6]) and CSA exposed (22.0 [11.3]) twins. CSA exposure status was significant in this combined sample (<i>P</i><0.001), while there was no indication of an additional effect attributable to the familial environment (<i>P = </i>0.406) based on results from generalized mixed-effect models.</p

    Relationship between MN frequency and age for CSA exposed and nonexposed twins.

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    <p>A significant interaction effect was observed (coefficient [SE] = 0.030 [0.009], <i>P</i> = 0.0006) with the MN level in CSA exposed twins increasing with age while the MN level remained constant across the limited age range evaluated in CSA nonexposed twins.</p

    Lifestyle characteristics and adult psychiatric and substance use disorders in CSA discordant MZ twin pairs.

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    1<p>indicates pairs discordant for CSA and item where the exposed twin was positive for the item (n<sub>21</sub>).</p>2<p>indicates pairs discordant for CSA and item where the nonexposed twin was positive for the item (n<sub>12</sub>).</p>3<p>odds ratio for twin pairs doubly discordant for CSA and item (n<sub>21</sub>/n<sub>12</sub>).</p>4<p>prescription and non-prescription use for more than 1 year excluding birth control.</p><p>+/− ∞, value is positive/negative and infinite due to a null value in at least one category.</p>*<p>two-sided P value from exact binomial test.</p

    Relation between coping and posttrauma cognitions on PTSD in a combat-trauma population

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    <p>Individual differences in cognitive processes and coping behaviors play a role in the development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Given the large numbers of combat-exposed service members returning from the Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), and Operation New Dawn (OND) conflicts, exploring individual differences in cognitive-affective processes is important for informing our understanding of PTSD etiology and early intervention in military samples. The present study examined the unique main and interactive effects of negative posttrauma cognitions (i.e., negative beliefs about self [NS], the world [NW], and self-blame [SB]) and coping strategies (i.e., positive behavioral, positive cognitive, avoidant coping, and social and emotional coping) on PTSD diagnosis within 155 (<i>M<sub>age</sub> </i>= 30.7, <i>SD</i> = 4.48) OEF/OIF/OND combat trauma-exposed Veterans recruited from an ongoing study examining the effects of combat trauma and stress reactivity. In the final, stepwise logistic regression analysis, avoidant coping, but no other coping strategy, was significantly positively related to PTSD diagnosis in the initial step. Higher levels of NS, but not NW, were significantly associated with having a PTSD diagnosis, whereas SB was associated with decreased likelihood of PTSD, above and beyond coping strategies. A significant interaction effect was found between NS and positive cognitive coping, such that greater positive cognitive coping weakened the relationship between NS and PTSD. Examining and addressing coping behaviors and negative thoughts of self jointly may benefit assessment and intervention approaches in a combat-trauma population.</p