713 research outputs found

    MDAS_DBRCC: Data Backup and Recovery Technique in Cloud Computing for Education Industry

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    Cloud computing also offers several services to its clients in departments such as education, healthcare, military, government, and sports. The storage of each service, which keeps a huge amount of electronic data in a cloud database, is one of the services provided by cloud infrastructure. In the main cloud, this type computes massive amounts of private data. As a result, information retrieval solutions that are both effective and efficient are required. When the server deletes the lost data and cannot transmit any information to the client, the recovery method's main goal is to assist the user in collecting data from each server backup. Users can benefit from cloud computing by storing data, accessing data from anywhere, and retrieving data at any time. As data on the cloud is generated at such a quick rate, speed is one of the most important aspects of cloud computing. It's simple to save files in the cloud and then retrieve it again. However, the difficult problem is to safely store and retrieve data from the cloud. We suggested a way for securely storing data in the cloud utilizing encryption and decryption methods in this work. We also employed a compression module to compress data before putting it in the cloud


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    Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive and fatal cancer of the brain. It is characterized with augmented morbidity and elusion to therapies due in part to the incessant infiltration and spread of tumor cells in normal brain. We investigated the function of Matrix metalloproteinase-1, an important enzyme noted to be responsible for invasion in other cancers, in GBM and its regulation by epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling. Previous studies from our laboratory demonstrated elevated levels of MMP-1 in GBM. Further studies indicated the involvement of MMP-1 in GBM invasion. The GBM cell lines T98G, U251MG and U87MG were used for this study. In T98G cell lines, inhibition of MMP-1 by siRNA significantly suppressed basal in vitro invasion without impacting cell viability. The over-expression of MMP-1 was accomplished in U251MG and U87MG using the mammalian expression vector, pIRES, encoding full length MMP-1 cDNA. The MMP-1 over-expressing U251MG and U87MG cells exhibited significantly enhanced invasion in vitro with no modification in the cell proliferation rates. A majority of GBM patients present defective EGFR signaling due to over-expression, amplification or mutation in the receptor. MMP-1 is known to be up-regulated by various stimulatory agents including growth factors. We examined the regulation of MMP-1 by EGFR activation and observed the induction of MMP-1 after EGF treatment. Inhibition of the receptor by pharmaceutic inhibitor treatment and genetic approaches led to reduction in MMP-1 levels. We also observed that this regulation is primarily mediated by the downstream MAPK pathway. Inhibition of MAPK and not PI3K pathway resulted in diminished MMP-1 protein levels even in the presence of EGF. These studies demonstrate the importance of the EGFR-MAPK signaling pathway in the induction of MMP-1 in glioma cell lines. In addition, MMP-1 plays a role in glioma cell invasion in vitro. These results along with the reports of MMP-1 over-expression in GBM warrant future studies examining the function of MMP-1 in vivo

    Anxiety among people living with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral treatment attending tertiary care hospitals in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Background: One of the major health challenges faced by India is the rapid growth of HIV/AIDS and its impact upon human life. Co-morbidities like anxiety are often overlooked while providing ART services to HIV/AIDS patients. Therefore the present study was conducted to assess the anxiety and associated factors among PLHA (People Living with HIV/AIDS) on antiretroviral treatment attending tertiary care hospitals in Lucknow.Methods: Hospital‑based cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2013 to March 2014 among 170 patients on treatment attending antiretroviral therapy (ART) centre of two tertiary care hospitals of Lucknow. Systematic random sampling was used to recruit patients. The anxiety level of all included patients was scored as per Hamilton anxiety rating scale. Results: The mean HAM-A score of 179 patients was 10.74±6.04. Majority (92.1%) of the patients had HAM-A score less than 17 indicating mild severity, 5.0% of the patient had mild to moderate severity while only 2.7% had moderate to severe level of anxiety symptoms. None of the patient had very severe level of anxiety. Significant association was found between level of anxiety symptoms with educational status (0.03), perception of side-effects during last one month (0.03) and duration of treatment (0.04).Conclusions: People living with HIV/AIDS need to be periodically educated and informed about various issues associated with the disease severity and antiretroviral treatment along with its side-effects so that they could better cope with disease and its treatment outcomes over time and be able to seek early treatment accordingly.

    Tuberous sclerosis in pregnancy: a rare genetic disease requiring multidisciplinary approach in pregnancy

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multisystemic, autosomal dominant genetic disorder with complete penetrance, that can evolve with hamartomas in multiple organs, such as skin, central nervous system, kidney and lung. Penetrance in genetics is the proportion of individuals carrying a particular variant (or allele) of a gene (the genotype) that also express an associated trait (the phenotype). Due to the wide phenotypic variability in TSC, the disease is often not recognized. The diagnostic criteria for tuberous sclerosis were reviewed in 2012, at the second International tuberous sclerosis complex consensus conference. The diagnosis is based on genetic criteria, by the identification of inactivating pathogenic mutation of tumour suppressor genes TSC1 and TSC2, and clinical criteria, including cutaneous, renal, pulmonary, cardiac and neurological manifestations. Authors present with a rare case report of a patient with TSC presenting at term

    Household symptomatic contact screening of sputum smear positive tuberculosis patients at the DOTS clinic of SGT hospital, Gurugram

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    Background:  Contact screening was conducted under ICMR (REFERENCE ID: 2019-07811) programme in villages near SGT hospital, Gurugram.  Objective:  To evaluate risk factors, extent of spread of tuberculosis among household contacts of tuberculosis cases and to create awareness. Methods and Material: Address of TB cases were taken from RNTCP register at DOTS clinic, SGT medical college. Then all household contacts of positive cases were screened, counselled and advised to approach ASHA Workers if such symptoms appear. Data was analysed using appropriate statistical methods. Results:21 Index cases along with 94 household contacts were screened. 61.90% families still use chullahs for cooking. 76.1% families have overcrowding. 3) 61.90% families had inadequate ventilation 4) 19.05%families were aware about the spread of this disease. 5)Only 23.80% families practised adequate sanitation methods and precautions6) 42.8% Index cases had a history of smoking. 7) 44.4% 4 continue to smoke with infection. The association of adequate sanitation with presence of awareness was found to be statistically significant. (p-value<0.05). Other factors were not significantly associated with level of awareness regarding prevention of tuberculosis spread among study participants. Conclusions: Contact screening is an effective tool and it gives the real-time picture of TB in India

    Superconductivity in SmFe1-xCoxAsO (x = 0.0 to 0.30)

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    We report synthesis, structural details and magnetization of SmFe1-xCoxAsO with x ranging from 0.0 to 0.30. It is found that Co substitutes fully at Fe site in SmFeAsO in an iso-structural lattice with slightly compressed cell. The parent compound exhibited known spin density wave (SDW) character below at around 140 K. Successive doping of Co at Fe site suppressed the SDW transition for x = 0.05 and later induced superconductivity for x = 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 respectively at 14, 15.5 and 9K. The lower critical field as seen from magnetization measurements is below 200Oe. The appearance of bulk superconductivity is established by wide open isothermal magnetization M(H) loops. Superconductivity is not observed for higher content of Co i.e. x = 0.30. Clearly the Co substitution at Fe site in SmFe1-xCoxAsO diminishes the Fe SDW character, introduces bulk superconductivity for x between 0.10 and 0.20 and finally becomes non-superconducting for x above 0.20. The Fe2+ site Co3+ substitution injects mobile electrons to the system and superconductivity appears, however direct substitution introduces simultaneous disorder in superconducting FeAs layer and thus superconductivity disappears for higher content of Co.Comment: 14 Pages Text + Figs comments ([email protected]
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